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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Bottom Viqatl'ox KH+LH
Viqalnig siqatl'ox xi'itlts'iq. KH+ED I've got gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.

-tl'o' Bottom, buttocks
Vitl'o' ED+KHHis buttocks
Ditl'o' q'ididltsitl.ED+KH He fell on his butt.

Bow Giłting' KH+ED
Giłting' axa q'o tatldik. KH+ED I'll use a bow to shoot an arrow.

Bow of boat. Valgats loy KH+ED
Valgats loy didhedo. KH+ED Sit in the bow.

Bowl Tth'ok jingidh JD+JD lit. Round container
Tth'ok jingidh tiłtse. JD+JD He will make a bowl.
Tth'ok jingidh k'idz KH+ED Little bowl

Box Yashik KH+ED
Yashik yegilayh. KH He is putting something in the box.

Boy Chel KH+ED
Chel sogh xidineyo. HM+KH The boy came to visit me.
Chel k'idz AJ+ES Little boy
Chel k'idz ngi'egh xidilighusr.ES Little boys are playing outside.
Chiliqay KH+ED Boys
Chiliqay xidilughusr ngi'egh. KH+EDThe boys were playing outside.

Braid Tthegh ndlitl'etl KH lit. Braided hair
Sidadr vitthegh ngingath ts'in' ndlitl'etl. KH+ED My younger sister has long hair and it is braided.
Ngitthegh ningiłtl'etl. KH+ED Braid your hair.

Brains -tthiłtled
Vitthiłtled HM+ED His brains
Dineg tthiłtled xitr'ixeneg ts'i yadz xiye ti'oyh. KH They are taking the moose brains out carefully.

Branches Gitthe' HM+ED
Gitthe' duxł'anh. ED+HM You guys get branches. To put bedding on when camping.

Ts'ivi'il JD+ED Spruce branches

Bread Nighandltth'in. KH lit. It is kneaded.
Nighandltth'in ngiłtse, he'? KH+ED Are you making bread?

Dlit'ay KH+ED Fry bread
Dlit'ay neg yi'eghoyh. JD+JDShe makes good fry bread.

Diggiynetrit iy. KH+AJ He broke it.

Breakup Tix xatadhit. JD+JD lit. Water happened.

Q'agh yit tix xidighedhit. KH+AJ We had an early breakup.
Uxidiniy tix xatithdhil ts'in'.KH+AJ Breakup will be late. lit. Hurry up breakup will not.
Yeqin yititldaq. KH+AJ The Yukon is starting to break up.

Breast -mama'
Vimama' AJ Her breast
Tr'ixineganh k'idz digimama' iłt'ik. KH+AJ The baby is breast feeding.

Breath, life Yetr HM+KH
Viyetr xelanh. KH+AJ He's alive.
Diyetr idigheyo. KH+AJ He's out of breath. lit. He left his breath behind. As when running.
Viyetr xidighenek.KH+AJ His breath is gone. He died.

Getiy giłtr'eth. KH+AJ He's breathing hard.

Bridge Ndine'oy KH+AJ
Ndine'oy viq'idz nontr'ididil. KH+AJ We/people cross on it.

Bright Xeli'en' KH+LH
Getiy xeli'en' ngi'egh. KH+LH It's really bright outside.

Yi'odz ne'oyh iy. KH+AJ Bring it over here. Heavy object
Dlit'ay sits'i yi'odz ne'oyh. KH Bring me the fry bread. Pass me the fry bread.

Brisket Gichoghiy KH+AJ
Gichoghiy tol itltsenh. KH+AJ I made brisket soup.

Broom Vaxa xiditsed KH+AJ lit. With it an area is swept
Vaxa xiditsed nda'. KH Give me the broom.

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