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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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Two people are walking.
Malġuk iññuk pisruktuk.
trouttrout, lake trout, arctic char
qalukpik, dl. qalukpiik, pl. qalukpiich

People catch many trout in Kivalina.
Iñuich qalukpigaqtut Kivalliñiġmi.
tree cottonwood tree
ninŋuq, dl. ninŋuk, pl. ninŋut

When you use a piece of cottonwood for smoke, it lasts for a long time.
Ninŋuq puyuġiruni nuŋutchiġiitchuq.

2. birch tree
urgiiḷiq, dl. urgiiḷik, pl. urgiiḷich

The birch tree can be used to make snowshoes or a sled.
Urgiiḷiq tagluuraqtuq suli qiḷġiuraqtuq.

3. spruce tree, [any tree of the pine family] fir tree
napaaqtuq, dl. napaaqtuk, pl. napaaqtut

The spruce tree is green in winter and in summer.
Napaaqtuq suŋaaqtuq ukiumiḷu, auraġmiḷu.

4. young tree growing from old root
naunġaq, dl. naunġak, pl. naunġat

The young tree grows from an old root.
Naunġaq nauraqtuq kaŋiġruaġmiñ.

5. tree stump
mumiġnaq, dl. mumiġnak, pl. mumiġnat

A tree stump makes good floats.
Mumiġnaq puptautaġiksuq.

6. an irregular hard section in tree rings, also vertebra
ikkiq, dl. ikkiik, pl. ikkiich

The hard tree ring bends.
Ikkiq piġitchuuruq.
trapnaniġiaq, dl. naniġiak, pl. naniġiat

My father is using a trap.
Naniġiaq taataa atuġaa.

2. to be trapped

it is trapped
naniqtuq, dl. naniqtuk, pl. naniqtut

The wolf is caught in a trap.
Amaġuq naniqtuq naniġiamun.

3. to trap

he is trapping
naniġiaqtuqtuq, dl. naniġiaqtuqtuk, pl. naniġiaqtuqtut

My father is trapping for foxes.
Taataga naniġiaqtuqtuq kayuqtunun.

4. trap entrance

The fox went into the trap entrance.
Kayuqtuq isiqtuq maunamun.
tracks to track an animal, to find tracks
tuvsi- or tupsi-

he has found an animal track
tupsiyaa, dl. tupsiyaak, pl. tupsiyaat

He has found the wolf tracks.
Amaġuq tupsiyaa.

2. to follow tracks; to copy

she is tracking
tuvraqtuq, dl. tuvraqtuk, pl. tuvraqtut

he is tracking it, he is copying her
tuvraġaa, dl. [obj.] tuvraġik, pl. [obj.] tuvraġai

A man is following the wolverine’s track.
Aŋun tuvraqtuq tumiañik qapvium.
Aŋutim tuvraġai qapvium tumai.
toilet toilet, outhouse
anaġvik, dl. anaġviik, pl. anaġviich

There is a toilet in the house.
Anaġviqaqtuq samma tupiġmi.
toe big toe
putuguq, dl. putukkuk, pl. putukkut

The big toe is part of the foot.
Putuguq isigaŋni ittuq.

2. little toe, digit of foot [not big toe]
iñugauraq, dl. iñugaurak, pl. iñugaurat

A person has eight smaller toes.
Iñuk tallimat piñasrunik iñugauraqaqtuq.

3. joints of toes
isigaich napyaaŋich

Toes have many joints.
Isigaich napyaaŋich iñugiaktut.
tie to tie boot or mukluk straps or shoelaces

he is tying his to tie mukluk straps or shoe laces
siŋiqsuq, dl. siŋiqsuk, pl. siŋiqsut

The girl is tying her own mukluk straps.
Aġnauraq siŋiqsuq.

she is tying his boot straps or shoelaces -of footwear-

The woman tied my mukluk straps.
Aġnam siŋiġik kammaka.

2. to tie up as of a dog or something to a rope

He tied it to something.

He tied the boat’s rope to its pole.
Pitukkaa umiayauraq pitugvianun.

3. to be tied

It is tied.

The dog is tied, chained.
Qipmiq pituksimaruq.

Tie the dog!
Pituguŋ qipmiq!

4. to tie a knot

He tied it.

He tied it without much trouble or he tied a small knot.

5. to tie something down, to tie in knots, to bind

He tied the box, he bound the box.
Qiḷiqsruġaa suluun.
thumbkuvlu, dl. kuvluk, pl. kuvlut

He has accidently cut himself on his thumb.
Kuvlumigun kiḷiqsiġniqsuq.

My three children are at school.
Qitunġatka piñasrut aglaktut.

2. three days ago

It rained three days ago.
Ippaksraaqqamiq siḷaluktuq.
thread commercial thread
ivaluksraq, dl. ivaluksraak, pl. ivaluksrat

Thread is used for sewing cloth.
Ivaluksraq killaiyautauruq nukihaamun.

2. sinew thread
tentpalapkaaq, dl. palapkaak, pl. palapkaat

A tent can be used during the summer.
Palapkaaq atuġnaqtuq auraġmi.

2. eight foot by four foot wall. tent -lit. with four, meaning four panels long-
sisamalik, dl. sisamallak, pl. sisamalgich

My father is setting up the four-paneled tent.
Taataa nappaġaa sisamaligauraq.

3. ten foot by twelve foot wall tent lit. with five, meaning five panels long
tallimalik, dl. tallimallak, pl. tallimalgich

There is a five-paneled tent is up at our summer camp.
Tallimalik palapkaaq ittuq qamani auriviptitni.

4. twelve foot by fourteen foot wall tent -lit. with six, meaning six panels long-
itchaksralik, dl. itchaksrallak, pl. itchaksralgich

A six-paneled tent is large.
Itchaksralik palapkaaq aŋiruq.

5. winter tent made of animal skins

Where is the winter tent?
Itchalik nani itpa?
teethkigun, dl. kigutik, pl. kigutit

The teeth are for chewing food.
Kigutit tamuutaurut niqimun.

2. cutting teeth

The women use the cutting teeth when crimping mukluk soles.
Sivuqqat atuġuugaich aġnat kigiraqamiŋ.

3. lower teeth

There are sixteen lower teeth.
Atlimġaat akimiaq atausriuraqtut.

4. to have food particles between teeth; to clean between teeth, as with a toothpick

he has food particles between his teeth; he is cleaning between his [own] teeth
kukkiḷiruq, dl. kukkiḷiruk, pl. kukkiḷirut

He is cleaning his own teeth after eating.
Kukkiḷiruq niġianikami.
teapotsaiyutuġvik, dl. saiyutuġviik, pl. saiyutuġviich

The teapot is used when making tea.
Saiyutuġvik atuġaqtuq saiyyiuqtuni.
tea kettleuunaqsiivik, dl. uunaqsiiviik, pl. uunaqsiiviich

The tea kettle is used to heat water.
Uunaqsiivik atuġaqtuq imiġmik uunaqsiiruni.

2. tea kettle
saiñik, dl. saiññak, pl. saiñŋich

Where is the kettle?
Naami saiñik?
tableniġiñiaġviich or niġġiviich

The table is big.
Niġiñiaġviich aŋirut.
swingaŋiłhisaun, dl. aŋiłhisautik, pl. aŋiłhisautit

The swing has a long rope.
Aŋiłhisaun takiruamik akłunaaqaqtuq.
swim to swim

he is swimming
puuvraqtuq, dl. puuvraqtuk, pl. puuvraqtut

The boy is swimming in the river.
Nukatpialugruaq puuvraqtuq kuuŋmi.

2. to swim -of an animal-

it is swimming
naluktuq, dl. naluktuk, pl. naluktut

The moose is swimming in the water.
Tiniika naluktuq imiġmi.
sweep to sweep

she is sweeping
sanŋiyaqtuq, dl. sanŋiyaqtuk, pl. sanŋiyaqtut

The woman is sweeping the floor.
Aġnam natiq sanŋiyaġaa.

2. to sweep

he is sweeping
salikuqtuq, dl. salikuqtuk, pl. salikuqtut

You can use geese wings for sweeping.
Israġuurat salikuutiginaqtut.
swanqugruk, dl. qugruuk, pl. qugruich

Swans are white and they can fly.
Qugruich qatiqtut suli tiŋmitḷarut.

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