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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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See "With"

See "Arrow"

Arrow, bullet, shell Q'o KH+AJ
Siq'o ixidhitlnix. KH+AJ I lost my arrow.  
Xiday giq'o viyen alyay? LH+KH Where's the ammo clip?

See "Sharp"

Sharp Viq'u JD+ED lit. Its blade
Sigidiggadhi'oy viq'u qul. JD+ED My knife is not sharp. lit. My knife its edge none.

See "Arrow", "Blade"

Blade Viq'idanganh HM+ED lit. Sharp metal

See "Sharp"

Antler Goghdiggiy KH+AJ
Goghdiggiy chux. KH+AJ Big antlers.  

See "Horn"

See "Person"

Person Dina ED+JD
Dina ay'ot ndidhit. JD+ED A person is standing over there.
Dina xelanh, he'? LH+KH Anyone there?

See "Bachelor", "People", "Man"

People Dina ED+JD
Yit qay dina longh. HM+RD There are lots of people in that village.  
Deg Xit'an itlanh. HM+RD I'm Deg Xit'an. lit. I'm a person from around here.
Digenegh xit'an HM+RDKuskokwim people 
Nedz xit'anHM+RD Koyukon people lit. Upriver people
Engan xigitth'eyiq xit'an. HM+ED+KH Outside of Alaska Indians  
Dodz xit'an AJ+ES Yup'ik people lit. Downriver people
Novogh xit'an AJ+ES Yup'ik people lit. Coast people

See "Man"

Man Dina ED+JD
Dina q'u'idineyh. RD+JD The man is working.  

See "Person", "Bachelor", "People"

Bachelor Idaghdhilinh KH+LH lit. Young man
Idaghdhilinh xititlchet. KH+LH The young man is going to get married.  

See "Young"

Athabascan Deg Xit'an KH+AJ lit. Local people
Ngine' xit'an Deg Xit'an. KH+AJ Upriver people are Athabascan.  

See "People"

See "Strips"

Bad Tr'ot'ix. JD+RD lit. It's bad.
Sraqay getiy tr'oxidet'ix ts'in' dixitadhine'. KH+LH The children are acting badly.  

See "Ugly", "Mean"

Ugly Tr'ot'ix ED+JD
Vinatr'ot'ix. ED+JD He's ugly. lit. His face is ugly.

See "Bad"

Baptize Tigiyaghiłtanh KH+AJ lit. He put someone in the water.
Tr'ixineganh tigiyaghiłtanh. KH+AJ The baby was baptized.  

See "Priest", "Bishop"

Priest Tiginlayinh HM+RD lit. One who puts people in the water
Tiginlayinh tohoł. HM+RD The priest is going to come.  

See "Baptize", "Bishop"

Bishop Tiginlayin chux JD+JD lit. The big one who puts people in water
Tiginlayin chux Łegg Jitno' neyo. JD+JD The bishop came to Shageluk.  

See "Priest"

Beach Te q'avon JD+KH lit. Edge of the water
Te q'avon ghuhoł. JD+KH He is walking on the beach.  
Te q'avon q'uxididał. HM They are walking on the beach.

See "Edge"

Beat In cooking

See "Stir"

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