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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Vinixiłts'eg dong HM+RD Really early morning Maybe about 5:00 am.
Vinixiłts'eg dong izre xelanh. HM+RD It was cold early this morning.

See "Breakfast"

Earn Den-gi didltsenh. HM+ED lit. She made money for herself.
Q'u'ithinek ts'in' den-gi didltsenh. HM+ED She worked and made money.

Earrings Sidzagh xogh deloy. HM+ED lit. That which hangs on my ears.
Vidzagh xogh deloy ngizrenh. HM+ED Her earrings are pretty.

Earth, ground, land Ngan' HM+KH
Ngan' q'idz tr'ididltth'e. JD+KH We're living on the earth.

Ngo sigingan iy.HM+KH This is my land.

Earthquake Ngan' dit'anh. ED+JD lit. Earth is happening.
Ngan' ditot'eł. HM+ED There's going to be an earthquake.
Ngan' daght'an'. HM+ED There was an earthquake.
Ngan' dititht'an'.HM+ED An earthquake is starting.

East Do'odz JK+ED
Do'odz xantidhitr'iyh. JD An east wind is starting to blow.
Do'odz xanxitithitr'iyh. ED An east wind is starting to blow.

Easter Xilegg q'inodle chux JD+KH lit. Springtime big prayer
Xilegg q'inodle chux xits'anxididhił. JD+KH Easter is coming.
Xilegg q'inodle chux xinonxididhit. JD+KH Easter has come.

Easy Xitr'ixeneg ts'in'. JD+KH lit. Go nice and easy, carefully.
Xitr'ixeneg ts'i dingił'anh. JD+KH Go easy with it.
Xitr'ixeneg ts'i disił'anh. JD+KH Go easy with me.
Xitr'ixeneg ts'i diyaghł'an'.JD+KH She took it easy with him.

Guhonh. JD+KH She is eating.
Gehonh! JD+KH Eat!
Guxłnonh.JD+KH You guys eat!
Ganghon', he'? JD+KH Did you eat?
Q'idong gaghson'. JD+KHI ate already.
One, gasriłnoł.HM+ED Come, let's eat.

Echo Vidoyeg JD+KH lit. Mouth spirit/shadow
Vidoyeg idistth'onh. JD+KH I hear an echo.
Vidoyeg gitiłt'eyh. AJ His echo carries.

Yotigito'oł. JD+KH There will be an eclipse.
Yotigighe'on'. JD+KH There was an eclipse.
Dołt'ol yotighe'on'.JD+KH There was a lunar eclipse.
No'oy yotighe'on'. JD+KH There was a solar eclipse.

Eddy Eq'it JD+KH
Eq'it ti'isr tax dhitltonh. JD+KH He's dipnetting in the eddy.
Eq'it noghlełdi. JD+KH The place where the current is going around.

Edge Q'avon KH+AJ
Xiq'avon JD+KH Edge of the water
Te q'avon JD+KH Edge of the water "Shore" or "beach"
Te q'avon ghuhoł.JD+KH She is walking on the shore.
Te q'avon q'uxididał. HM They are walking on the shore.

Eel Łeggided AJ+ES lit. Skinny fish
Łeggided ghilix. AJ+ES Eels are coming.
Łeggided nelax. AJ+ES Eels swam here.
Łeggided xa oqo xiyiłvatr.AJ+ES They boil eels for oil.

Egg Gitr'athdloy AJ+ES
Denhch'e gitr'athdloy t'ux yedhidlo. AJ+ES There were four eggs in the nest.

Eight Dongan togg AJ+ES lit. Across 3 The fingers of 1 hand with 3 more across them.
Dongan togg łek ist'anh. AJ+ES I have 8 dogs.

Eighteen Niłq'osnal dongan togg viq'idz iy ES+AJ lit. 2 sides across 3 on top of it 2 hands plus the fingers of 1 hand with 3 more across them.

Elbow -ts'its
Vits'its AJ+ES His elbow
Vits'its imo. AJ+ES Her elbow is sore.

Elder Q'idonganh ES lit. Person from an earlier time
Q'idonganh longh xinyididltth'e. AJ+ES Lots of elders were there.  
Yidong ghidhilin HM+KH Old time aging person  
Yidong ghidhilin dhido dan'at. HM+KHAn old person lives there now.

See "Old"

Eleven Niłq'osnal giłiggi viq'idz iy. AJ+ES lit. 10 with 1 on top of it
Niłq'osnal giłiggi viq'idz iy ghinixinedhit. AJ+ES It's 11:00.

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