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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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Wooch kanáx wutuda.aadí.
Sh toogáa xat ditee woochxán yéi haa wdateeyí.
Ax toowú ilik'éi.
Gunalchéesh yéi ax toowú yatee ax yátx’i yís.
I kaax gunalchéesh yéi ax toowú yatee.
Gunalchéesh yéi ax toowú yatee.
Du x'éix aawatee.
Aadóo sá i léelk'u hásx sitee?
Haaaáy! I oox átx kei uwaxíx!
Note: The elders say that traditionally, nothing special was said or done when a child lost a tooth, but one elder gave this phrase, which her grandmother used to say to her when she lost a tooth.
Wáa sá i shayeidí tayeedáx yeet'ei?

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