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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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naal blow
blow nose
S-d-naal~ (Ø act) for S to blow one's nose
oox (3) blow, blow up
blow up, inflate
O-ka-S-ø-.oox~ (Ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to blow up, inflate O
blow on it
O-S-l-.óox (ga act) for S to blow on O
blow out (light)
O-ya-ka-S-l-.óox (ga event) for S to blow O (light, candle, match, etc.) out
s'ees (2) blow
blown (be blown by wind) VII
P-t ka-l-s'ées~ (na motion) for an object to be blown around in the wind at P
blow around; sail
P-t O-l-s'ees~ (na motion) for O to be blown around at P (by wind), to sail
xeex (19) run (singular subject), fall, drop, rise, end, happen, blow
fall on it (of small, compact object) IX
ø-xeex~ (g̲a motion) for an object (usually small, compact) to fall
fall, drop through it IX
P-náx̲ ka-ø-xeex~ (g̲a motion) for something (usually a round object) to fall, drop through P
hit it, fall against it, drop into it (esp. round object)
P-t~ ka-ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for something (usually a round , spherical object such as a bullet, ball) to hit, fall against, drop into P
blow there (esp. of strong wind) II
P-t~ ø-xeex~ (Ø motion) for a strong wind to blow at P
fall, drop on it; hit it (of bullet); spread, go around (of rumor or news)
P-t~ ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for something to fall or drop on P; for a bullet to hit P; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at P
fall around (esp. of object inside container); wobbly VII
P-t ø-xeex~ (na motion) for something to fall around at P (esp. inside a container)
run (singular subject) II
P-t~ S-j-xeex~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to run to P, arrive at P by running
move through the sky (sun, moon); fall, drop (of small object) I
daak ø-xeex~ (Ø motion) for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop
run out of something
N jeet~ shu-ø-xeex~ (ø event) for N to run out of something
stuck in one's throat; choke
N leitóox̲-t~ ø-xeex (Ø motion) for something to be stuck in N's throat; for N to choke on something
worry him/her
N tóot ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to worry N; for N to have something constantly on the mind
run (singular subject) III
g̲unéi S-j-xeex~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to begin running
rise (of sun or moon)
kei ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for the sun, moon to rise
run (singular subject) VIII
k̲ut S-j-xeex~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to run away
end; used up
shu-ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to end, come to an end, pass; for something to be used up (of supplies, etc.)
run (singular subject) VII
P-dé S-j-xeex~ (na motion) for (singular) S to run toward P
happen, occur, take place
ya-ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to take place, occur, happen
set (of sun, moon)
yínde ø-xeex~ (na motion) for the sun, moon to set
blow (esp. of strong wind) VII
ø-xeex~ (na motion) for the wind to blow
oox (3) blow, blow up
blow up, inflate
O-ka-S-ø-.oox~ (Ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to blow up, inflate O
blow on it
O-S-l-.óox (ga act) for S to blow on O
blow out (light)
O-ya-ka-S-l-.óox (ga event) for S to blow O (light, candle, match, etc.) out
took2 explode, blow up
explode, blow up
kei sh-tóok~ (ø event) for something to explode, blow up
g̲eel blunt, dull
dull, blunt
ya-d-g̲éel~ (ø event) for an edge to be blunt, dull
ook (2) boil, tumble, advance, fill
boil it
O-S-l-.ook~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to boil O (esp. water)
d-l-.óok~ (ø event; CV́C Hort/Pot) for something to boil
ootl boil
boil fish
O-S-sh-.óotl~ (Ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to boil O (fish)
taaʰ3 boil, steam
steam it; boil it
O-S-s-taaʰ~ (ø act) for S to boil, steam O (food, esp. meat)

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