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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to begin, to start

he is beginning, he is starting or he has started

She has started to make the net.
Kuvramik aullaqniuruq.

he is starting on it, she is beginning to work on it

He has begun working on the house that he is building.
Aullaqniugaa tuppiani.

2. to begin an action, e.g. to eat

He is beginning the action.

She is beginning to eat before the others.
Isragutiruq sivuatni atlat.

a bench along the wall -traditional-
dl. igḷik pl. igḷiġich

Sit down on the bench along the wall.
Igḷimun aquvittin.

2. a wooden bench
unaqsiq aquppiuraaġvik, dl. unaqsik aquppiuraaġviik, pl. unaqsich aquppiuraaġviich

I sat down on the wooden bench.
Aquvittuŋa unaqsimun aquppiuraaġviŋmun.

to bend

to benefit from something

he benefited
ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtuq, dl. ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtuk, pl. ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtut

I benefited from the lesson.
Ikayuusriaqaġvigigiga taamna iḷḷiksaaq.
Ikayuusriaqaqtuŋa iḷḷiksaamiñ

aimmaq, dl. aimmaak, pl. aimmaich

The basket is used for picking berries.
Aimmaq aullaqsruġniutnauruq.

to be big

It is big.

The ball is big.
Aqsraaq aŋiruq.

2. to be big, to be large
plus qpak-, plus pak-

a big house

a big spoon

a big person

a big ulu

He is a big man.


Give me the binoculars.
Iriġruak qaitkik uvamnun.
to give birth

she has given birth -she has had a baby-
iġñiruq, dl. iġñiruk, pl. iġñirut

She has given birth to a baby boy.
Igñiruq aŋutmik.

2. afterbirth, placenta
alġaaq, dl. alġaak, pl. alġaat

3. the time or place of birth, birthday

His birthday is in May.
Sikuiġviŋmi anniviqaqtuq.

qaqquq, dl. qaqquk, pl. qaqqut

The biscuit is good to eat.
Qaqquq niġiruni nakuuruq.

to take a bite of, to bite
kigisi-, kigi-

he has taken a bite of it
kigisiruq, dl. kigisiruk, pl. kigisirut

He has taken a bite of the bread.
Kigisiruq qaqqiamiñ.

he bites it
kigiyaa, dl. kigiyaak, pl. kigiyaat

The child has bitten the baby’s finger.
Iyaalugruam kigiḷiġaa paipiuram argaŋa.

2. to bite incessantly, to chew on

he is biting on something
kiŋmaqtuq, dl. kiŋmaqtuk, pl. kiŋmaqtut

She is chewing on her fingernail.
Kiŋmaqtuq kukiŋmiñik.

3. to bite -of a dog, animal-

it bit her
ugiaġaa, dl. ugiaġaak, pl. ugiaġaat

The dog bit him.
Qipmim ugiaġaa.

4. to be bitten by an animal

he was bitten
ugiaqtittuq, dl. ugiaqtittuk, pl. ugiaqtittut

Don’t get bitten now!

to taste sour, to taste bitter, to taste of bile

it is bitter
suŋaġnitchuq, dl. suŋaġnitchuk, pl. suŋaġnitchut

The unripe berry is bitter.
Suŋaġnitchuq quviqti.

The water is bitter.
Imiq suŋaġnitchuq.

to use as an excuse, to blame something for a reason

he blames him, he uses it as an excuse
patchisigigaa, dl. patchisigigaak, pl. patchisigigaat

The man blames him for taking his tools.
Aŋutim patchisigigaa piñipiḷugich savalġutini.

blanket used for blanket tossing

to blanket toss

he is being tossed
nalukataqtuq, dl. nalukataqtuk, pl. nalukataqtut

My sister blanket tossed on the blanket during the Fourth of July celebration.
Aniqatiga nalukataqtuq Fourth of July-qmata.

to blaspheme, put a curse on someone

he is blaspheming
uqaġniġluktuq, dl. uqaġniġluktuk, pl. uqaġniġluktut

The man is speaking blasphemy to his friends.
Aŋun uqaġniġluktuq iḷauraġmiñun.

to bleed

he is bleeding
aunaaqsruqtuq, dl. aunaaqsruqtuk, pl. aunaaqsruqtut

My wound is bleeding.
Kiḷḷiġa aunaaqsruqtuq.

to be blind

he is blind
ayauruq, dl. ayauruk, pl. ayaurut

The old lady is blind.
Aaquaksraatchiaq ayauruq.

2. to lose one’s sight

he became blind
qiñitlaiqsuq, dl. qiñitlaiqsuk, pl. qiñitlaiqsut

My mother became blind when she hurt her eyes.
Aanaga qiñitlaiqsuq atniqami irraŋmigun.

3. to be blind

She is blind.

My grandfather is blind.
Taataga qiŋitlaitchuq.

auk, dl. auk, pl. augich

The blood is red.
Auk kaviqsuq.

Blood flows through the veins.
Auk igliġuuruq taqqatigun.

taqaq, dl. taqqak, pl. taqat

People have blood vessels.
Iñuich taqaqaqtut.

Some people eat unrendered blubber.
Iñuich iḷaŋich nutaġġiñġaqtuġuurut.

2. rendered blubber strips in oil
uqsruġaq, dl. uqsruqqak, pl. uqsruqqat

I want some rendered blubber.

3. blubber strips aged in seal skin poke or whale meat mixed with blubber and whole blood and aged for taste
mikigaq, dl. mikikkak, pl. mikikkat

Point Hope people make mikigaq.
Tikiġaġmuit mikigaliuġaqtut.

to blush from modesty, shyness or confusion

She is blushing.

2. to blush from embarrassment, to look embarrassed

He is blushing from embarrassment
kigiñaġiiḷiqsuq, dl. kigiñaġiiḷiqsuk, pl. kigiñaġiiḷiqsut

She is blushing with embarrassment.
Kigiñaġiiḷiqsuq kanŋusruliqhuni.

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