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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Christmas Q'inodle chux JD+KH lit. Big prayer

See "Easter"

Deloy q'idz xidhehoyh. AJ+ES Climb the mountain. lit. Go up the mountain.
Tso q'idz didhehoyh. AJ+ES Climb up in the cache.

See "Go"

See "Walk", "Paddle", "Fly"

See "Parka"

See "Kashim"

Gan-ghiłnik AJ+ES She is cooking.  
Nelang an-ghiłnik. AJ+ES She's cooking meat.
Soxo gan-ghingiłnik.AJ+ES Cook for me.

See "Fry", "Bake", "Boil"

Cradle Ts'imitl KH+AJ Traditionally made from a blanket and two suspended ropes.
Sigitr'ixineganh viłandlidak ts'imitl yet. KH My baby went to sleep in the swing.  
Gog ts'imitl yengiłtayh. HM+ED Lay the baby in the swing.

See "Swing"

See "Wild"

See "Raven"

Dead Datthon'. JD+KH lit. It's dead. Animals

See "Die"

Didiyoq. JD+KH He died.  
Xunh yił didiyoq. HM+ED He died suddenly.
Imo axa donxidiyoq.JD+KH Lots of them died from the sickness.

See "Happen"

Vanxitithinix. HM+KH It started to disappear.  
Valgats anxitithinix. HM+KH The boat started to disappear.
Xivanxidinix.HM+RD They are disappearing.  
Vanxithinix. JD It disappeared.  
Vanxidinix. RDIt is appearing and disappearing.

See "Forget", "Lose"

Yandlnix. AJ+ES He forgot it.  
Vandhiginix. AJ+ES I forgot it.
Vandhelnix.AJ+ES You forgot it.  
Vandhelnighan. Vandhelnighan iy. AJ+ES Don't forget it.

See "Disappear", "Lose"

Lose, Lost
Vixedhinix. RD+JD It's lost.  
Vixaghiłnigh an iy. HM+KH Don't lose it.

See "Disappear", "Forget"

See "Parka"

Dull Viq'i qul RD+HM lit. On it none
Sigitavazr q'o qul. HM+RD My woman's knife is dull.  

See "Sharp"

During Tux HM+RD
Xiyh tux iłyoth. HM+RD It snows during winter.  
Xiyh tux ingoq dit'anh. RD+HM During the winter dances take place.

See "Among"

Dust Ts'egid HM+RD
Siyix ts'egid longh. HM+RD My house has lots of dust.  

See "Trash"

Trash Ts'egid HM+RD
Ts'egid tthinela. HM+KH Take out the trash.  

See "Dust"

Elder Q'idonganh ES lit. Person from an earlier time
Q'idonganh longh xinyididltth'e. AJ+ES Lots of elders were there.  
Yidong ghidhilin HM+KH Old time aging person  
Yidong ghidhilin dhido dan'at. HM+KHAn old person lives there now.

See "Old"

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