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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be tangled

It is tangled
iḷḷaktuq, dl. iḷḷaktuk, pl. iḷḷaktut

The thread is tangled.
Iḷḷaktuq ivaluksraq.
to get a tan; to become bleached by the weather

she has gotten a tan
siḷaliruq, dl. siḷaliruk, pl. silalirut

She got a tan from being outside.
Siḷaliruq aniiqami.
to talk, speak

he is talking, he said
uqaqtuq, dl. uqaqtuk, pl. uqaqtut

The person is talking.
Iñuk uqaqtuq.

2. to be talking, conversing

She is talking.
to take along inadvertently, to take in, to include

he has taken it along inadvertently, she has included it
taputigaa, dl. taputigaak, pl. taputigaat

He has taken along the mate of my glove.
Argaaġma igḷua taputigaa.

2. to take away from someone

he has taken it away from her
aatkaa, dl. aatkaak, pl. aatkaat

They have taken his belongings away from him.
Aatkaat suuraiñik.

3. to take back something

he is taking back -something- indirect object
satuiruq, dl. satuiruk, pl. satuirut

She got back what she gave.
Aatchuutmiñik satuiruq.

4. to take back

He took it back.

5. Take it to her/him.
Ilaanuutiuŋ or Ilaanuuttuuŋ.
pamiałłuk, dl. pamiałłuuk, pl. pamiałłuich

The tailbone is a part of the body.
Pamiałłuk timimi ittuq.
pamiuq, dl. pamiuk, pl. pamiut

The fox’s tail has a white tip.
Kayuqtum pamiuŋa qatiqtaamik nuvuqaqtuq.

2. bird’s tail
papik, dl. pappak, pl. papkich

Ducks and birds have tails.
Tiŋmiaġruiḷḷu tiŋmiurallu, papiqaqtut.
taiguraq, dl. taigurak, pl. taigurat [Eng.]

The tack is sharp.
Taiguraq ipiktuq.
to be taboo

it is taboo, it is forbidden to be eaten or done for religious reasons, it must be abstained from, it must be avoided

In the old days, they avoided direct contact with anyone they considered taboo.
Agliġnaqtuaq taimani quŋuġigaat.
to be swollen, to be puffed up

it is swollen
puvinŋaruq, dl. puvinŋaruk, pl. puvinŋarut

Your eyes are swollen.
Irrakiñ puvinŋaniqsuk.
to be sweet, tart
siiġñaaq-, siiġñaq-

It is sweet
siiġñaaqtuq or siiġñaqtuq, dl. siiġñaaqtuk, pl. siiġñaaqtut

The ripe berry is sweet.
Siiġñaaqtuq asriaq.
to swell; to inflate

it is swollen, inflated
puviqsuq, dl. puviqsuk, pl. puviqsut

My feet are swollen.
Isigatka puvinniqsut.

he inflates it
puviġaa, dl. puviġaak, pl. puviġaat

The boy blew up the balloon.
Nukatpiaġruum puviġaa puviġaaq.

2. balloon

3. swelling

A swelling hurts.
Puvinniq atniġñaġuuruq.
to sweat

he is sweating
siiqsukkaqtuq, dl. siiqsukkaqtuk, pl. siiqsukkaqtut

The man chopping wood is sweating.
Aŋun qirriuqtuaq siiqsukkaqtuq.
to swear, to speak angrily

he is complaining
uqaalaruq, dl. uqaalaruk, pl. uqaalarut

The woman is speaking angrily, complaining.
Aġnaq uqaalaruq.

2. to swear, to curse
suviaq- [Eng.]

He swore.
He cursed.

He is swearing.
imahak, imaġniq
bank swallow, tree swallow
tulugaġnaq, dl. tuluqaġnak, pl. tulugaġnat

The bank swallow makes a hole in a steep river bank.
Tulugaġnaq sisiliuġuuruq qipaluami.

2. barn swallow
tulugaġnauraq, dl. tulugaġnaurak, pl. tulugaġnaurat

The barn swallow hunts for insects.
Tulugaġnauraq niqiksraqsiuġaqtuq qupilġunik.

3. cliff swallow
qikum tulugaġnaŋa

The cliff swallow can fly a lot.
Qikum tulugaġnaŋa tiŋmiḷguruq.
to swallow something

he has swallowed
iisiruq, dl. iisiruk, pl. iisirut

He swallowed his gum.
Iisiruq kutchumiñik.

2. to swallow

he has swallowed it
iiyaa, dl. iiyaak, pl. iiyaat

He has swallowed the food.
Iiyaa niqi.

Don’t swallow it!
to suspect

he suspects
iḷimasruktuq, dl. iḷimasruktuk, pl. iḷimasruktut

He suspects that they might steal.
Iḷimasruktuq tiglikkasrugalugich.

2. she suspects him, blames him
pasriyaa, dl. pasriyaak, pl. pasriyaat

He suspects him of stealing.
Pasriyaa tigliŋnipḷugu.

3. to be suspect, to be suspicious

He is suspicious.

4. to become suspicious

He became suspicious.
to surround

They have surrounded him.

The dogs surrounded him.
Qipmich avataŋiġaat.
to be surprised

she is surprised, amazed, astonished
quviġusruktuq, dl. quviġusruktuk, pl. quviġusruktut

My mother was surprised when she received berries.
Quviġusruktuq aanaga aatchuusriaqaqami asrianik.

2. to be surprised

she was surprised
niġiiḷḷaqtuq, dl. niġiiḷḷaqtuk, pl. niġiiḷḷaqtut

She was surprised when he came.
Niġiiḷḷaqtuq aggiqman.

she surprises him
niġiiḷḷaġaa, dl. niġiiḷḷaġaak, pl. niġiiḷḷaġaat

He surprised them with a song.
Niġiiḷḷaġai atuutmik.
something left over, surplus
sippaq, dl. sippak, pl. sippat

He gave me the dollar which was left over.
Tamałhuq sippaq qaiḷḷakkaa uvamnun.

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