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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Lunch Dranetr HM+RD
Dranetr yan-gitr'elno'. RD We ate lunch.  

See "Afternoon", "Noon"

Noon Dranetr HM+RD lit. Day middle
Dranetr nonxididhit. HM+RD It's noon. Lunchtime
Dranetr gasriłnoł. HM+RD We'll eat at noon.

See "Lunch"

See "Angry"

Mask Giyema KH+ED
Giyema vina' detonh ts'i gixidaght'an'. KH+ED He's wearing a mask on his face while he's dancing.  
Giyema k'idz ntr'ił'in Messenger masks lit. Mask little flash of light
Giyema k'idz ntr'ił'in todił. HM+RDMessenger masks are going to go out. To invite them to a mask dance, one village sends messengers bearing small masks to another village .

See "Dance"

See "Between"

See "Wild"

Mistake, wrong, badly Gits'in' HM+ED
Gits'idengdiyoq. HM+ED You made a mistake. lit. You did wrong.
Distl'e gits'ide'itloq. HM+ED I made a mistake in my knitting.
Gits'iq'on-gidiłqon'.KH+AJ She sews badly.  
Ngo gits'in' iy! KH+LH That's a bad thing to do!

See "Wrong"

Gits'i, he'? ED+KH Is that wrong?  

See "Mistake"

See "Stir"

Gide. JD+ED Move! Away!  
Gidegh nonxididatl. JD+ED They moved away. lit. They went away.

See "Away"

See "People"

See "Niece"

Nervous Didinen HM+ED+KH lit. One who is shaking Nervous person
Getiy didinenh xinayh. HM He's really nervous when he talks.  
Didinenh qul ts'i xinehayh. HM+RD Don't be nervous when you talk.

See "Shake"

Didinenh. HM+KH He's shaking.  
Nałjit ts'i didinenh. HM+KH She's scared and she's shaking.

See "Nervous"

Next Chenh ED+KH
Ndadz chenh. HM+RD What's next?  
Ndadz che dixitot'eł. HM+RD What are they going to do next?

See "Again"

See "Loud"

Didhist'an ts'in'. HM+RD I'm not doing anything.  
Gidiniso. HM+RD I have nothing.

See "None"

See "Doctor"

Open Yadz HM
Vidogg yadz gite'oyh. HM+RD Open it. Can or bottle
Xidoy yadz giteteyh. HM+RD Open the door.
Yashik vidogg yadz gidalnik.HM+RD The top of the box is open.

See "Off"

See "Fruit"

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