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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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bear black bear
iyyaġriq, dl. iyyaġrik, pl. iyyaġrich

The black bear is eating a fish.
Iyyaġriq niġiruq qaluŋmik.

2. brown bear, grizzly bear
akłaq, dl. akłak, pl. akłat

The brown bear is big.
Akła aŋiruq.

3. polar bear
nanuq, dl. nannuk, pl. nannut

The white polar bear lives in the ocean.
Qatiqtaaq nanuq iñuuniaġaqtuq taġiumi.

The polar bear dived under the ice.
Nanuq nakkaqtuq sikum ataanun.

4. bear, black or brown
older brother

my older brother
aniŋauraġa, dl. aniŋauraka, pl. aniŋauratka

My older brother went hunting caribou.
Aniŋauraġa tuttuliaqtuq.

2. younger brother, younger sibling

my younger brother
nukatchiaġa , dl. nukatchiaka, pl. nukatchiatka

My younger brother is handsome.
Nukatchiaġa iñugiksuq.

net net, fishing net
kuvraq, dl. kuvrak, pl. kuvrat

A net is used for fishing.
Kuvraq qaluŋniutnauruq.

2. to check a net

she is checking the net

She checked the net this morning.
Kuvraqsruqtuq uvlaaq.

3. to make a net

he is making a net
kuvriruq, dl. kuvriruk, pl. kuvrirut

My mother is making a net.
Aanaga kuvriruq.

4. to set a net

he has set the net
kuvriqsuq, dl. kuvriqsuk, pl. kuvriqsut

He set a net yesterday.
Kuvriqsuq ippaksraq.

5. to make a net by knotting twine with a net needle, to knit

he is net lashing
qiḷaktuq, dl. qiḷaktuk, pl. qiḷaktut

The mother is making a net by knotting twine with a net needle.
Aana qiḷaktuq kuvraksramik.

6. net needle

7. net gauge for knotting twine

8. buoy

9. net float

10. net sinker [as from bone]

11. larger net sinker, weight [as a rock]
to listen
naalak-, naalaktuaq-

he is listening
naalaktuq or naalaktuaqtuq, dl. naalaktuk, pl. naalaktut

The boy is listening to the storyteller.
Nukatpialugruaq naalaktuq unipchaaqtuamun.

He is listening to her.

lampnaniq, dl. nannik, pl. nannich

The lamp is mostly used on dark winter nights.
Naniq atutlugaqtuq taaqman ukiumi unnuami.

2. kerosene lamp
naniuraq or nanipiaŋuraq

3. stone lamp
weather, outside, atmosphere, air

The weather is bad today.
Siḷa qaŋna pigiitchuq uvluvak.

2. to become very cold [of weather]

it is now cold weather
itriŋuqtuq or itriŋuġaa

The weather is cold when the river freezes up.
Itriŋuqtuq siḷa sikupmagu kuuk.

3. to be bad, stormy weather
siḷagiit-, siḷaqłuk-

it is bad weather, stormy weather
siḷagiitchuq or siḷaqłuqtuq

The weather is bad today.
Siḷagiitchuq uvluvak.

4. to be clear, nice -of weather-

The weather is nice.

The weather is clear today.
Siḷagiksuq uvluvak.
reindeerqunŋiq, dl. qunŋik, pl. qunŋich

A reindeer looks almost like a caribou.
Qunŋiq tuttutun qiññaqaqqayaqtuq.
to appear, to become plain, to come out into the open, to become obvious

it has appeared
sagviqsuq, dl. sagviqsuk, pl. sagviqsut

The sun has appeared from behind the cloud.
Sagviqsuq siqiñiq nuviyamiñ.

The woman took out her sewing kit from the bag.
Aġnam sagviġaa immutviurani ikpaatchauraġmiñiñ.

2. to appear, come into view

it has appeared
nuiruq, dl. nuiruk, pl. nuirut

The sun has appeared from behind the mountains.
Siqiñiq nuiruq iñġich kiluatniñ.

yellto yell, shout

she is yelling, shouting
iġialaruq, dl. iġialaruk, pl. iġialarut

He is yelling so that he can be heard.
Iġialaruq tusraatqupluni.
woodqiruk, dl. qiruuk, pl. qiruich

It is made of wood.
Qiruŋmiñ piḷiuqsimaruq.

2. green wood
uummaq, dl. uummaak, pl. uummaich

The green wood is used for firewood.
Uummaq qiruuraqtuq.

3. block of wood, vertebra
ikik, dl. ikkik, pl. ikiich

The block of wood is split up for fire wood.
Ikik qupiplugu qiruginaqtuq.

4. block of wood
kipniqutaq, dl. kipniqutak, pl. kipniqutat

He is splitting the blocks of wood.
Qupluġai kipniqutat.
wolfamaġuq, dl. amaqquk, pl. amaqqut

A wolf is dangerous when he is hungry.
Amaġuq iqsiñaqtuq niġisukami.
womanaġnaq, dl. aġnak, pl. aġnat

You are a woman.

2. a good woman
aġnalluataq, dl. aġnalluatak, pl. aġnalluatat

There is a good woman.
Aġnalluataq tara.

3. old woman
aaquaksraatchiaq, dl. aaquaksraatchiak, pl. aaquaksraatchiat

The old woman makes nets with twine.
Aaquaksraatchiaq qiḷaguuruq kuvraksramik.

4. to begin reaching elderly age -of a woman-

She has become elderly.
wolverineqapvik, dl. qapviik, pl. qapviich

A wolverine skin can be used for a ruff on a parka.
Qapvik siñautlaruq atigini.
wingisraġuq, dl. israqquk, pl. israqqut

Sweep the floor with a goose wing.
Israġunik sanŋiyaġiñ.
whalebeluga whale
sisuaq, dl. sisurrak, pl. sisurrat

People hunt beluga.
Iñuich sisuaġniaġaqtut.

2. bowhead whale
aġviq, dl. aġvak, pl. aġviġich

The bowhead whale is large.
Aġviq aŋiłallaktuq.

3. gray whale

The gray whale is also big.
Aġviġluaq aŋikmiuq.

4. killer whale
aaġlu, dl. aaġluk, pl. aaġlut

The killer whale is dangerous.
Aaġlu iqsiñaqtuq.

5. male whale
isiŋuatchauraq, dl. isiŋuatchaurak, pl. isiŋuatchaurat

The male whale is looking for a mate.
Isiŋuatchauraq pakaktuq tuvaaqatiksraġmiñik.

6. medium-sized whale
usiŋuatchiaq, dl. usiŋuatchiak, pl. usiŋuatchiat

The medium-sized whale is jumping out of the water.
Usiŋuatchiaq nutigaqtuq imiġmiñ.

7. large whale with rolled blubber on the back
iŋutuvak, dl. iŋutuvvak, pl. iŋutuvaich

The iŋutuvak lives in the ocean.
Iŋutuvak taġiumi ittuq.

8. whale skin with blubber, muktuk
maktak, dl. maktaak, pl. maktaich

Whale skin with blubber is good to eat.
Maktak niġiruni nakuuruq.

9. young female whale -choice whale, soft muktuk-

The maktak from the young female whale is very good to eat.
Iŋutum maktaŋa niġiruni nakuuruq.
weepto weep, to shed tears

he is weeping
qulviruq, dl. qulviruk, pl. qulvirut

She is weeping from loneliness.
Aliasrukhuni qulviruq.
bucketimiqaġvik, dl. imiqaġviik, pl. imiqaġviich

The water container is empty.
Imiqaġvik imaitchuq.

2. water container, bucket
qattaq, dl. qattak, pl. qattat

The water container is filled with water.
Qattaq imaqaqtuq imiġmik.
washto wash

he is washing himself
iġġuqtuq, dl. iġġuqtuk, pl. iġġuqtut

I am washing myself.

he is washing it
iġġuġaa, dl. [obj.] iġġuġik, pl. [obj.] iġġuġai

She is washing her son.
Iġġuġaa iġñi.

2. to wash dishes

he is washing dishes
puggutchiqiruq, dl. puggutchiqiruk, pl. puggutchiqirut

The girl is washing dishes.
Aġnauraq puggutchiqiruq.
wash floor
3. to wash the floor

she is washing, mopping the floor
natchiqiruq, dl. natchiqiruk, pl. natchiqirut

My daughter is washing the floor.
Paniga natchiqiruq.

4. to wash the laundry

She is washing her clothes.
Iġġuqsiruq atnuġaamiñik.
walrusaiviq, dl. aivvak, pl. aivġich

The walrus lives in the ocean.
Aiviq tagiumi itchuuruq.

2. a walrus on the ice
nunavak, dl. nunavaak, pl. nunavaich

There is a walrus herd on the ice by the island.
Nunavaich ittut qaaŋani sikum.

3. walrus skin -for food-
kauk, dl. kauk, pl. kaugich

Walrus skin is delicious to eat.
Kauk kayumiktuq niġiruni.

4. a large walrus bull
nukavlu or nukavlualuk

The large walrus bull has long tusks.
Nukavlauluk tuugaaqpaqaqtuq.
upper teethqullimġaat

The upper teeth are used to chew food.
Qullimġaat kigutit atuġaqtut tamuqtuni niqimik.

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