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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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it does not have any worth
suksraunġriqsuq, dl. suksraunġiqsuk, pl. suksraunġiqsut

The dog is not worth keeping.
Suksraunġiqsuq qipmiq.

2. to become useless, worthless

it is worthless
atuġuiqsuq, dl. atuġuiqsuk, pl. atuġuiqsut

The house is worthless.
Tupiq atuġuiqsuq.

That is worthless.
Taamna sumun atuġnianġitchuq.

You have become worthless.
to worry

he is worried
isrumaaluktuq, dl. isrumaaluktuk, pl. isrumaaluktut

He worries about anything.
Isrumaaluguuruq supayaamik.
to work

she is working
savaktuq, dl. savaktuk, pl. savaktut

He is working outside.
Savaktuq qaani.

he is working on it
savakkaa, dl. savakkaak, pl. savakkaat

He is working on the house.
Savakkaa tupiq.

2. to do hard work

he is working hard
sakuuktuq, dl. sakuuktuk, pl. sakuuktut

The one who is working on the house is working hard.
Sakuuktuq tuppiruaq.

3. a good worker
savaktilluataq, dl. savaktilluatak, pl. savaktilluatat

The good worker was praised for his work.
Savaktilluataq quyagitchiuruq savaaġmigun.
Alaska three-toed woodpecker, hairy woodpecker
tuuyuqpak, dl. tuuyuqpaak, pl. tuuyuqpaich

The Alaska three-toed woodpecker is a small bird.
Tuuyuqpak tiŋmiurauruq.

2. downy woodpecker
tuuyuq, dl. tuuyuk, pl. tuuyut

The downy woodpecker is on the tree.
Tuuyuq napaaqtumi ittuq.
qaksrugaun, dl. qaksrugautik, pl. qaksrugautit

The woman uses the woman’s belt when carrying the baby on her back.
Qaksrugaun atuġaġigaa aġnam amaaqami iyaalugruuramik.
to become withered, loose, not tight

it is withered

The man is withered because he is old.
Aŋun qasruruq utuqqaġuqhuni.

2. to wither, die -of a plant-

It has withered.
or Tuqullaktuq.
with this one, near the speaker, visible and not in motion
uumiŋa, dl. ukuŋniŋa, pl. ukuniŋa

Use this one.
Uumiŋa atuġiñ.

2. with this, near the speaker, lengthy, covering a large area or in motion, visible
marrumiŋa, dl. makuŋniŋa, pl. makuniŋa

Go and feed these to the dog?
Makuniŋa qipmiq niġipchaġiaġuŋ.
to be smart, wise

she is quick to learn, is wise, is smart
puqiksuq, dl. puqiksuk, pl. puqiksut

My brother is smart at school.
Aniqatiga puqiksuq aglagviŋmi.

2. to be wise

she is wise
isrumaturuq, dl. isrumaturuk, pl. isrumaturut

He is wise about living the right way.
Isrumaturuq iñuuniallautałiksraġmigun.
ukiulliq, dl. ukiulliik, pl. ukiullich

A caribou winter skin is also good as a bed mat.
Ukiulliaġruk qaatchiaġikmiuq.
winter, year
ukiuq, dl. ukiuk, pl. ukiut

The winter is cold.
Ukiuq itriliqsuq.

2. all winter, this winter, this year

3. to spend the winter

she spent the winter
ukiiruq, dl. ukiiruk, pl. ukiirut

They spent the winter alone.
Ukiirut kisimiŋ.
to wink

he is winking
sikutniġaqtuq, dl. sikutniġaqtuk, pl. sikutniġaqtut

The man is winking.
Sikutniġaqtuq aŋun.
window, skylight
igaliq, dl. igallak, pl. igalġich

The window gives light.
Igaliq qaummatauruq.
tuqłuk, dl. tuqłuuk, pl. tuqłuich

The windpipe is to breath through.
Tuqłuk aniqsalugviuruq.
uqquutaq, dl. uqquutak, pl. uqquutat

A windbreak is used when the wind blows hard.
Uqquutaq atuġaqtuq anuqłiqpakman.

The wind is blowing strongly.
Anuġi saŋŋiruq.

2. east wind

The east wind is warmer than the west wind.
Kivaknaq itraitḷuktuq kanaknamiñ.

3. south wind

The storm comes when the southerly wind is strong.
Uŋallaq anuġi saŋŋikman siḷaunġiġaqtuq.

4. west wind, from down river, from ocean

The west wind is cold.
Kanaknaq alappaaŋuruq.

5. north wind

The north wind is now blowing.

6. north, northwesterly wind
niġiqpak or niġiqpaq

The north/northwesterly wind is cold.
Niġiqpak alappaaŋuruq.

7. to be windy

It is windy today.
Anuqłiqsuq uvluvak.
to win -in competition-

He has won
akimaruq, dl. akimaruk, pl. akimarut

I won the game.
Akimaruŋa aġiunauraqapta.

2. to win a prize, to be correct, right

he has won a prize, to be correct
nalauttuq, dl. nalauttuk, pl. nalauttut

I won a can opener at a carnival.
Nalauttuŋa carnival-laqmata aŋmautmik qattautchikanun.

He was right when he said that.
Nalauttuq taatna uqaqami.
uqpik, dl. uqpiik, pl. uqpiich

Willows have long branches.
Uqpiich akiġuqpaqaqtut.

2.diamond willow
kanuŋŋiq, dl. kanuŋŋiik, pl. kanuŋŋich

Diamond willow is stronger than willow.
Kanuŋŋiq atchuitḷuktuq uqpiŋmiñ.

3. pussy willow
palliksraq, dl. palliksrak, pl. palliksrat

Pussy willow buds early in the spring.
Palliksrat akutuqpaliksraŋich sagviġñaġiaġuurut upinġaksrami.
nuliaq, iḷaqan

my wife

My wife went berry picking.
Nuliaġa aullaqsruġiaqtuq.
uiḷigaġnaaq or uiḷġaġniq, dl. uiḷigaġnaak, pl. uiḷigaġnaat

The widow is sad.
Uiḷigaġnaaq aġnaq iḷaqataiqsuaq aliasruktuq.

2. widow, widower
iḷaqataiqsuaq, dl. iḷaqataiqsuak, pl. iḷaqataiqsuat

The widow needs help.
Iḷaqataiqsuaq ikayuġnaqtuq.

3. widower
nuliiqsuaq, dl. nuliiqsuak, pl. nuliiqsuat

The widower is mourning.
Nuliiqsuaq kiñuvġuruq.
to be wide [as of a river]

it is wide
ikiqturuq, dl. ikiqturuk, pl. ikiqturut

Some part of the river is wide.
Ikiqturuq kuugum iḷaŋa.

2. to be wide

it is wide
niġuturuq, dl. niġuturuk, pl. niġuturut

My new parka is wide.
Atigitchiaġa niġuturuq.

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