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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be enough, sufficient, fit in size

it is enough
naamaruq, dl. naamaruk, pl. naamarut

The house material that my father ordered is enough.
Taataa qanniaŋa tupiksraun naamaruq.

to enter

he has entered
isiqtuq, dl. isiqtuk, pl. isiqtut

He has entered the church.
Isiqtuq aŋaayyuviŋmun.

2. to enter, of a group one by one or in groups

they enter

they keep entering, as children do during the course of the day

to enter over and over

She kept entering today.
Isaaġaqtuq uvluvak.

entry, door opening, river mouth
paa, dl. paak, pl. paat

There is fishing at the mouth of the river.
Kuugum paaŋani niksiksuġniaġaqtut.

to envy

he is envious
tusruruq, dl. tusruruk, pl. tusrurut

My daughter is envious because her friend has a new parka.
Paniga tusruruq uumaani atikłutchiaqman.

she is envious of him
tusrugaa, dl. tusrugaak, pl. tusrugaat

She is envious of the one who left.
Tusrugaa aullaqtuaq.

2. to envy

He is envious.

She is envious because she wants one like that.
Piŋaruq taatnasriqaġukhuni.

3. to become envious, to become jealous

He has become envious.

When his neighbor got a new sled, he became envious.
Siḷalliuni qiḷġitchiaqman piŋaliqsuq.

to erect
nappaq-, nappai-

They are erecting a large building.
Nappairut tupiqpaŋmik.

He is erecting it.

She is erecting her own tent.
Nappaġaa palapkaani.

to escape

he is escaping, he is fleeing
qimaktuq, dl. qimaktuk, pl. qimaktut

The woman is escaping from the fire.
Qimaktuq aġnaq ikniġmiñ.

2. to escape from danger

She has escaped.

He has escaped from the bear.
Annaktuq akłamiñ.

masru, dl. masruk, pl. masrut

Eskimo potatoes are good to eat.
Masru nakuuruq niġiruni.

mamilik, dl. mamillak, pl. mamilgich

In the spring the hunters use waterproof mukluks.
Upinġaksrami aŋuniaqtuat mamiliktuġaqtut.

2. to wear waterproof boots

She is wearing waterproof mukluks.


They talk a lot, especially him.
Uqałallagaqtut, suvaluk ilaa.

2. to overdo

he is overdoing it

The speaker is overdoing it.
Apai suvaluktuq uqaqtuaq.
to be eternal

it is eternal, endless

Do you want eternal life?
Isruitchuamik iñuusrukpich?

tiŋmiaqpaurag, dl. tiŋmiaqpaurak, pl. tiŋmiaqpaurat

everyone, subj.

Everyone is happy.
Iluqatiŋ quviasruktut.

iluqaisa or iluqaitñik.

He took everything.
Iluqaisa piñiġai.

to examine
isivġiq-, isivġiiq -

she is examining him
isivġiiġaa, dl. isivġiiġaak, pl. isivġiiġaat

He is examining it to see if it is good.
Isivġiiġaa nakuupmaŋaan.

to go to excess, to be excessive

he is going to excess

2. to go to excess, to be excessive
-vaałłak- [v-v]

She is talking excessively.

Don’t eat excessively!

exclamation of pain, sorrow or disappointment
annaa, annii, arrii!

2. exclamation of sorrow, Alas!

It is too bad.
Aḷakkaa piḷḷuatanġiññiqsuq.

3. exclamation of surprise

4. exclamation of surprise, gee

Gee! It’s really big.
Allia! Aŋiłallaŋniqsuq.

5. exclamation of admiration of something beautiful, pretty or attractive

That is pretty!
Allia piññaqnaġniqsuq.

6. exclamation of frustration, impatience or pain

Oh! I don’t want to go.
Arii! Aullaġunġitchuŋa.

to expect

he is expecting, hoping
niġiuktuq, dl. niġiuktuk, pl. niġiuktut

My father is expecting what he ordered.
Taataga niġiuktuq qanniaġmiñik.

2. to expect someone or something

he is expecting her
niġiugigaa, dl. niġiugigaak, pl. niġiugigaat

The woman is expecting her child from school.
Aġnam niġiugigaa qitunġaurani aglagiaqtuaq.

to explode, to burst

it has exploded

Just as he reached it, it exploded.
Tikitmiyaalu, mapqatittuq.

kigiñaq, dl. kigiññak, pl. kigiññat

My face has become flushed.
Uunnaġluktittuq kigiñaġa.

2. face mask
kigiñaġun, dl. kigiñaġutik, pl. kigiñaġutit

One wears a face mask when it is cold.
Kigiñaġutituġnaqtuq alappaaŋukman.

3. to face toward a person, to turn around to face another direction

he turned to face -another-
saattuq, dl. saattuk, pl. saattut

My mother turned to face my father when he spoke.
Aanaga saattuq uqaqman Taataga.

He turned and faced her as he spoke.
Saatlugu uqaġvigigaa.

4. to make a funny face

He is making faces.

She is making faces at me.

to fade, to change color and brightness due to weather -also meaning to become tanned of skin-

it has faded, it is fading
siḷaliruq, dl. siḷaliruk, pl. siḷalirut

The blankets are fading out on the clothesline.
Siḷalirut ulitchiat qakma paniqsiutami.

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