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Prepared by Keri Edwards for Goldbelt Heritage Foundation. Project funded by the Administration for Native Americans.

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x̲een (4) fall, spill, open, end
fall, drop on it (of solid, hard object)
N-t~ j-x̲een~ (ø motion) for a hard, solid object to fall, drop
open (be open, of season, show) V
N-x̲'éidáx̲ shu-ya-u-d-sh-x̲een~ (Ø motion) for N (season, show, etc.) to be open
end, close, finish (of season, show, etc.) II
yan~ shu-d-sh-x̲een~ (Ø motion) for a season, show, etc. to come to an end, close, finish
spill (of liquid) III
yax̲ ka-d-sh-x̲een~ (Ø motion)
yeesh (4) cover, pull, open (by pulling), close (by pulling)
pull it (light object) over it; cover it with it IX
N káx̲ O-S-ø-yeesh~ (g̲a motion) for S to pull O (fairly light object) over N; for S to cover N with O
pull it (light object)
P-dáx̲ kei O-S-ø-yeesh~ (ø motion) for S to pull O (a fairly light object) up out of P
pull it down; close it (window) by pulling down IX
P-x̲ O-S-ø-yeesh~ (g̲a motion) for S to pull O down along P; for S to close O (window) by pulling down along P
pull it up; open it (window) by pulling up I
(kínde) kei O-S-ø-yeesh~ (Ø motion) for S to pull O up; for S to open O (window) by pulling up
k̲aa1 (7) ask, charge, confess, order, say, send, tell
instruct him/her; give him/her orders to do
áa O-ji-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to instruct, give O orders (to do)
send him/her on a mission, errand
O-ka-(u)-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to send O (esp. on a mission or errand, or to deliver a message)
confess, acknowledge, declare; charge, set the price, charge for
(N éede) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
insult him/her, offend him/her by what one says
sh tugéit O-ya-S-d-s-k̲aa~ (Ø event) for S to insult, offend O by what one says
tell him/her (a certain thing)
(yéi) O-daa-ya-S-ø-k̲á (act) for S to tell O (a certain thing)
say (a certain thing); confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
(yéi) ya-S-ø-k̲aa~ (na act) for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
tell, say to him/her; ask him/her to do
(yóo) O-ya-S-s-k̲aa~ (na event) for S to tell, say (that) to O; for S to ask O to do (that)
naa3 order, send, command, give
send him/her there; order him/her to go there; give it (in accordance with clan relationship
O-ka-u-S-ø-náa (na act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to order (esp. to go), send, command O; (fig.) for S to give O (esp. in accordance with clan relationship)
woo1 (2) order, send for
order it, send for it
P-g̲áa a-S-ø-woo~ (ø event; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to send for, order P (usually from a catalog)
take food along (lunch, a picnic)
O-S-d-woo~ (Ø event; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to take O (food) along
hein own, claim
own, claim it
O-S-ø-héin (na state) for S to own, claim O (esp. clan property)
oo1 (10) dress, pregnant, own, put, forgive, wear, give, live, use, angry, frustrate
live (at a place)
k̲u-S-ø-.oo~ (na state) for S to live, live at, dwell permanently
put them, leave them there
P-x' yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to put, leave (plural) O at P
pregnant, have a baby
atk'átsk'u/yát(k') O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to have O (baby), be pregnant with O (baby)
own, possess, have
O-S-ø-.oo (na state) for S to own, possess, have O
forgive, excuse him/her
ch'a aadé yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na event) for S to forgive, excuse O
dress him/her/it
N náa yéi sha-S-ø-.oo (na act) for S to dress N
frustrate him/her
N toowú x̲'ool yáx̲ O-S-ø-.oo (na state; CV́V Imperfective) for S to frustrate N
get dressed
náa(x') yéi sha-S-d-.oo (na act) for S to get dressed
angry, mean
x'áan a-S-ø-.oo (na state; CV́V Imperfective) for S to be angry, mean
wear it; use it
yéi O-S-ø-.oo (na state) for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O
chaak pile, pack, stack
pack it; pile up, stack it
O-ka-S-ø-cháak~ (ø act; CV́C Hort/Pot) for S to pile, stack away neatly, pack O (food, clothing, firewood, etc.)
x̲aa2 (4) paddle, transport
paddle, row
a-S-ø-x̲aa~ (ø act; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to paddle, row
transport him/her/it VII
P-t O-ya-S-ø-x̲aa~ (na motion) for S to transport O around P by boat or car
transport him/her/it II
P-t~ O-ya-S-ø-x̲aa~ (ø motion) for S to transport O by boat or car to P; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat or car to P
transport, haul it (by boat or car)
O-ya-S-ø-x̲áax'w (na act) for S to regularly transport, haul O by boat or car
néegwal' paint
paint it
O-S-ø-néegwál' (na act) for S to paint O

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