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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Hat Ts'ix JD+RD
Sits'igh ixudhitlnix. JD+RD I lost my hat.
Vits'igh getiy ngichox. JD+RD His hat is too big.

Ndilighik. JD+RD He is hauling.
Tritr ndilighik. JD+RD He's hauling wood.
Soxo te yi'odz ni'ilighux.JD+RD He hauled water for me.
Soxo tritr dindilighit. RD He is hauling wood for me.

Łek it'anh. RD He has a dog.
Łek ingit'anh, he? RD+JD Do you have a dog?

Gan ine' iy idiniso. JD+RD I don't have anything.

Vitthe' RD Her/his head.
Sitthe' xinezraghtlningh. JD I bumped my head.
Sitthe' xinedaghtlningh.RD I bumped my head.

Headband Tthe nesrin HM
Tthe nesrin neg axa dit'anh. JD+RD She is wearing a nice headband.

Ntithinek JD+RD It's starting to heal.
Silo' ntithinek. RD My hand is healing.

Gidistth'onh RD I hear something.
Gan idingitth'onh? JD+RD What do you hear?
Ginondidoy idistth'onh.HM+ED I hear a robin.
Beth ididhistth'igg ts'in'. HM+ED I can't hear Beth.

Heart -yeq'id
Viyeq'id JD+RD Her heart
Viyeq'id gelanh. JD There is someone close to her heart.
Siyeq'id xełedz q'u'idineyh.JD+RD My heart is working good.
Giyeq'id HM+ED Animal heart Something's heart

Heat Tthagg HM+KH
Chaynik tthagg ne'oyh. HM+KH Put the kettle on the heat.

Vits'i xigidet'anh. RD It's throwing heat.

Heaven Yoyet RD lit. In the sky
Diniyhdi xinihił ts'i yoye xits'in'. JD It takes four nights to get to heaven.  
Diniyhdi xinihił yoyet xits'in'. RD It takes four nights to get to heaven.

See "Stamp"

Ngidoth. JD+RD It's heavy.
Vinołchidl ngidoth. JD+RD Her bag is heavy.

Heel -qałtitl
Viqałtitl JD+RD His heel
Chel diqałtitl idinithdo'. RD The boy hurt his heel.

Helicopter Vitthiłt'ogh gits'angiliqil RD lit. The top of its head is turning.
Vitthiłt'ogh gits'angiliqil not'ux. JD+RD A helicopter is coming (flying).

Hello Ade' HM+ED
Ade', yi'odz ningiyo. HM+ED Hello, you came over. When a visitor arrives.

Sits'i ene. HM+KH She's helping me.
Yits'i itone. HM+KH He's going to help her.
Sits'i ingine!HM+ED Help me!

Helpful Gughon ineneyh HM+KH lit. A helpful person

Tl'on q'ondiłqon'. HM+KH She's hemming it. lit. She's sewing the bottom up.
Da'ak tl'on q'onxidiłqon'. HM+ED She's hemming the parka. lit. She's sewing the parka bottom up.

Here Deg KH+AJ Of this area
Deg vav KH + AJ Native food lit. Local food
Deg yith ixididinek. KH+LH Snow is gone around here.

Got HM+KH Here In this place
Go dhi'onh. HM+EDIt's right here.
Gogidet iy.HM+KH It's right here.

Hiccups Yiłyiq HM+KH
Q'odet getiy yiłyiq. HM+KH A while ago he had bad hiccups.

See "Fur"

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