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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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and so, and then
aasriiñ, aasriiñ uvva, uvva aasriiñ

John went hunting and then fishing.
Pamiuqtaq aŋuniaqtuq aŋŋutinik aasriiñ niksiksuġiaqhuni suli.

2. and also -used in an additive sense, contrasts with aasriiñ

3. and -used in an additive sense, easily interchangable with suli-

I have a house, a sled and a dog.
Piqaqtuŋa tupiġmiglu, qilġiuraniglu suli qipmimik.

-lit, one with wings-
israġulik, dl. israġullak, pl. israġulgich

An angel has white garments.
Israġulik atnuġaaqaqtuq qatiqtaanik.

nagruk, dl. nagruuk, pl. nagruich

Antlers can be used as sinkers on a net.
Nagruich atuġnaqtut kuvram saatqutaiñun.

any time
qakugupayaaq, sumipayaaq

Come any time you wish.
Qakugupayaaq aggiqña.

He can come at any time.
Sumipayaaq aggiłhiñauruq.

anyone kiñapayaaq
anything suapayaaq
anyplace nanipayaaq

-the month of the geese-
Tiŋmirrat Tatqiat

Geese and ducks come during April.
Tiŋmirrat aggiġaqtut Tiŋmirrat Tatqiatni.


Ashes are left after something burns.
Aġra ikniġmiñ piraqtuq sut ikipmagich.

sikaakuvik, dl. sikaakuviik, pl. sikaakuviich

The ashtray smells bad.
Sikaakuvik tipituruq.

to ask for something

he asked for something
iŋiqsuq, dl. iŋiqsuk, pl. iŋiqsut

He asked for his food.
Iŋiqsuq niqiksraġmiñik.

2. to ask a question

he asked a question
apiqsruqtuq, dl. apiqsruqtuk, pl. apiqsruqtut

They asked for instructions.
Apiqsruqtuk sułiksraġmiknik.

he asked her
apiqsruġaa, dl. apiqsruġaak, pl. apiqsruġaat

She asked him whether or not he was leaving.
Apiqsruġaa aullaġniaqmaŋaan.

-molting time, the caribou loses velvet-

In the month of August, the velvet on the antlers of caribou peels off.
Amiġaiqsivik tatqiq tikitman, tuttut nagruŋich amiiġaġtut.

or August
lit., the time to fly away

ukialliq, dl. ukiallik, pl. ukiallich

The autumn skin is good for mukluk bottoms.
Ukialliq amiq atuŋagiksuq kamiŋnun.

upper back of human body

The child’s upper back is itchy.
Quliik iyaalugruam kumaksruktuk.

2. back of anything
tunu, dl. tunuk, pl. tunut

My back is hurting.
Tunuga atniġñaqtuq.

3. on a person’s back; at the back of
tunuani, dl. tunuakni, pl. tunuatni

The box is in back of the house.
Suluun tupqum tunuani ittuq.


it’s stern

Grab the stern of the boat!
Umiam aqua tigguuŋ!

to bake, to cook in oven

I cooked it in the oven.
Samuunnaaqtiqługu niqniaġiga.

2. to bake, to cook in oven, to roast

I cooked it in the oven. or I roasted it.
Argiqugu niqniaġiga.

She is baking the fish.
Argiqsuq qaluŋmik.

3. to bake bread

he is baking bread
qaqqiruq, dl. qaqqiruk, pl. qaqqirut

My mother is baking bread for sale.
Aanaga qaqqiruq tuniaksranik.

mamitaksraq, dl. mamitaksrak, pl. mamitaksrat

Do you have any bandages?

2. to bandage

He has bandaged himself.

He bandaged himself in the house.
Mamitaqtuq iŋmiñun tupqum iḷuani.

she is applying a bandage on another

She is applying a bandage on his arm.
Mamitairuq talianik.

he bandaged it
mamitaġaa, dl. mamitaġaak, pl. mamitaġaat

They bandaged his leg.
Mamitaġaat niuŋa.

tree bark
amiġaq, dl. amiqqak, pl. amiqqat

Bark can be used for house roofing.
Amiġaq atuġnaqtuq tupqum qiḷaŋanun.

to bark

it is barking
qiḷuktuq, dl. qiḷuktuk, pl. qiḷuktut

The dog is barking because he doesn’t know the people.
Qipmiq qiḷuktuq atlayuaqhuni iñuŋnik.

to play basketball
aqsrarriqi-, aqsraaq-

he is playing basketball
aqsrarriqiruq, dl. aqsrarriqiruk, pl. aqsrarriqirut
dl. aqsraaqtuk, pl. aqsraaqtut

They are playing ball at school.
Aqsraaqtut aglagviŋmi.

2. basketball players
aqsraaqtit, aqsrarriqirit

-lit., the edge of ocean-
taġium siñaa

There are lots of sea shells on the beach.
Taġium siñaani uviḷut iñugiaktut.

suŋauraq, dl. suŋaurak, pl. suŋaurat

Beads make pretty trimming.
Suŋaurat qupagiksut.

2. to work with beads, to do beadwork

She is doing beadwork.

My daughter is doing beadwork.
Paniga suŋaurriqiruq.


He is crying because he is sad.
Qiaruq takku aliasrukhuni

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