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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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woox̲' wide, broad
wide; broad
ø-wúx̲' (ga state) for something to be wide, broad
tseek cook, barbecue, broil
barbecue it; broil it
O-S-l-tseek~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to broil O slowly, cook O directly over live coals, barbecue
yeis' discolored, colored, bruised
bruised; discolored; colored
O-ka-d-yéis'~ (ø event) for O to be colored, discolored, bruised
yeix̲1 (3) build, use, whittle
whittle it; make kindling
O-ka-S-ø-yeix̲~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to whittle O, for S to make O (kindling)
use it for it; make it into it
P-x̲ O-S-l-yeix̲~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to use O for P; for S to make O into P
build it; make it; construct it
O-S-l-yeix̲~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to build O; for S to make, construct O
gaan1 (5) burn, shine, light
burn, catch alight; for a light to be on
P-t~ a-ka-ø-gaan~ (ø motion) for P (light) to be on; for P (fire) to burn, catch alight
light; set fire to; cause to shine; turn on (light)
P-t~ a-ka-S-l-gaan~ (Ø motion) for S to light, set fire to, cause P to shine; for S to turn P on (light)
shine (of sun)
a-d-gaan~ (g̲a event) for the sun to shine
shine, be bright; produce light by burning
ka-d-gáan~ (ø event) for something to shine, produce light by burning
burn it up
kei O-S-s-gaan~ (ø motion) for S to burn O up
x̲'eix̲' (2) burn, scald
burn him/her/it (flesh, skin); scald it
O-S-l-x̲'éix̲'~ (ø event) for S to burn O (flesh, skin); for S to scald O
O-d-x̲'éex̲'~ (ø event) for O to be burned (of flesh, skin), become shriveled and brittle through burning
tsaa burp
burp, belch
a-S-d-l-tsaa~ (na act) for S to burp, belch
naa1 (3) inherit, die, bury
inherit, receive property at the death of someone
O-S-ø-naa~ (Ø event) for S to inherit O
bury with appropriate ceremonial, give burial to and disperse property
O-S-s-naa~ (na event) for S to bury O with appropriate ceremonial; for S to give O burial and disperse property
O-ø-naa~ (na event) for O to die
teeʰ1 (13) be, born, care, think, need, busy, want, feel
care about it; think about it, consider it; have an opinion about it
N daa O-tu-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to care about N; for O to think about, consider N; for O to have an opinion about N
need, lack, require it
N eetéenáx̲ O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to need, lack, require N
like, similar to him/her/it
N yáx̲ O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be like, similar to N
N daat át k̲u-d-s-teeʰ~ (g̲a state) for N to be busy, occupied with things
appear before him/her; apparent to him/her
N wak̲shiyeex' yéi O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to appear to N; for O to be apparent to N
born; exist; live
O-k̲u-d-s-teeʰ~ (g̲a state) for O to be, be in existence, live; for O to be born
grateful, thankful, satisfied
sh tóog̲aa O-d-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be grateful, thankful, satisfied
still, quiet; stop functioning
tleiyéi yéi O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be still, quiet; for O to stop (car, clock, e.g.)
be (for the weather to be a certain way)
(yéi) k̲u-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for the weather to be (that way)
feel like doing, want to do; feel that way
(yéi) O-tu-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to want to do, feel like doing (that); for O to feel a certain way
be (a certain way)
(yéi) O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be (that way)
be, stay, remain there; live, dwell there
N-x' yéi O-ø-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be, stay, remain at N; for O to dwell, live at N
be, become
P-x̲ O-s-teeʰ~ (na state) for O to be P (a member of a group); for O to become P
oo2 (2) buy
buy it
O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to buy O
buy it (round, spherical object)
O-ka-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to buy O (usually round, spherical object)

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