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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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taan (29) think, feel, give, take, carry, cover, bend, habit, end, rain, snow, speak, rough, rely
think over, consider, make up one's mind about (singular subject)
N daa yoo tu-S-ø-taan~ (ø act) for (singular) S to think over, consider, make up one's mind about N
change one's mind; think it over and reconsider, be converted (singular subject)
N daatx̲ k̲ux̲ tu-S-d-taan~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to change mind about N; for (singular) S to think over and reconsider N
wash over it (of waves) V
N kanax̲ ji-ya-s-taan~ (Ø motion; CV́C Hort/Pot) for waves to wash over N
cover it (esp. pot) with something
at S-ø-taan~ (g̲a event) for S to cover (esp. pot, etc.), put on lid
carry it, take it (container or hollow object) VIII
O-S-ø-taan~ (ga motion) for S to carry, take O (usually a container or hollow object)
bend it (long, simple object)
O-ka-S-taan~ (na event) for S to bend O (usually long, simple object) over
like to do it; in the habit of doing it
O-ka-u-S-sh-tán (ga state) for S to be in habit of doing O; for S to do O frequently because S enjoys doing it
carry it, take it (container or hollow object) II
P-t~ O-S-ø-taan~ (ø motion) for S to carry, take O (usually a hollow object) to P
extend to it; end there
P-t shu-ka-ø-tán (position) for something to extend to, end at P
sit there (of container or hollow object)
P-t ø-tán (position) for a container or hollow object to sit at P
precipitate (rain, snow, etc)
daak s-taan~ (ø event) for rain, snow to fall
speak, talk to him/her (singular subject)
N ée-t~ x̲'a-S-ø-taan~ (ø motion) for S to speak, talk to N
call him/her on the phone VII
N jeedé x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (na motion) for (singular) S to call N on telephone
give, take, hand it to him/her (long, complex object)
N jee-t~ O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand O (usually long, complex object) to N
call him/her on the phone II
N jee-t~ x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (ø motion) for S to call N on telephone
put trust in, rely on, have faith in
N káa yan tu-S-ø-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to put trust in, rely on, have faith in N
rough (of ocean)
ji-s-taan~ (na event) for the ocean to be rough
bring it out, unearth it; pick it up (usually long, complex object)
kei O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to bring out, unearth O (usually long, complex object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O
raise one's hand I
kei ji-S-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to raise a hand
speak, talk, make speech (singular subject)
x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (na event) for (singular) S to speak, talk, make a speech
put it down (small, stick-like object)
yan O-ka-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (usually quite small, stick-like object)
put it down, leave it (long, complex object)
yan O-S-s-taan~ (ø motion) for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (usually long, complex object)
hit, reach the beach (of waves)
yan ji-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for waves to hit, reach the beach
lower one's hand
yan~ ji-S-s-taan~ (Ø motion) for S to lower a hand
stop speaking, stop talking (singular subject) II
yan~ x̲'a-S-d-taan~ (Ø motion) for (singular) S to stop talking
yóo ka-ø-tán (position) for something to be bent
speak to, talk to (singular subject)
yoo x̲'a-S-ø-taan~ (ø act) for (singular) S to speak to, talk to
bend over, lean down (singular subject)
yínde sh ka-S-d-taan~ (na motion) for (singular) S to bend over, lean down
decide, make up one's mind; feel, think (a certain way)
(yéi) tu-S-d-taan~ (na event) for (singular) S to decide, make up one's mind (that way)
x̲aaw hairy
N daa-d-s-x̲áaw (ga state) for N to have a hairy body
naak̲2 (3) let go, release, leave, desert, hand over
let go of, release him/her/it; leave, desert him/her/it; hand him/her/it over
O-ji-S-ø-naak̲~ (ø event) for S to let go, release, relinquish O; for S to leave, desert O; for S to hand over, deliver up O
quit, give up (esp. drinking)
O-x̲'a-S-ø-naak̲~ (Ø event) for S to quit, give up O (esp. drinking)
quit, stop work
ji-S-d-naak̲~ (Ø event) for S to quit, stop work
neiʰ (16) give, take, show, happen, fix, ready, finish, dress up, do, work
carry them, take them (plural objects) IX
P-dáx̲ yéi O-S-s-neiʰ~ (ga motion) for S to pick up, lift up, take (plural) O (objects) up off of P
discipline, restrain, restrict, warn not to do, prevent from doing
O-ya-u-S-ø-nei~ (g̲a act) for S to discipline, restrain, restrict, warn or prevent O from doing something
get revenge, get even with him/her
chush yáa O-S-d-s-neiʰ~ (na event) for S to get revenge, get even with O
give, take, hand them to him/her (of plural objects)
N jee-t~ yéi O-S-s-neiʰ~ (ø motion) for S to give, take, hand (plural) O to N
demonstrate, show how to do it; perform it
N wak̲shiyeex' yéi O-S-s-neiʰ~ (na event) for S to demonstrate, perform publicly, show N how to do O by action
accident (have an accident); get hurt; happen (something bad to him/her)
k̲áakw-t~ O-ø-neiʰ~ (ø motion) for O to have an accident, get hurt; for something bad to happen to O
straighten it out; smooth it over
wooch yáx̲ O-S-s-neiʰ~ (na event) for S to straighten out O, smooth O over (literal or abstract)
finish it
yan~ O-S-s-neiʰ~ (ø motion) for S to finish, complete O
dressed up
yan~ sh S-d-s-neiʰ~ (ø event) for S to dress up
ready, complete, finished; permanent
yan~ O-ø-neiʰ~ (ø motion) for O to be permanent, happen for good; for O to be finished, complete, ready; for O to be prepared, ready
put them down, leave them (plural round, spherical objects)
yan~ yéi O-ka-S-s-neiʰ~ (ø motion) for S to put down, leave O (plural round objects)
work on it; do it
(yéi) O-daa-S-ø-neiʰ~ (na act) for S to do, perform O (a particular action); for S to work on O
(yéi) at ø-neiʰ (na event) for something to happen
fix it; cause that to happen to it; do that to it
(yéi) O-S-s-neiʰ~ (na event) for S to do (that) to O; for S to fix, cause (that) to happen to O
work; do
yéi ji-S-ø-neiʰ~ (na act) for S to work; for S to do
happen, occur to him/her/it
(yéi) O-ø-neiʰ (na event) for (that) to happen, occur to O
xeex (19) run (singular subject), fall, drop, rise, end, happen, blow
fall on it (of small, compact object) IX
ø-xeex~ (g̲a motion) for an object (usually small, compact) to fall
fall, drop through it IX
P-náx̲ ka-ø-xeex~ (g̲a motion) for something (usually a round object) to fall, drop through P
hit it, fall against it, drop into it (esp. round object)
P-t~ ka-ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for something (usually a round , spherical object such as a bullet, ball) to hit, fall against, drop into P
blow there (esp. of strong wind) II
P-t~ ø-xeex~ (Ø motion) for a strong wind to blow at P
fall, drop on it; hit it (of bullet); spread, go around (of rumor or news)
P-t~ ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for something to fall or drop on P; for a bullet to hit P; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at P
fall around (esp. of object inside container); wobbly VII
P-t ø-xeex~ (na motion) for something to fall around at P (esp. inside a container)
run (singular subject) II
P-t~ S-j-xeex~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to run to P, arrive at P by running
move through the sky (sun, moon); fall, drop (of small object) I
daak ø-xeex~ (Ø motion) for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop
run out of something
N jeet~ shu-ø-xeex~ (ø event) for N to run out of something
stuck in one's throat; choke
N leitóox̲-t~ ø-xeex (Ø motion) for something to be stuck in N's throat; for N to choke on something
worry him/her
N tóot ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to worry N; for N to have something constantly on the mind
run (singular subject) III
g̲unéi S-j-xeex~ (ø motion) for (singular) S to begin running
rise (of sun or moon)
kei ø-xeex~ (ø motion) for the sun, moon to rise
run (singular subject) VIII
k̲ut S-j-xeex~ (ga motion) for (singular) S to run away
end; used up
shu-ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to end, come to an end, pass; for something to be used up (of supplies, etc.)
run (singular subject) VII
P-dé S-j-xeex~ (na motion) for (singular) S to run toward P
happen, occur, take place
ya-ø-xeex~ (na event) for something to take place, occur, happen
set (of sun, moon)
yínde ø-xeex~ (na motion) for the sun, moon to set
blow (esp. of strong wind) VII
ø-xeex~ (na motion) for the wind to blow
goo1 (3) happy, want, like, fun
happy, glad
N toowú s-góo (ga state) for N to be happy, glad
want, like
N tuwáa S-s-góo (ga state) for N to want, like, desire S; for S to be pleasing to N
unhappy, lonesome
tlél O-tu-sh-góo (ga state) for O to be unhappy, lonesome
t'eex' (4) hard
harden, cake up
ka-ø-t'éex' (ga state) for something to harden, cake up
hard (esp. of round object)
ka-s-t'éex' (ga state) for something to be hard (esp. of round object)
difficult, hard (in abstract)
ø-t'éex' (ga state) for something to be hard (abstract), difficult
freeze, frozen; harden; solidify
d-l-t'éex'~ (ø event) for something to harden, solidify; for something to freeze
k'aan hate
hate him/her/it
O-S-sh-k'aan~ (ga state) for S to hate O
haa (14) dig, gather, time for it, hungry, obvious, want, remind, polish, injure, crowded, plant, have a turn
polish, rub until shiny
N daatx̲ k̲u-ka-S-s-haa~ (na act) for S to polish N; for S to rub N until shiny
remind, cause to remember, bring to mind
N káa daak O-sa-S-l-haa~ (Ø event; CV́V Hort/Pot) for S to remind O about N
garden; dig
a-ka-S-ø-haa~ (na act) for S to garden, dig
plant it (using spade); dig it
O-ka-S-ø-haa~ (na act) for S to plant O
crowd, crowded, gather VII
P-t~ O-ya-d-haa~ (Ø motion) for O to move in, come around, crowd at P (of large numbers, esp. people, birds)
time for it
P-t~ k̲u-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for the time to come for P
gather it; pick it up; take it up
O-ya-S-s-haa~ (ø act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to gather up, pick up, take up O
have a turn
N ée-t~ k̲u-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for N to have a turn
hungry (make him/her hungry)
N ée-t~ yaan-->O-S-s-haa~ (Ø motion) for S to make N hungry
N ée-t~ yaan ø-haa~ (ø motion) for N to be hungry
dig it up
kei O-ka-S-ø-haa~ (ø motion) for S to dig O up
injure oneself
sh tóo a-sha-S-d-l-háa (Ø event) for S to injure oneself
obvious; clearly visible
tlél ga-u-ø-háa (ga state) for something to be obvious, clearly visible
want (often with strong feeling); decide, be decided about, intend to; agree to, be willing to
(yéi) O-sa-S-ø-haa~ (na state) for S to want O (a certain way); for S to be decided about O; for S to agree to O
neix̲ (2) save, heal, cure
save him/her/it; heal, cure him/her/it
O-S-s-neix̲ (g̲a event) for S to save O; for S to heal, cure O
saved, healed, cured, recovered; satisfied
O-ø-neix̲~ (g̲a event) for O to be saved; for O to be healed, cured, recover; for O to be satisfied

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