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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to stink
tipitu-, aaqqaaŋu-

it stinks
tipituruq, dl. tipituruk, pl. tipiturut

A cigarette stinks.
Sikaaq tipituruq.

2. stinking caribou bull -after breeding-
nuliaġniq, dl. nuliaġnik, pl. nuliaġniġich

In the fall, you can notice a stinking caribou bull after it breeds.
Ukiaġmi nuliaġniq tuttu nalunaitchaqtuq.
to be stingy

she is stingy
iġḷiktuq, dl. iġḷiktuk, pl. iġḷiktut

His wife is stingy.
Nuiaŋa iġḷiktuq.

2. he is extremely stingy
iġḷikturuq, dl. iġḷikturuk, pl. iġḷikturut

He is stingy all the time.
Iġḷikturuq ataramik.

3. to be stingy about something

he clings to it for himself, he is stingy with it
iġḷigigaa, dl. iġḷigigaak, pl. iġḷigigaat

He is stingy with his food.
Iġḷigiai niqautini.
to be stiff

it is stiff
tikkaktuq, dl. tikkaktuk, pl. tikkaktut

His hands are stiff from being frozen.
Argai uvva tikkaktut qiqitiqtuqhutiŋ.

2. to become stiff -of dead body-

it becomes stiff -of dead body-
igruġaa, dl. obj. igruġik, pl. obj. igruġai

His body became stiff when he died.
Igruġaa timaa tuqupman.

3. to become stiff, not flexible

he has become stiff or it has become stiff -of muscle-
qiġġaqsiruq, dl. qiġġaqsiruk, pl. qiġġaqsirut

My back has become stiff.
Kiyipikkatka qiġġaqsiñiġai.
-lit. part of wood-,
-lit. small wood-

2. walking stick, cane
ayaupiuraq, ayaupiaq or ayauppiaq, dl. ayaupiak, pl. ayaupiat

The old man is using the walking stick.
Aŋugaatchiam atuġaa ayaupiuraq.

Give me my cane.
Qairruŋ ayaupiaġa uvamnun.

3. to stick

it is stuck

The tile is stuck on the floor.
Natiksraq nipittuq natiġmun.

4. to be sticky

it is sticky
nipinnaqtuq, dl. nipinnaqtuk, pl. nipinnaqtut

Yuck! It is sticky!
Ikkii! Nipinnaqtuq!
lower tip of sternum
qayuuttauraq, dl. qayuuttaurak, pl. qayuuttaurat

The lower tip of the sternum is round.
Qayuuttauraq aqsravaluqtuq.
to be stern, awesome, fearsome, respected

he is stern, unfriendly, noncommunicative
taluġnaqtuq, dl. taluġnaqtuk, pl. taluġnaqtut

The woman is stern faced.
Aġnaq taluġnaqtuq.

2. stern of boat

its stern

The boat’s stern is high.
Umiam aqua qutchiksuq.
iġñiksraq, dl. iġñiksrak, pl. iġñiksrat

My stepson is building a house.
Iġñiksraġa tuppiruq.

my stepmother

My stepmother is pretty.
Aanaksraġa anaŋŋaaŋuruq.

my stepfather

The stepfather showed me how to hunt.
Taataksraġma iḷisautigaaŋa aŋuniałiġmik.
paniksraq, dl. paniksraak, pl. paniksrat

My two stepdaughters have come.
Paniksraaka aggiqsuk.
to step on

she has stepped
tutiruq, dl. tutiruk, pl. tutirut

He has stepped on the ice.
Tutiruq sikumun.

she has stepped on it
tutigaa, dl. tutigaak, pl. tutigaat

She has stepped on the insect.
Tutigaa qupilġuq.

2. to step up

he has stepped up -from lower to higher place-
akpaktuq, dl. akpaktuk, pl. akpaktut

The man steps off from the ladder to the roof.
Aŋun tutipqiñiñ akpaktuq.

3. to step on a sharp object with the foot

he has stepped on a thorn or any sharp object with the foot

The child stepped on a nail when he was walking barefoot.
Iyaalugruaq kamiḷḷaaqtuaq sukkitchuq kikiaŋrnun.

4. to step on repeatedly

he is stepping on it
tutmaġaa, dl. tutmaġaak, pl. tutmaġaat

He is stepping on a toy.
Iŋŋuaq tutmaġaa.
steep rise
uviŋŋaġiksaaq, dl. uviŋŋaġiksaak, pl. uviŋŋaġiksaat

A hill that is steep can be tiresome to climb.
Ikpik uviŋŋaġiksaaq mayuqtuni iñiqtuġnaqtuq.

2. steep undercut river bank
qipaluaq, dl. qipaluak, pl. qipaluat

The riverbank is steeply undercut.
Qipaluaq sikkiksuq.

3. to be steep

it is steep -lit. difficult to climb

that which is steep
to steal

he has stolen something
tigliktuq, dl. tigliktuk, pl. tigliktut

He has stolen a cap from the store.
Tauqsiġñiaġviŋmiñ tigliktuq nasrautmik.

She has stolen it.

He has stolen it from me.
Tiglikkaa uvamniñ.

2. to get, to obtain repeatedly, to steal more than once

The man is a thief.
The man steals often.
Aŋun piksraqtuyuktuq.
to stay behind, to remain with someone or something

he is staying behind, she is remaining
nayuutiruq, dl. nayuutiruk, pl. nayuutirut

My cousin is staying with us.
Iḷḷuġa nayuutiruq uvaptitni.

2. to stay behind, to remain with someone or something

she is living with him, she is staying with him
nayuġaa, dl. nayuġaak, pl. nayuġaat

The nurse stays with the one who is sick.
Iłuaqtitchiñiaqtim nayuġaa sakniuqtuaq.
to starve

she is starving
kakkaaqtuq, dl. kakkaaqtuk, pl. kakkaaqtut

A person starved to death.
Iñuk kakkaaqhuni taruŋaaglaalaktuq.
to startle, to be startled

he is startled
tupaktuq, dl. tupaktuk, pl. tupaktut

The man is startled.
Aŋun tupaktuq.

she startled him
tupakkaa, dl. tupakkaak, pl. tupakkaat

The sound of a gun shot startled him.
Siksaqpaliqsuam tupakkaa.
uvluġiaq, dl. uvluġiak, pl. uvluġirrat

The star is bright in the sky.
Uvluġiaq qaummaġiksuq qiḷaŋmi.

2. three stars of the sword in the constellation Orion

3. shooting star
uvluġiam anaŋa

The shooting star can be seen at night.
Taaġmi uvluġiam anaŋa tautuŋnaqtuq.
to be in an upright position -of an object-, to be standing

it is standing
naparuq, dl. naparuk, pl. naparut

The house is still standing.
Tupiq napasrugaaqtuq.

2. to stand proudly

he is standing proudly, erect
qiviŋaaqtuq, dl. qiviŋaaqtuk, pl. qiviŋaaqtut

3. to stand up -of a living thing-

she stood up
qichaqtuq, dl. qichaqtuk, pl. qichaqtut

The man stood up.
Qichaqtuq aŋun.

4. to be standing

she is standing

She is still standing.
to stalk

he is stalking
puyuaqtuq, dl. puyuaqtuk, pl. puyuaqtut

The hunter is stalking towards a game animal.
Aŋuniaqti puyuaġuraqtuq aŋŋugauramun.
tent peg, stake
paugaq, dl. paukkak, pl. paukkat

After the stakes are put in the ground, the tent is ready to be set up. Pauktuqqaaqługu palapkaaq nappaġaġigaat.

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