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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to understand

she understood
kaŋiqsiruq, dl. kaŋiqsiruk, pl. kaŋiqsirut

She understood when her mother told her.
Kaŋiqsiruq aanami uqautipmani.

2. to not understand

he doesn’t understand
kaŋiqsiñġitchuq, dl. kaŋiqsiñġitchuk, pl. kaŋiqsiñġitchut

He did not understand because he didn’t listen.
Kaŋiqsiġitchuq takku naalaġniñġitḷuni.
its underside, ventral area, the area under something

The area under the house is dark.
Tupqum ataa taaqtuq.
ice cellar, underground cache, cold storage
siġḷuaq, dl. siġḷuak, pl. siġḷuat

The cold storage is located under the ground.
Siġḷuaq nunam iḷuani ittuq.

2. to be underground
nunam iḷuani it-

It is underground.
Nunam iḷuani ittuq.
located under it, her, him
ataani, dl. under them two ataakni, pl. under them three or more ataatni

The foundation is under the house.
Tupqum ataani turvik ittuq.

2. located under me

located under you
to be undecided

to he is undecided
sivunnitḷaiqsuq, dl. sivunnitḷaiqsuk, pl. sivunnitḷaiqsut

I am undecided about leaving.
Sivunnitḷaiqsuŋa aullaqtilaaksramnik.

2. to be undecided, to not know what to do

She is undecided.
akkak or aŋatchiaq

my uncle -father’s brother

my two uncles

my three or more uncles

My uncle likes to go boating.
Akkaga umiaqtuġuuruq.

2. my uncle -mother’s brother-
aŋatchiaġa, dl. aŋatchiaka, pl. aŋatchiatka

My uncle is making a wooden dipper.
Aŋatchiaġa qalutchiruq.
qalasriq, dl. qalasriik or qalatchik pl. qalasriich or qalatchich

The umbilicus is in the middle of the body.
Qalasriq timim qitqani ittuq.
ipiutaq, dl. ipiutak, pl. ipiutat

The umbilical cord is always attached to the baby.
Ipiutaq ataraqtuq iyaalugruaġmun.
amiḷiġaq, dl. amiḷiqqak, pl. amiḷiqqat

The tibia is in the leg.
Amiḷiġaq niumi ittuq.
to be ugly, unattractive -of a male-

he is ugly, unattractive
iñugiitchuq, dl. iñugiitchuk, pl. iñugiitchut

He is uglier than his brothers and sisters.
Iñugiitḷuktuq aniqatiumiñiñ.

2. to be ugly, to be unattractive -of a female-

she is ugly
aġnaġiitchuq, dl. aġnaġiitchuk, pl. aġnaġiitchut

The poor woman is quite unattractive.
Aġnaqniaq aġnaġiiḷḷuqtuq.
mammaun, dl. mammautik, pl. mammautit
aglakti, dl. aglaktik, pl. aglaktit

The typist is writing a letter.
Aglakti tuyuksriuqtuq.

2. typist
aglautitaun, dl. aglautitautik, pl. aglautitautit

The typewriter is used to type letters.
Aglautitaun atuġnaqtuq tuyuksriuqtuni.

2. aglaksuutitaun, dl. aglaksuutitautik, pl. aglaksuutitautit

Where is my typewriter.
Aglaksuutitautitka naami?
to twist

He is twisting the knob.
Qipitkaa tiguġiq.

2. to twist sinew for thread

she is twisting sinew for thread

My mother is twisting sinew to use for sewing.
Aanaga qipriruq ivalumik killaiyautiksraġmiñik.

3. to be twisted

it is twisted
qipŋaruq, dl. qipiŋaruk, pl. qipiŋarut

The tree is twisted.
Qipiŋaruq napaaqtuq.

[for there to be twilight]

Where are the twenty boxes?
Iñuiñaq suluutit naniitpat?
qulit malġuk

I bought twelve cups.
Tauqsiġitka qulit malġuk qallutit.
maniq, dl. mannak, pl. manġich

There is a tussock on the tundra.
Maniq nunaviŋmi ittuq.
to turn head

she turned her head
kiŋiaqtuq, dl. kiŋiaqtuk, pl. kiŋiaqtut

He turned his head when he heard something behind.
Kiŋiaqtuq tusraa’ami tunumiñiñ.

2. to turn the head to look

He turned his head to look.

She turned her head briefly and quickly.

3. to turn one’s back on a person, to turn around to face the other direction

she has turned around
tunuttuq, dl. tunuttuk, pl. tunuttut

They turned to face the other direction when told to do so.
Tunuttut tunutqukmatiŋ.

he has turned his back on him
tunutkaa, dl. tunutkaak, pl. tunutkaat

He has turned his back on his wife.
Aġnaqtiŋ tunutkaa.

4. to turn off, extinguish a light, fire

he has turned it off, extinguished it
qamitkaa, dl. qamitkaak, pl. qamitkaat

He has extinguished the fire.
Qamitkaa iki.

5. to become extinguished

It has extinguished itself or it has been extinguished.

The fire is out.
Ikniq qamiruq.

6. to turn over, to flip, to change

she has turned over, changed, repented
mumiksuq, dl. mumiksuk, pl. mumiksut

He turned over in his sleep.
Siñiktuaq mumiksuq.
nautnaq, dl. nautnak, pl. nautnat

Tundra cotton grows on the tundra.
Nautnat nausruurut natiġnami.

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