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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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nagruk, dl. nagruuk, pl. nagruich

Antlers can be used as sinkers on a net.
Nagruich atuġnaqtut kuvram saatqutaiñun.

to be anxious to obtain, to try hard to obtain

he is anxious to get something
kipiġiruq, dl. kipiġiruk, pl. kipiġirut

He was anxious to get more fish.
Qalulaaġukhuni kipiġiruq.

itiq, dl. ittak, pl. itqich

The anus is where the bodily waste comes out.
Itiq annam annivigigaa.

any time
qakugupayaaq, sumipayaaq

Come any time you wish.
Qakugupayaaq aggiqña.

He can come at any time.
Sumipayaaq aggiłhiñauruq.

anyone kiñapayaaq
anything suapayaaq
anyplace nanipayaaq

to appear, to become plain, to come out into the open, to become obvious

it has appeared
sagviqsuq, dl. sagviqsuk, pl. sagviqsut

The sun has appeared from behind the cloud.
Sagviqsuq siqiñiq nuviyamiñ.

The woman took out her sewing kit from the bag.
Aġnam sagviġaa immutviurani ikpaatchauraġmiñiñ.

2. to appear, come into view

it has appeared
nuiruq, dl. nuiruk, pl. nuirut

The sun has appeared from behind the mountains.
Siqiñiq nuiruq iñġich kiluatniñ.

uqsi, dl. uqsiik, pl. uqsiich

The appendix is in the abdominal cavity.
Uqsi iḷumi ittuq.

to approach, to come near

it is approaching, it is coming near
qalliruq, dl. qalliruk, pl. qallirut

The hunter is approaching the caribou.
Aŋuniaqti qalliruq tuttumun.

-the month of the geese-
Tiŋmirrat Tatqiat

Geese and ducks come during April.
Tiŋmirrat aggiġaqtut Tiŋmirrat Tatqiatni.

to arch one’s back

She is arching her back.

Arch your back!

qusrkhaaq, dl. qusrkhaak, pl. qusrkhaat

The arctic fox is white.
Qusrkhaaq qatiqtuq.

mitqutaiḷaq, dl. mitqutaiḷak, pl. mitqutaiḷat

The arctic tern is flying.
Mitqutaiḷaq tiŋmiraqataqtuq.

to argue, to give reasons for or against something

They -2- are arguing.

2. to disagree verbally, to argue

They -2- have a verbal disagreement.

3. he is argumentative, he is difficult to talk down
qapiqtaiḷiḷguruq, dl. qapiqtaiḷiḷguruk, pl. qapiqtaiḷiḷgurut

That person is argumentative.
Taamna iñuk qapiqtaiḷiḷguruq.

4. he is arguing heatedly
uqaalallapiaqtuq, dl. uqaalallapiaqtuk, pl. uqaalallapiaqtut

to arise, to get out of bed, to get up

He got up early today.
Makinnaġiaqtuq uvluvak.

arm taliq, dl. tallik, pl. tallich

My arm is hurting.
Taliġa atniġñaqtuq.

2. to break an arm

he broke his arm
talliaqtuq, dl. talliaqtuk, pl. talliaqtut

The man fell and broke his arm.
Aŋun katakhuni talliaqtuq.
aŋuyautnaq, dl. aŋuyautnak, pl. aŋuyautnat

The soldier put the armor on.
Aŋuyautnaq aŋuyyiuqtim atigaa.

an army of soldiers

around here

It is around here.
Maani ittuq.

2. to go around in a circle

She is going around and around, spinning.

He is going all the way around it.

to arrive, to reach

he has arrived
tikitchuq, dl. tikitchuk, pl. tikitchut

The dogteam racers have arrived.
Uniaġaqqautraqtuat tikitchut.

He reached the village.
Tikitchaa nunaaqqiq.

arrow; shell, bullet
qaġruq, dl. qaġruk, pl. qaġrut

The arrow is red.
Qaġruq kaviqsaaŋuruq.

taqaqpak, dl. taqaqpaak, pl. taqaqpaich

Blood travels through the artery.
Taqaqpak augum igliġvigigaa.

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