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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Finger -logheg
Vilogheg AJ+ES His fingers
Silogheg idhist'ith. AJ+ES I cut my finger.
Silogheg izre.AJ+ES My fingers are cold.

Fire Qun' AJ+ES
Qun' ndiniłnax. HM+ED Put out the fire.

Xidingiłq'oyh. AJ Make a fire.
Nixidingiłq'oyh. ESMake a fire.

Fireplace Xididhuqun'di AJ+ES
Xididhuqun'di yix tth'exinedr xidhi'onh. AJ+ES The fireplace is in the middle of the house.

Fireweed Tthediłtl'uxgi HM+ED sci. Epilobium augustifolium
Ginodzets tthediłtl'uxgi qadiłt'a. HM+ED Bumble bees live on fireweed.

Fish Łegg HM+KH
Łegg isonh sogh q'adist'a. AJ+ES I like to eat fish.

Genoq'uth AJ+ES Dried 'flatfish'.
Genoq'uth q'at. AJ+ESI want some dried fish.
Q'osriqAJ+ES Fish, fermented heads and guts
Gila, q'osriq ngihonh. ES+AJ Here, eat fermented fish.
Ginelax, he'? AJ+ES Did the fish come yet? lit. Is it swimming upstream?

Fish camp Sanh qay AJ+ES lit. Summer village
Sanh qay xits'i xitathdatl. AJ+ES They went to fish camp.

Fish eggs Q'en' AJ+ES
Singonh q'en' tiłvatr. AJ+ES My mother will cook fish eggs.

Fish fence Vaxa nonghałtsey. AJ+ES lit. With it the river is fenced.
Agide nonxighałtseyh.Yeah, nonxighałtseyh. Agidet. Agidet. AJ+ES I see they're putting in the fish fence.

Fish rack Tuxdrił AJ+ES
Tuxdrił q'idz xogh goghdelayh. ES She's hanging fish on the rack.
Tuxdrił q'idz dogh goghdelayh. AJ+ES She's hanging fish on the rack.

Fish trap Tidhi'on. AJ+ES lit. It's in the water.
Sito' tidhi'on itltsenh. AJ+ES My father made a fish trap.

Fish wheel Gits'an-ghiliqil. AJ+ES lit. It turns in the current.
Gits'an-ghiliqil ts'antasiqanh. AJ I paddled to the fish wheel.
Gits'an-ghiliqil ts'antasiqał. ES I'll paddle to the fish wheel.

Fit Viye ghałchux iy. AJ+ES lit. Same size
Loggisr vilo' ghałchux. HM+KH The gloves just fit his hands.

Vogh nineneyh iy. AJ+ES You fix it.
Vogh non'isineyh. HM+ED I'm fixing it.
Vogh ntasnek iy. ES I'll fix it.
Vogh ntasneyh iy. AJ I'll fix it.

Flashlight Q'udiluq'oy AJ+ES lit. That which shines
Q'udiluq'oy q'u'e'oyh. AJ+ES He's carrying a flashlight around.

Dithit'its iy ES It's flat.
Viq'i gitr'iłnon q'idz ts'i xithitl'isr. AJ A table is flat on top.
Viq'i gitr'iłnon q'idz xidithit'its. ES A table is flat on top.

Tidlivinh. HM+ED Water is rising.
Dinayix xiq'idlivinh. AJ+ES Our house started to flood.
Ngan' q'idlivinh, yuxudz.ES+AJ It flooded over the land. Everything.

Floor, ground Ngin HM+ED
Ngin tr'ididltth'e. HM+ED We're sitting on the ground.

Flooring Xiqidine'on AJ+ES
Githadlividz q'at xiqidine'on lay. AJ+ES I need lumber for flooring.

Flour Vigaq AJ+ED
Vigaq angqat, he'? HM+ED Did you buy flour?

Nelingh. AJ+ES It's flowing.
Srixno' getiy nelingh. AJ+ES The creek is flowing swiftly.

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