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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Name Ezre' HM+RD
Ndadz ngi'ezre'? HM+RD What's your name?
Go ndadz vi'ezre'? HM+RD What's the name of this?

Narrow Ded HM+RD
Ting xided q'udhisiyo. HM+RD I walked a narrow trail.
Gidingidz ded viniq'i xido' yineyax. HM+RD The narrow grass grows at the edge of the lake.

Near, nearby, close Xu'ogh HM+ED+KH
Diyix vith q'idz xu'ogh xitiłtse. HM+RD He will build his house near the bank.
Si'ogh dhedo. HM+RD Sit near me.
Go si'ogh dhedo.AJ+ES Sit here close to me.
Xididhuqun'di xu'ogh dhedo. AJ Sit close to the fire.

Neat, tidy
Viyix xełedz xidhi'onh. HM Her house is tidy. lit. Her house is good.
Dhetanhdi xełedz nonxine'oyh. HM+RD Tidy up your sleeping place.

Neck -q'uth The whole neck
Viq'uth HM+ED+KH Her neck
Siq'uth HM+RD My neck
Siq'uth imo.RD My neck is sore. Stiff
Sidhan HM+RD Front of my neck

Necklace Dinadhan dhidloy HM+RD lit. It lies around the front of our neck.
Sidhan dhidloy nda'. HM+RD Give me my necklace.

Needle Didliqon HM+RD
Didliqon k'idz HM+ED+KH Little needle
Sigididliqon ixedhinix. HM+RD My needle is lost.
Didliqon chux aghsqat.HM+RD I bought some big needles.
Vaxa q'on-gidiliqon RD Needle lit. With it we sew

Neighbor Sogh'osts'in dhidon HM+RD lit. Someone who stays near me
Sogh'osts'in dhidon ni'idiyo. HM+KH My neighbor came back.
Flo sogh'osts'in dhido. HM+RD Flo is my neighbor

Sogh'egh didltth'in HM+ED+KH Neighbors lit. Around me outside they stay.
Sogh'egh didltth'in nixitididał. HM+ED+KHMy neighbors are leaving.

Nest Git'uq HM+RD
Ggagg k'idz git'uq iłtse. HM+RD The bird is building a nest.
Git'uq k'idz itltthonh. KH+ED I see a little bird nest.

Net Tuxveł HM+RD
Tuxveł titiłchith. HM+RD He's going to set a net.
Tuxveł tasriłchith. HM+RD We'll set a net.

Never Vanhtegh RD
Vanhtegh yixi q'ughedogan. HM+RD Never go around there.

New Q'ode RD+KH Also pronounced q'odet or q'oded.
Q'oded ts'ix t'anh. HM+RD He has a new hat.

News, information Xunik HM+RD
Ndadz xunik? HM+RD What's the news?
Xunik dalningh. HM+RD The news came.
Xunik yił q'u'edoyh.HM+RD He's walking around with news.

Newspaper Xunik gilegik HM+ED+KH

Giłdits. HM+RD It's nibbling.
Go danh giłdits. HM+RD This person is nibbling.
Dlen q'en'dots'a' iłdits.HM+RD A mouse is nibbling cheese.

Nice Neg HM+RD
Ndadz xineg. HM+RD So nice.
Ndadz xineg dengit'a. HM+RD How nice you are.
Gan neg iy.HM+RD What a nice one.
Gan neg iy. KH+AJ How beautiful it is.

Niece, Nephew -ozra
Sozra HM+RD My niece
Sozra ditodhił. HM+RD My niece is coming.
Sozra niłq'idz ts'i sogh todoł.RD My niece is coming to stay with me a little while to visit.

Night Tthidangith RD
Tthidangith diggaghsdo'. HM I sat up at night.

Tthidangith tth'exinedr HM+RD Middle of the night
Tthidangith tth'exinedr neyo. HM+RDHe came in the middle of the night.

Nine Donganh denhch'e RD lit. Across 4 The fingers of 1 hand with 4 more across them
Donganh denhch'e łek t'anh. HM+ED+KH He has nine dogs.

Nineteen Dina xiq'idh denhch'e viq'idz. Dina q'idh denhch'e viq'idz. HM+RD lit. 15 with 4 on top
Dina xiq'idh denhch'e viq'idz hiy den-gi t'anh. HM+RD He has $19.

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