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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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club; upper hind leg of caribou, reindeer
anautaq, dl. anautak, pl. anautat

The young man is holding the club.
Anautaq nukatpiam tigummiyaa.

kalluk, dl. kalluuk, pl. kalluich

Coal can be used for fire wood.
Kalluk ikniqautautlaruq.

2. coal scuttle
kalluqaġvik, dl. kalluqaġviik, pl. kalluqaġviich

The coal scuttle is big.
Kalluqaġvik aŋiruq.

outside garment, coat, jacket
quppiġaaq, dl. quppiġaak, pl. quppiġaat

The coat is warm.
Quppiġaaq uunaqtuq.
kuukpiaq, dl. kuukpiak, pl. kuukpiat

Coffee is expensive.
Kuukpiaq akisuruq.

2. to drink coffee
kuukpiaqtuq -

he is drinking coffee
kuukpiaqtuqtuq, dl. kuuqpiaqtuqtuk, pl. kuuqpiaqtuqtut

My grandpa is drinking coffee.
Taataruaġa kuukpiaqtuqtuq.

3. coffee pot
kuukpiaqtuġvik, dl. kuukpiaqtuġviik, pl. kuukpiaqtuġviich

The coffee pot is empty.
Kuukpiaqtuġvik imaitchuq.
to be cold
alappaaŋu or qiunaq-

it is cold -as of atmosphere, weather-
alappaaŋuruq or qiunaqtuq

The weather is cold.
Siḷa alappaa. or
Siḷa alappaaŋuruq.

The house is cold when there is no fire.
Qiunaqtuq tupiq ikniġitñami.

2. It is cold!

3. to catch a cold

to have a cold

he has a cold
nuvaktuq, dl. nuvaktuk, pl. nuvaktut

My child has a cold.
Qitunġauraġa nuvaktuq.

My baby has caught a cold.
Paipiuraġa nuvaksiruq.

4. to be cold, to be cooled off -as of an object or surface-

it is cold, cool
nigliñaqtuq, dl. nigliñaqtuk, pl. nigliñaqtut

The water is cold.
Imiq nigliñaqtuq.

qutuk, dl. qutuuk, pl. qutuich

The collarbone breaks easily.
Qutuk naviyauruq.

2. to break one's or someone else's

He broke his collarbone.

colon; large intestine
iqłu, dl. iqłuk, pl. iqłut

The large intestine is wider than the small intestines.
Iqłu siḷitluktuq iŋaluaniñ.

comb to comb hair

he is combing his hair
iḷḷaiqsuqtuq, dl. iḷḷaiqsuqtuk, pl. iḷḷaiqsuqtut

I combed my hair.

2. to comb hair, to untangle

he is combing it, he is untangling it
iḷḷaiġaa, dl. iḷḷaiġaak, pl. iḷḷaiġaat

She is combing her daughter’s hair.
Iḷḷaiġai paniŋmi nuyai.

3. a comb

Where is my comb?
Iḷḷaigutitka naami?
to come, to arrive

he has come or he came
aggiqsuq, dl. aggiqsuk, pl. aggiqsut

She came yesterday.
Aggiqsuq ikpaksraq.

2. to come here [to a general area]

She has come here.

She had come here.

Come here!

3. to come here [to a specific spot]

Come here! [to a specific spot]

4. Come!

to comfort someone

he is comforting -another or others-

2. to comfort

she is comforting her

She is comforting her. mother.
Arakkaa aanani.

to command

he commanded him
atanniġaa, dl. atanniġaak, pl. atanniġaat

He commanded his son not to go.
Atanniġaa iġñi aullaqunġitḷugu.

2. to give -specific- commands
atanniqsuq-, atanniqsui-

he is giving commands

He is giving commands to his employees.
Atanniqsuiruq savaktimiñik.

commandment, order
tilliñ, dl. tillisik, pl. tillisit

The man followed his orders.
Aŋutim tillisiusriani atuġaa.
qargi, dl. qargik, pl. qargich

The community house in our village is large.
Qargi aŋiruq nunaaqqiuraptitni.

to be comparable to

to have a likeness in

she is like, he is comparable
atriqaqtuq, dl. atriqaqtuk, pl. atriqaqtut

It is comparable to that.
Taavruma atrigigaa.

to comprehend, to finally understand

The child has understood his lessons.
Iyaalugruaq puttuqsriruq iḷḷiksaaġmiñik.
to be confident, to be without doubt, to be sure

he is confident
nalupqisrunġitchuq, dl. nalupqisrunġitchuk, pl. nalupqisrunġitchut

The teacher is confident.
Aglaktitchiri nalupqisrunġitchuq.

to conjure

He is conjuring spirits.

to be connected to something

it is connected to something
ataruq, dl. ataruk, pl. atarut

The rope is connected to the net.
Akłunaaq ataruq kuvramun.

to regain consciousness from sleep, faintness, drunken stupor, daydreaming, etc.

he has become conscious
qauġriruq, dl. qauġriruk, pl. qauġrirut

He has recovered from unconsciousness.
Qauġriruq alapiŋaruaq.

2. to regain consciousness, revive

it has regained consciousness
aŋiruq, dl. aŋiruk, pl. aŋirut

The fox, which was knocked unconscious by a person, regained consciousness.
Iñuum anaukkaŋa kayuqtuq aŋiruq.

to be content

he is content, she is at peace, he feels at home
tutqiksuq, dl. tutqiksuk, pl. tutqiksut

After being gone, he was content to be back.
Tutqiksuq piiḷġaaqhuni utiqami.

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