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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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That way Ang'in KH+ED
Ang'in ts'i tehoyh. KH+ED Go over that way.

Their, theirs Xiviye KH+ED
Xiviye an'iy. KH+ED That is theirs.
Xivileg idhitlanh. ED+KH I caught their dog.

Then, and then, and so Yitots'in' KH+ED Used frequently in story telling
Yitots'in' ntithiyo. KH+ED Then he left.
Yitots'in' vił xandldaq. HM+KH And then he went to sleep.

There Yit KH+ED lit. That place
Yit ne'oyh. KH Put it there.

These Go deg iy KH+ED lit. These things
Go deg iy yił inetox. KH+ED Try some of these.

Thick Diditonh. KH+ED lit. It is thick. Size
Tinh diditonh. ED+KH The ice is thick.

Ditth'inh. HM+KH It is thick. Consistency
Ganhdlit getiy ditth'inh. HM+KHThe cooked berries are too thick.

Thin Tr'idadilisgi. HM+KH lit. It is thin. Size
Tinh tr'idadilisgi. HM+KH The ice is thin.
Tinh tr'adilisgi. KH+ED The ice is thin.

Dltinh. HM+KH It is thin. Consistency
Ganhdlit dltinh. HM+KHThe cooked berries are thin/runny.

Think, worry
Inedhinh. KH+ED She thinks.  
"Ado' ntasoł," inedhinh. ED+KH I'll go down there, he is thinking.
Inaghedhin'.ED He was thinking.  
Xiyo dił'anh. ED+KH She is thinking/worrying.  
Gan at yogh xiyo dił'an? KH+EDWhat is he thinking/worrying about? 
Gan at vogh xiyo dingił'an?ED+KH What is it that you are thinking /worrying about?  
Idogh xiyo dingili'anh. KH+ED Are you thinking about yourself? This is said to caution someone who is about to do or say something harmful.

See "Mind"

Thirsty Te q'at. KH+ED lit. I want water.

This one Gon KH+ED
Gon iy. KH+ED This one.
Gan gon? ED+KH What's this?
Gon, he'?ED+KH Is it this one?

This way Go dadz ED
Go dadz dingił'anh. KH+ED Do it this way.

Thread Qon' KH+ED
Qon' tl'idz ixidisnek. KH+ED I used all the black thread.

Three Togg KH+ED

Throat -dhagg
Sidhagg KH+ED My throat
Sidhagg xighath. KH+ED My throat is itchy.

Yatitlningh. HM+KH He is throwing it. Compact object
Daxiłdheyh. HM+KH Throw it. Compact object.
Yałdzodl sits'i iy ditiłdheyh. Yałdzodl sits'i dixełdheyh.HM+KH Throw me the ball.
Tl'eł sits'i ditiłdał. HM+KH Throw me the rope. String-like or loose objects
Tritr sits'i tiłghuł. HM+KHThrow me the stick. Sticklike object
Ts'id sits'i te'ox.HM+KH Throw me the blanket. Fabric

Thumb -lochitth
Dilochitth ditldhiyh. KH+ED He hit his own thumb.

Thunder Niłtin KH+ED
Niłtin dilughusr. HM+KH It's thundering.

Thursday Diniyhdi nixinithdołdi ED+KH lit. Where they camped four nights (from Sunday)

Diyiłchith. HM+KH He is tying it.
Xi'itlchith. ED+KH I am tying it.
Ngileg xangiłcheth iy. Ngileg xangiłcheth. KH+ED Tie up your dog.
Atthing valgats xi'iłchith, he'? ED+KH Is he down there tying up the boat?

Ndanixinedhit? KH+ED What time is it?

Xinthidong JD+JD First time
Xinthidong dixidighene' ts'in' JD+JDThe first time they said it
-da' marker of time
Venhdida' HM+KH Tomorrow
Tthonh silda'. HM+KH Tomorrow morning
Ndada' HM+RD When
Tth'egho łegg nelaxda', dinghdongiy tast'oth. HM When whitefish are running, I'm going to cut spring fish.

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