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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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gaan1 (5) burn, shine, light
burn, catch alight; for a light to be on
P-t~ a-ka-ø-gaan~ (ø motion) for P (light) to be on; for P (fire) to burn, catch alight
light; set fire to; cause to shine; turn on (light)
P-t~ a-ka-S-l-gaan~ (Ø motion) for S to light, set fire to, cause P to shine; for S to turn P on (light)
shine (of sun)
a-d-gaan~ (g̲a event) for the sun to shine
shine, be bright; produce light by burning
ka-d-gáan~ (ø event) for something to shine, produce light by burning
burn it up
kei O-S-s-gaan~ (ø motion) for S to burn O up
goo1 (3) happy, want, like, fun
happy, glad
N toowú s-góo (ga state) for N to be happy, glad
want, like
N tuwáa S-s-góo (ga state) for N to want, like, desire S; for S to be pleasing to N
unhappy, lonesome
tlél O-tu-sh-góo (ga state) for O to be unhappy, lonesome
k̲áchk limp
limp, be lame, walk unevenly
O-l-k̲áchk (ga state) for O to limp, be lame, walk unevenly
aax̲1 (9) listen
listen for him/her/it VII
P-g̲aa k̲u-S-s-.aax̲~ (na motion) for S to listen for P
hear it
O-S-ø-.aax̲~ (ø event) for S to hear O
hear him/her/it (usually voice)
sa-S-ø-.aax̲~ (ø event) for S to hear O (a voice, esp. singing)
listen to it
P-t~ S-s-.aax̲~ (ø motion) for S to listen to P
play it (musical instrument)
O-S-l-.aax̲~ (ø act) for S to play O (musical instrument)
understand, comprehend him/her/it; hear him/her/it with understanding
O-x̲'a-S-ø-.aax̲~ (ø event) for S to hear O with understanding; for S to understand, comprehend O
hear it (be able to hear it)
O-S-ø-.áx̲ch (ga state) for S to be able to hear O
listen to him/her (take time to listen)
N x̲'éide k̲u-S-s-.aax̲~ (na motion) for S to (take time to) listen to N
listen to, obey him/her
N x̲'éi-t~ S-s-.aax̲~ (ø motion) for S to listen to, obey, give heed to N
oo1 (10) dress, pregnant, own, put, forgive, wear, give, live, use, angry, frustrate
live (at a place)
k̲u-S-ø-.oo~ (na state) for S to live, live at, dwell permanently
put them, leave them there
P-x' yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to put, leave (plural) O at P
pregnant, have a baby
atk'átsk'u/yát(k') O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to have O (baby), be pregnant with O (baby)
own, possess, have
O-S-ø-.oo (na state) for S to own, possess, have O
forgive, excuse him/her
ch'a aadé yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to forgive, excuse O
dress him/her/it
N náa yéi sha-S-ø-.oo (na act) for S to dress N
frustrate him/her
N toowú x̲'ool yáx̲ O-S-ø-.oo (na state; CV́V Imperfective) for S to frustrate N
get dressed
náa(x') yéi sha-S-d-.oo (na act) for S to get dressed
angry, mean
x'áan a-S-ø-.oo (na state; CV́V Imperfective) for S to be angry, mean
wear it; use it
yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na state) for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O
oos (3) pout, lively, talkative
pout, sulk, refuse to speak; refuse to run (of machine)
tu-S-d-.oos~ (ø event) for S to pout, sulk, refuse to speak; for a machine to refuse to run
noisy; lively; crazy
O-l-.oos (ga state) for O to be crazy, lively, noisy, never still
talkative, talk nonsense, gossipy, noisy
O-x̲'a-l-.oos (ga state) for O to be talkative, talk nonsense, be gossipy, or noisy
g̲eex' (6) donate, load, shoot, lose, throw
donate it; load it (gun); shoot it (basketball)
O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex' (na event) for S to donate O (esp. money); for S to load O (gun), put bullet in; for S to shoot O (basketball)
contribute to it; donate to it; add to it
P-t~ ka-S-d-g̲éex'~ (ø motion) for S to donate, contribute, add to P
contribute, donate
ka-S-d-g̲éex'~ (na event) for S to donate, contribute
throw it up in the air (esp. ball) I
kei O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ø motion) for S to throw O (esp. ball) up in the air
lose it
k̲ut O-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ga motion) for S to lose O
lose it (round, spherical object)
k̲ut O-ka-S-ø-g̲éex'~ (ga motion) for S to lose O (round, spherical object)
teex̲' crooked, wicked, lock, screw, wind
wind it
O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (na event) for S to wind O
teix̲' (3) crooked, wicked, lock, screw, wind
screw it on it II
P-t~ O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (Ø motion) for S to screw O into P
crooked; wicked
O-ka-d-s-téix̲'~ (ø event) for O to be crooked, wicked
lock it
x̲'éi-t~ O-ka-S-l-téex̲'~ (ø event) for S to lock O
teesh lonely
O-l-teesh~ (g̲a event) for O to be lonely

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