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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to become senile, lit. to become slightly crazy-

he has become senile
kinnaŋaaqsiruq, dl. kinnaŋaaqsiruk, pl. kinnaŋaaqsirut

She became senile when she got old.
Kinnaŋaaqsiruq utuqqaġuqami.
to send
tuyuq-, tuyuġi-

she is sending something
tuyuqtuq, dl. tuyuqtuk, pl. tuyuqtut

She is sending berries.
Tuyuqtuq asrianik.

he has sent it
tuyuġigaa, dl. tuyuġigaak, pl. tuyuġigaat

She has sent the basket.
Aimmaq tuyuġigaa.

2. to send away, to cause to go away; to start an engine

she sent him away
aullaqtitkaa, dl. aullaqtitkaak, pl. aullaqtitkaat

He sent his son away.
Iġñi aullaqtitkaa.

Did you start the engine?
Aullaqtitpigich igliġutit?

3. something sent, mail
tuyuun, dl. tuyuutik, pl. tuyuutit

The letters which she sent arrived.
Aglaich tuyuutai aggiqsut.
to sell something

she has sold -something-
tunisiruq, dl. tunisiruk, pl. tunisirut

He has sold wood.
Qiruŋnik tunisiruq.

2. to sell

he is selling it
tuniyaa, dl. [obj.] tuniyik, pl. [obj.] tuniyai

He has sold the fish.
Tuniyai qaluich.
a seining net, seine
qaaktuun, dl. qaaktuutik, pl. qaaktuutit
qargun, dl. qargutik, pl. qargutit

They use the seining net in the summer.
Qaaktuun atuġaġigaat auraġmi.

2. to seine

he is seining
qaaktuqtuq, dl. qaaktuqtuk, pl. qaaktuqtut

The man is seining.
Aŋun qaaktuqtuq.
to jump on a see-saw

he is jumping on a see-saw
ipuktaqtuq, dl. ipuktaqtuk, pl. ipuktaqtut

She is jumping on a see-saw over there.
Ipuktaqtuq iñani.
to see, to look at

he is seeing, he is looking
tautuktuq, dl. tautuktuk, pl. tautuktut

They see people.
Tautuktut iñuŋnik.

he is seeing it
tautukkaa, dl. tautukkaak, pl. tautukkaat

He has seen the caribou.
Tautukkaa tuttu.

2. to see, to look at

she is seeing, he is looking
qiñiqtuq, dl. qiñiqtuk, pl. qiñiqtut

he is seeing it, he is looking at it
qiñiġaa, dl. qiñiġaak, pl. qiñiġaat

He is looking at the visitor.
Qiñiġaa iglaaq.

3. let’s see! where now?
naami kii!

Let me see! Let me have a look at it.
Naami kii! Tautullaglagu!

4. to be blind, to not be able to see
qiñitlait- or taututlait-

he cannot see
qiñitlaitchuq, dl. qiñitlaitchuk, pl. qiñitlaitchut

My brother is blind.
Aniqatiga qiñitlaitchuq.
a security guard

qaunaksri iñuŋnik
to become secure, safe, sheltered

it is secure, it is safe, it is sheltered

He is safe from the storm.
Aŋniġmiñ uqqitchuq.

2. to be secure, sturdy

It is sturdy and secure.

Make it secure and sturdy.
to add ingredients, to mix, to season food

he is seasoning it

She is seasoning the soup.
Avuuġaa suuq.
to search for, to look for
pakak- or pakik-

she is searching
pakaktuq or pakiksuq

They are searching for the lost person.
Pakaktut tammaqtuamik.

she is searching for it
pakakkaa, dl. pakakkaak, pl. pakakkaat

The man is searching for his dog.
Aŋutim pakakkaa qipmiñi.
puuq, dl. puuk, pl. puut

Long ago food was preserved in sealskin pokes.
Aippaani niqinik puunun niqausriraqtut.
uqsruq, dl. uqsruk, pl. uqsrut

Seal oil is made from seal blubber.
Uqsruq piḷiuġaġigaat natchium nutaġġiñġaŋaniñ.
-suitable for placing net-
alluvak, dl. alluvaak, pl. alluvaich

The seal’s breathing hole can hardly be seen.
Alluvak qiñiġnapqauraqtuq.
ugruk hair seal
natchiq, dl. natchiik, pl. natchiich

There is one seal on top of the ice.
Atausriq natchiq ittuq sikum qaaŋani.

2. bearded seal
ugruk, dl. ugruuk, pl. ugruich

The skin of the bearded seal is used for the bottoms of mukluks.
Ugruum amia atuŋauraqtuq kamiŋnun.

3. ring seal
qayaġulik, dl. qayaġullak, pl. qayaġulgich

A ring seal is pretty.
Qayaġulik qiñiyunaqtuq.

4. spotted seal, harbor seal
qasrigiaq, dl. qasrigiak, pl. qasrigiat

The spotted seal has climbed out of the water and on to the beach.
Qasrigiaq qakiruq taġium siñaanun.

5. strong smelling bull seal -during mating season-

The strong smelling bull seal is on the ice.
Tiggaŋniq natchiq sikumi ittuq.
taġium niġrutaa
to scream and cry with pain

he is screaming, crying with pain
iḷasrialaruq, dl. iḷasrialaruk, pl. iḷasrialarut

He cried with pain when he broke his arm.
Iḷasrialaruq talliaqami.

2. to scream or shout

she is screaming, she is shouting
nipaalaruq, dl. nipaalaruk, pl. nipaalarut

The person is screaming because he is hurt.
Iñuk nipaalaruq atniqhuni.

3. to scream, shout

he is screaming, he is shouting

Shh! Don’t scream!
Ataa! Iġialanak!
to scratch, leaving a mark

he scratched himself
qitchuktuq, dl. qitchuktuk, pl. qitchuktut

He scratched his arm.
Qitchuktuq taliġmigun.

she scratched him
qitchukkaa, dl. qitchukkaak, pl. qitchukkaat

He scratched his younger sister.
Qitchukkaa nukatchia.

2. to scratch on a surface, to scratch an itch

he is scratching himself
kumiktuq, dl. kumiktuk, pl. kumiktut

The man is scratching himself.
Aŋun kumiktuq.

he is scratching it

She is scratching the itch.
Kumikkaa kumaksruktuaq.
scraper skin scraper, plane
ichuun, dl. ichuutik, pl. ichuutit

The skin scraper has a sharp blade.
Ichuun ipiktaamik kigiñaqaqtuq.

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