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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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What Gan HM+RD
Gan iy? HM+RD What? What is it?  
Ndadz HM+KH What  
Ndadz dingit'anh? HM+RDWhat are you doing? 
Ndadz dixi'ne?HM+RD What are they saying?

See "How"

How Ndadz HM+KH
Ndadz dengit'a? HM+KH How are you?  
Ngi'egh ndadz dixet'a? HM+KH How's the weather? lit. Outside, what is it doing?

See "What", "Many"

Dinałt'an RD How many people  
Dinałt'an sraqay ingit'anh? RD+JDHow many children do you have? 
Dinałt'ayRD+JD How many things  
Dinałt'ay łek ingit'anh? RD+JD How many dogs do you have?  
Dinałt'ay idhelanh? RD+JD How many did you get?

See "Much, very"

If Da' KH
Neyo da', ntr'atolts'eyh. HM If he comes, we'll be happy.  

See "When"

See "People"

Intelligent Xiyo KH+ED lit. Thought
Xiyo t'anh. HM+KH She's intelligent. lit. She has thoughts.
Sraqay getiy xiyo xit'anh. HM+KH The children are intelligent.

See "Think", "Mind"

Think, worry
Inedhinh. KH+ED She thinks.  
"Ado' ntasoł," inedhinh. ED+KH I'll go down there, he is thinking.
Inaghedhin'.ED He was thinking.  
Xiyo dił'anh. ED+KH She is thinking/worrying.  
Gan at yogh xiyo dił'an? KH+EDWhat is he thinking/worrying about? 
Gan at vogh xiyo dingił'an?ED+KH What is it that you are thinking /worrying about?  
Idogh xiyo dingili'anh. KH+ED Are you thinking about yourself? This is said to caution someone who is about to do or say something harmful.

See "Mind"

Mind Xiyo ED+KH
Xiyo tidhet'el ts'in'. ED+KH You won't have a good mind. Encouraging children to listen.
Ithe xiyo dingił'anh. ED+KH You should think ahead.
Getiy xiyo t'anh.ED+KH She has a good mind.

See "Think", "Intelligent"

See "Sweater"

Q'u'eneyh neg t'anh. HM+KH He has a good job.  
Q'u'eneyh. HM+KH He's working.

See "Work"

Kerosene Tritr gha' HM+RD lit. Wood oil
Tritr gha' idinisdhit. RD I'm out of kerosene.  

See "Oil"

Kind Vixiyo' ngizrenh. JD+KH lit. His thought is good.

See "Intelligent"

Nigighaniłtth'inh. HM+KH He is kneading.  
Nigighanitltth'inh. KH I'm kneading.

See "Bread"

See "Earth"

Leader Giq'uxiniłayinh HM+KH lit. One who tells people what to do
Giq'uxiniłayinh neyo. HM+KH The leader came.  

See "Dog, Dog team leader"

See "Lamp"

See "Stay"

See "Like"

Dhido. JD+ED He stays there.  
Marilyn Deloy Chet dhido. JD+ED Marilyn is staying at Holy Cross.
Łegg Jitno' dhisdo.JD+ED I'm in Shageluk.  
Niq'ołonh ditse gho dhido. JD+ED The girl stays with her grandma.

See "Sit"

Dhido. JD+ED He's sitting or staying.  
Viq'iditr'athdoy q'idz dhido. HM+KH He's sitting in a chair.
Go dhedo.HM+KH Sit here. Commanding one person
Adhedo. ED+JD Sit there. Commanding one person
Go dhisdo ts'in' silogheg tuxosał. KHI'm just sitting here counting/reading my fingers. I'm not doing anything.
Deg tr'ididltth'e.HM+KH We're just sitting around here.

See "Stay"

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