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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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The toothbrush is for brushing teeth.
Kigusriqutit salummautaurut kigutinun.
kigun, dl. kigutik, pl. kigutit

Teeth need good care.
Qaunagimmaaġigaksraurut kigutit.

2. to lose one’s tooth or teeth, to extract tooth

She has had a tooth pulled [extracted]
Kigutaiqsittuq atautchimik.

3. to have a toothache

she has a toothache
kigutinŋuruq, dl. kigutinŋuruk, pl. kigutinŋurut

She had a toothache for two days.
Kigutinŋuruq malġuŋni uvluŋni.

4. to brush teeth

I am brushing my teeth.
Kigusriqiruŋa uvva pakma.
savalġutiqaġvik, dl. savalġutiqaġviik, pl. savalġutiqaġviich

The tool box is full of tools.
Savalġutiqaġvik immaukkaqtuq savalġutinik.
savalġun, dl. savalġutik, pl. savalġutit

The tool is under the box.
Savalġun suluutim ataani ittuq.
tonight, this evening

He is coming tonight.
Anaqavak aggiġñiaqtuq.

2. tonight, all during the night

I will sleep well tonight.
Siñiigluataġisiruŋa unnuavak.
uqaq, dl. uqqak, pl. uqqat

Caribou tongue is delicious.
Tuttum uqaŋa kayumiktuq.
-lit. by way of morning-

Tomorrow we will finish our work.
Uvlaakun itqanaiġisigivut savaavut.
uugaq, dl. uukkak, pl. uukkat

The tomcod is a fish from the sea.
Uugaq taġium qalugigaa.
iquutiksraq, dl. iquutiksraak, pl. iquutiksrat

Toilet paper is soft.
Iquutiksraq niġummaġiksuq.

We are going together.
Atunim aullaqtugut.

2. to do together, to do as a team, as partners

they -2- are together

The two women are seining together.
Aġnak piqatigiiksuk qaaktuqtuak.

3. to bring together

he brings them together
dl. [obj.] katitkik, pl. [obj.] katitkai

He is putting two things together.

they have come together
dl. katiruk, pl. katirut

The people have gathered together.
Katirut iñuich.

4. to be with, to be a part of

he is together with, being with someone
iqatauruq, dl. iqatauruk, pl. iqataurut

She is with her relatives.
Iqatauruq iḷamiñi.

5. to do together, to all do at the same time

Let us leave together.
Atautchikun aullaqta.

We are happy today.
Quviasruktugut uvluvak.
to become tired

she is tired
iñiqtuqtuq, dl. iñiqtuqtuk, pl. iñiqtuqtut

He is tired after a long walk.
Iñiqtuqtuq pisruvaałłaqqaaqhuni.

He is still tired.

2. to become tired, weary, fatigued

he is tired
minġuqtuq, dl. minġuqtuk, pl. minġuqtut

She became tired after working.
Savaqqaaqhuni minġuqtuq.

3. to be one who does not tire easily

she does not tire easily
naŋiitchuq, dl. naŋiitchuk, pl. naŋiitchut

My father does not tire easily when he walks long distances.
Taataga naŋiitchuq pisrukami uŋasriksaamun.
to be tiny, to be few

it is tiny
uuttukuuŋuruq, dl. uuttukuuŋuruk, pl. uuttukuuŋurut

The shrew is tinier than all of the animals.
Ugruŋnaq uuttukuuŋutluktuq aŋŋugaurapayaaniñ.

How tiny!
to tingle

his body is tingling because of emotional stimulus
ikiaqsaalaaqtuq, dl. ikiaqsaalaaqtuk, pl. ikiaqsaalaaqtut

His body tingled because he became so pleasantly surprised.
Ikiaqsaalaaqtuq quviġutchaktiqpagitḷuni.
the time to, for
-naqsi, -ñaqsi- after strong I [v-v]

It is time to eat.

It is time for you to speak.

2. to overstay on a trip, to be gone too long

he is overstaying
muluruq, dl. muluruk, pl. mulurut

He stayed a long time when he went caribou hunting.
Tuttuliaqtuaq muluruq.

3. What time is it?
Sassaq qanuq iḷiva?
Tuqtuqtaq sumun iḷiva?
to tickle

he is experiencing the sensation of being tickled
qaallaktuq, dl. qaallaktuk, pl. qaallaktut

The big man is being tickled.
Qaallaktuq iñukpak.

2. to be ticklish
qaallaktu-, qaallaya-

she is ticklish
qaallakturuq, dl. qaallakturuk, pl. qaallakturut
qaallayaruq, dl. qaallayaruk, pl. qaallayarut

The child is ticklish.
Qaallakturuq iyaalugruaq.

3. to tickle another

he is tickling her
qaallaksaaġaa, dl. qaallaksaaġaak, pl. qaallaksaaġaat

They tickled her till she couldn’t laugh anymore.
Qaallaksaaġaat iglatlaiqsilġataqługu.
kanagaq, dl. kanakkak, pl. kanakkat

He broke his tibia when he fell.
Kanaqani piiyaqtiġniġaa katakami.
thus, like this, this way

This is the way to tie it.
Itna qiḷiġñaqtuq.

2. that way

The thunder is noisy when it’s close.
Kalluk nipituruq qanitnami.
gray-cheeked thrush
piiġaq, dl. piiġak, pl. piiġat

This thrush has gray cheeks.
Piiġaq iqsraġutiqaqtuq qirġiaqtaaŋnik.

2. varied thrush
siŋutluluuq, dl. siŋutluluuk, pl. siŋutluluut

The varied thrush is a bird.
Siŋutluluuq una tiŋmiurauruq.

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