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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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[a bird]
siuttuvak, dl. siuttuvaak, pl. siuttuvaich

The whimbrel lives on the tundra.
Siuttuvak natiġnami itchuuruq.
a short while ago

a long while ago

He went a short while ago.
Akku aullaqtuq.
by which way, how

By which way are we going?
Naukun igliġniaqpiñuk?

2. which one of these -2-
nalliak or naliak

which one of these -3 or more-
naliat or nalliat

Which one was left?
Nalliat kisiŋŋuġniqpa?

I wonder which one.
where, in what?

What is that thing in?
Sumi taimña itpa?

2. where

Where is your house?
Nani itpa tupqiñ?

3. where

Where is your mother?
Naami aanan?

4. where from

Where did you find your puppy?
Nakiñ paqitpiuŋ qipmiuran?

5. where to

Where are you going?
Napmun aullaġniaqpich?
qakugu, qakugun

When are you going hooking for fish?
Qakugu niksiksuġiaġniaqpich?
tiŋmiaqpauraq, dl. tiŋmiaqpaurak, pl. tiŋmiaqpaurat

The wheatear is a bird.
Tiŋmiaqpauraq tiŋmiurauruq.
What’s that on your hand?
Sua tamanna argapni?

2. What do you want?
Sua pisukpiuŋ?

3. What are you doing?

4. What do you want to do?

5. What am I doing?

6. What is he doing?

What is it?

7. I wonder what it was.
Suatai piva?
whalebeluga whale
sisuaq, dl. sisurrak, pl. sisurrat

People hunt beluga.
Iñuich sisuaġniaġaqtut.

2. bowhead whale
aġviq, dl. aġvak, pl. aġviġich

The bowhead whale is large.
Aġviq aŋiłallaktuq.

3. gray whale

The gray whale is also big.
Aġviġluaq aŋikmiuq.

4. killer whale
aaġlu, dl. aaġluk, pl. aaġlut

The killer whale is dangerous.
Aaġlu iqsiñaqtuq.

5. male whale
isiŋuatchauraq, dl. isiŋuatchaurak, pl. isiŋuatchaurat

The male whale is looking for a mate.
Isiŋuatchauraq pakaktuq tuvaaqatiksraġmiñik.

6. medium-sized whale
usiŋuatchiaq, dl. usiŋuatchiak, pl. usiŋuatchiat

The medium-sized whale is jumping out of the water.
Usiŋuatchiaq nutigaqtuq imiġmiñ.

7. large whale with rolled blubber on the back
iŋutuvak, dl. iŋutuvvak, pl. iŋutuvaich

The iŋutuvak lives in the ocean.
Iŋutuvak taġiumi ittuq.

8. whale skin with blubber, muktuk
maktak, dl. maktaak, pl. maktaich

Whale skin with blubber is good to eat.
Maktak niġiruni nakuuruq.

9. young female whale -choice whale, soft muktuk-

The maktak from the young female whale is very good to eat.
Iŋutum maktaŋa niġiruni nakuuruq.
to be well, fine, good

he is well
nakuuruq, dl. nakuuruk, pl. nakuurut

2. to become well, to get better

He has become well.

3. to do well

He did well.
greeting, welcome [also in speech and song]
paġlan, dl. paġlatik, pl. paġlatit

The visitors heard nice welcome songs.
Iglaat paġlatilluatanik tusraarut.

2. to welcome

she welcomes him
paġlagaa, dl. paġlagaak, pl. paġlagaat

The father welcomes his son.
Taataŋan paġlagaa iġñi.
weepto weep, to shed tears

he is weeping
qulviruq, dl. qulviruk, pl. qulvirut

She is weeping from loneliness.
Aliasrukhuni qulviruq.
water weed
nakaaq, dl, nakaak, pl. nakaat

There are many water weeds in the small lakes.
Narvaurat nakaaqaġuurut.
weather, outside, atmosphere, air

The weather is bad today.
Siḷa qaŋna pigiitchuq uvluvak.

2. to become very cold [of weather]

it is now cold weather
itriŋuqtuq or itriŋuġaa

The weather is cold when the river freezes up.
Itriŋuqtuq siḷa sikupmagu kuuk.

3. to be bad, stormy weather
siḷagiit-, siḷaqłuk-

it is bad weather, stormy weather
siḷagiitchuq or siḷaqłuqtuq

The weather is bad today.
Siḷagiitchuq uvluvak.

4. to be clear, nice -of weather-

The weather is nice.

The weather is clear today.
Siḷagiksuq uvluvak.
tiġiaq, dl. tiġiak, pl. tiġiat

The weasel is white in winter time.
Tiġiaq qatiġuuruq ukiumi.
to wear; to use; to sing

he is wearing something
atuqtuq, dl. atuqtuk, pl. atuqtut

He is wearing a red parka.
Atuqtuq kaviqsaamik atigimik.
Kaviqsaamik atigituqtuq.
to be weak

he is weak
sayaitchuq, dl. sayaitchuk, pl. sayaitchut

The old man is weak.
Sayaitchuq aŋugaatchiaq.

2. to become weak

She has become weak.

He has become weak from hunger.
Sayaiqsuq niġisuliqhuni.

3. to be weak, incapable

He is weak.

4. to become weak, incapable

He has become weak.

My grandmother is becoming weak and old.
Aanaruaġa piḷguiḷiaqsiruq.
dl. plus tuguk, pl. plus tugut [used with verb stems with no strong I in semi-final position]
dl. plus ruguk, pl. plus rugut [used with verb stems which end in a vowel]
dl. plus suguk, pl. plus sugut [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in k or q]
dl. plus chuguk, pl. plus chugut [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in a t]

to speak, talk
We are speaking.
dl. Uqaqtuguk.
pl. Uqaqtugut.

to eat
We are eating.
dl. Niġiruquk.
pl. Niġirugut.

to be out of water
We are out of water.
dl. Imġiqsuguk.
pl. Imġiqsugut.

to arrive, to reach destination
We have arrived.
dl. Tikitchuguk.
pl. Tikitchugut.

2. we
dl. uvaguk, pl. uvagut

We are going.
dl. Uvaguk aullaġniaqtuguk. pl. Uvagut aullaġniaqtugut.
Bohemian waxwing bird -lit. with pretty wing feathers-
suluktatchialik, dl. suluktatchiallak, pl. suluktatchialgich

The Bohemian waxwing is eating.
Suluktatchialik niġiuraqtuq.
a big wave, swell
iŋiulik, dl. iŋiullak, pl. iŋiulgich

There are big waves this evening.
Iŋiulikpaktuq anaqavak.

2. to move in waves [of water]

There are waves on the water.
to wave or shake one’s hand

she is waving her hands
iḷaliruq, dl. iḷaliruk, pl. iḷalirut

He is waving his hand to his neighbor.
Iḷaliruq siḷalliġmiñun.

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