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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to choose or get

he has chosen

The woman chose the best printed calico.
Aġnaq piksraġniqsuq qaagiksaamik kalikumik.

2. to choose from a variety

I chose these because they are pretty.
Tigusriruŋa ukuniŋa aarigaaŋuniqmata.

to chop wood

is chopping wood
qirriuqtuq, dl. qirriuqtuk, pl. qirriuqtut

My father is chopping wood.
Taataga qirriuqtuq.

2. to chop with an ice chisel

he is chopping with an ice chisel

The man is chopping ice.
Aŋun tuuqtuq sikumik.

She is chopping it with an ice chisel.

He is chopping the ice with an ice chisel.
Tuuġaa siku.
church -building-
aŋaayyuvik or agaayyuvik, dl. aŋaayyuviik, pl. aŋaayyuviich

They use the church on Sunday.
Aŋaayyuvik atuġaġigaat Minġuiqsiiġmi.

2. to believe in Christianity
aŋaayyusriqi- or agaayyusriqi-

he is a believer
aŋaayyusriqiruq, dl. aŋaayyusriqiruk, pl. aŋaayyusriqirut

There are many Christians in the church.
Aŋaayyusriqiruat iñugiaktut aŋaayyuviŋmi.

3. church elder -lit., one who leads-
aŋalati, dl. aŋalatik, pl. aŋalatit

My father is an elder in the church.
Aŋaayyuviŋmi taataga aŋalatauruq.
to turn in a circle, to go around, to revolve

to revolve, it turns around
kaivittuq, dl. kaivittuk, pl. kaivittut

The boat is circling.
Umiaq kaivittuq.

2. a circle
any settlement of people, city, town, village, nation, country
nunaaqqiq, dl. nunaaqqik, pl. nunaaqqich

The city is large.
Nunaaqiq aŋiruq.

2. a big place, a large village, a city
nunaaqqiqpak, dl. nunaaqqiqpaak, pl. nunaaqqiqpaich

The city is large.
Nunaaqqiqpak aŋiruq.

to clap hands
pattak- or pattaktuq-

she is clapping
pattaktuq, dl. pattaktuk, pl. pattaktut

They were really clapping in church.
Pattaktułallaktut aŋaayyuviŋmi.

Clap your hands!
Pattakkich argaktin! or
Pattaktukkich argaktin!

dew claw
kuvluġuq, dl. kuvluġuk, pl. kuvluġut

The dew claw is part of the caribou’s foot.
Kuvluġuq tuttum isigaiñi ittuq.

qiku, dl. qikuk, pl. qikut

Clay is gray.
Qiku qirġiaqtaaŋuruq.

to be clean, neat, not messy

it is clean
salumaruq, dl. salumaruk, pl. salumarut

The house is clean.
Salumaruq tupiq.

2. to be clean

You are clean.

It is clean.

3. cleanliness, holiness

to be obvious, to be clearly visible

it is clear, easy to see, obvious
nalunaitchuq, dl. nalunaitchuk, pl. nalunaitchut

It is easy to see an animal’s trail in the willows.
Nalunaitchut aŋŋugauram tumai avraurat iḷuatni.

2. it is clear, translucent, light enough to see through
qaummaqtuq or qaummaġiksuq, dl. qaummaqtuk, pl. qaummaqut

The drinking glass is clear enough to see through.
Qaummaqtuq nakasruŋŋuaq.

3. it is clear, clouds have dispersed

Today the weather is clear.
Siḷa uvluvak niptaqtuq.
to be clever

he is clever
pisaasruqtuq, dl. pisaasruqtuk, pl. pisaasruqtut

The man is clever at everything.
Aŋun pisaasruqtuq suraġapayaaqami.

a cliff
ipnaq, dl. ipnak, pl. ipnat

The cliff is dangerous to climb.
Ipnaq iqsiñaqtuq mayuqtuni.
climb to climb

he is climbing
mayuaqtuq, dl. mayuaqtuk, pl. mayuaqtut

He is climbing the tree.
Napaaqtumun mayuaqtuq.

2. to climb, to ascend

she is climbing

Don’t climb!

We will ascend to heaven.
Mayuġisirugut pakmuŋa.
clock clock, watch, hour
sassaq, dl. sassak, pl. sassat [Russ.]

The clock has stopped.
Sassaq nutqaqtuq.

2. timepiece, clock
tuqtuqtaq, dl. tuqtuqtak, pl. tuqtuqtat [Eng.]

The clock is to keep the time of the day.
Tuqtuqtaq naipiqqun uvlum qanuġiḷisilaaŋanun.
to close

it is closed -e.g. the chimney draft-
umiktuq, dl. umiktuk, pl. umiktut

she closed it
umikkaa, dl. umikkaak, pl. umikkaat

She closed the store.
Umikkaa tauqsiġñiaġvik.

2. to close an opening

she closes it
mulikkaa, dl. mulikkaak, pl. mulikkaat

He closes the box.
Mulikkaa suluun.

Close the openings of the tent carefully.
Muliktummaaġigḷugu palapkaaq.
nukihaaq or ukihaaq, dl. nukihaak, pl. nukihaat

The cloth at the store is very pretty.
Nukihaaq piññaqnaqtuq tauqsiġñiaġviŋmi.
clothes, garments

My clothes are clean.
Atnuġaatka puyaitchut.

2. to put on clothes, to dress

She is putting on her clothes.

He is dressing her.

Put your clothes on!

cloud nuviya, dl. nuviyak, pl. nuviyat

Clouds are black when it is going to rain.
Nuviyat qiġñiġaqtut siḷaluguġiaqman.
-see berry-

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