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Deg Xinag Ałixi Ni’elyoy
‘the local language is gathered together’

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Person Dina ED+JD
Dina ay'ot ndidhit. JD+ED A person is standing over there.
Dina xelanh, he'? LH+KH Anyone there?

See "Bachelor", "People", "Man"

See "Person"

Antler Goghdiggiy KH+AJ
Goghdiggiy chux. KH+AJ Big antlers.  

See "Horn"

Blade Viq'idanganh HM+ED lit. Sharp metal

See "Sharp"

Sharp Viq'u JD+ED lit. Its blade
Sigidiggadhi'oy viq'u qul. JD+ED My knife is not sharp. lit. My knife its edge none.

See "Arrow", "Blade"

Arrow, bullet, shell Q'o KH+AJ
Siq'o ixidhitlnix. KH+AJ I lost my arrow.  
Xiday giq'o viyen alyay? LH+KH Where's the ammo clip?

See "Sharp"

See "Arrow"

See "With"

More Chenh ED+KH
Chenh sitl'ogengeł. ED+KH Pour me some more.  
Chenh gil iy. KH Give me some more.  

See "Again"

Again Che HM+KH
Che yuxudz didene. HM+RD Say it all again.  
Che chenh JD Again, some more
Che yi'odz inedoyh.LH+KH Come again. lit. You come over this way again.
Dux'oł! HM+KH Again! lit. Keep it going you guys! Like "encore" when they are singing in a mask dance.

See "More"

Across, over there Engan LH+KH
Engan n'entht'uq. LH+KH It is flying across the river.

Engosin JD+KH Across, on the other side
Engosin dhido. JD+KHShe is sitting across there.

See "Opposite"

Didiyoq. HM+ED It happened.  
Ndadz didiyoq? HM+ED What happened to him?
Imk'i didiyoq.HM+ED He almost died.

See "Die"

See "Happen"

Up Ngidixi JD+ED lit. Up overhead, straight up
Ngidixi xiningił'anh. JD+ED Look up there.  
Ngidixi didhe'oyh iy. JD+ED Put it up there.
Ngidixi didhi'onh.JD+ED It is up there.  
Aduq iy. JD+ED It's up there.  
Aduggi didhi'onh. JD+EDHe put it up there.

See "Above", "High"

High Ngidixi JD+ED lit. Way up
Dits'in chux ngidixi not'ux. HM+KH An eagle is flying high.

See "Above", "Up"

Above Ngidixi JD+ED lit. Up there
Ngidixi yixgitsiy q'unt'ox. KH+JD Raven is flying around above.
Yixgitsiy qay xidix not'ux. Yixgitsiy qay xidixi q'unt'ox. LH+KH Raven is flying above the village.
Soghdixi dinet'uq.HM+KH It flew over me.

See "High", "Up"

Ghiligguk. HM+RD He is running.
Ting ghiligguk. RD+HM He's running on the trail.
Choghlugguy vinq'it ghiligguk.HM+RD The fox is running on the lake.
Ghingligguk! HM+RD Run! Commanding one person

Runners, sled Xutl qatl'ogh iy HM+RD lit. Under the sled
Xutl qatl'ogh iy siyił niłtothitik. HM+RD The sled runner broke on me.

Salmon Ggath HM+RD King salmon
Ggath ghist'oth. Ggath ghist'otth. HM+RD I cut king salmon.

NelaghHM+RD Dog salmon
Nalay ED+HM Dog salmon Anvik word
Nodithiq'izr HM+RD Red salmon lit. Fish meat which is red
Lighan HM+RD Silver salmon lit. That which is fat Silvers look fatter than other salmon.

Salmonberry, cloudberry Dandhi'on HM+RD sci. Rubus chamaemorus
Dandhi'on xitr'athdatl. HM+RD We went for salmon berries.

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