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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Egg Gitr'athdloy AJ+ES
Denhch'e gitr'athdloy t'ux yedhidlo. AJ+ES There were four eggs in the nest.

Eight Dongan togg AJ+ES lit. Across 3 The fingers of 1 hand with 3 more across them.
Dongan togg łek ist'anh. AJ+ES I have 8 dogs.

Eighteen Niłq'osnal dongan togg viq'idz iy ES+AJ lit. 2 sides across 3 on top of it 2 hands plus the fingers of 1 hand with 3 more across them.

Elbow -ts'its
Vits'its AJ+ES His elbow
Vits'its imo. AJ+ES Her elbow is sore.

Eleven Niłq'osnal giłiggi viq'idz iy. AJ+ES lit. 10 with 1 on top of it
Niłq'osnal giłiggi viq'idz iy ghinixinedhit. AJ+ES It's 11:00.

Empty Giqul AJ+ES lit. None of it
Viye giqul. AJ+ES It's empty. As when there's nothing in the fish net.

End Viloy AJ+ES
Agide viloy. AJ+ES That's the end. As at the end of a story.
Gogide viloy. AJ+ES Here is the end.

Enough Gilixudz iy AJ+ES
Gilixudz iy! AJ+ES That's enough! As when the kids are squabbling.

Dodo AJ+ES Enough, that's all
Dodo iy. ES+AJEnough of that! When you want someone to finish something.

Ermine/weasel Nevay AJ+ES
Nevay itltthonh. AJ+ES I saw a weasel.

Kusga AJ Least weasel, bob-tailed weasel, good luck weasel

YodlenES Least weasel, bob-tailed weasel, good luck weasel lit. Sky mouse Mouse that fell down from the sky.

Even Niłoghot AJ+ES lit. At the same time
Niłoghot dingił'anh iy. AJ+ES Make it even.
Niłoghot q'ondiłqon' ngidisne. AJ+ES I'm telling you sew it even.

Evening Xiłts'in' AJ+ES
Xiłts'in' nixinedhit. AJ+ES Evening has come.
Xiłts'in' ngogh ntaso. AJ I'll go to see you this evening.
Xiłts'in'di ngogh ntaso.ES I'll go to see you this evening.

Every Edi AJ+ES
Edi xiłts'in' tux AJ+ES Every evening
Edi xiłts'in' tux ngogh xiditasoł. AJ I'll go to see you every evening.

Everyone, everything Yuxudz AJ+ES
Yuxudz diduxne. AJ+ES Everyone say it.
Yuxudz xidinuxdał. AJ+ES You all come in.
Che yuxudz didene.HM+RD Say it all again.

Evil Iliy. HM+KH lit. It is scary.
Iliy gag. HM+KH Baneberry Very poisonous. sci. Actaea rubra

Tr'ixet'ixdi HM+ED Evil As in the Lord's Prayer

Excrement Tron' AJ+ES
Łek tron' yedighet'adhan. AJ+ES Don't step in that dog excrement.

Eye Gimaq HM+KH lit. Something's eye
Gimaq chux HM+KH Big eye
Dineg magg chux HM Big moose eye
Dineg maq chuxKH Big moose eye
-naq'a Person's eye
Sinaq'a xidithiq'isr. HM+KHMy eye is red.
-nayed Eyeball
Vinayed AJ+ES His eyeball
Vinayed dił yan'. AJ+ES His eyes are bloodshot. lit. His eyes, blood only

Face -na'
Vina' AJ+ES His face
Ngina' ggusr yan'. AJ+ES Your face is dirty. lit. Your face, dirt only
Ngina' q'an-giłdax.AJ+ES Wash your face.

Ndolningh. AJ+ES It fell down.
Xidltth'it. AJ+ES He fell down.

Fall Xiyts'in' ES lit. Winter-like
Xiyts'in' nonxididhit. HM+ED Fall has come.

Family Yuxudz nts'ida'on AJ+ES lit. All his relations
Yuxudz nts'ida'on yixiyit xididltth'e. AJ+ES All her relations are together there.

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