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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be stuck, to be wedged in an opening, to be stranded

he is stuck
kalivittuq, dl. kalivittuk, pl. kalivittut
to be stubborn, to persevere

he is stubborn, continues on regardless
sivutmuuruq, dl. sivutmuuruk, pl. sivutmuurut

The man is stubborn about leaving.
Sivutmuuruq aullaġukhuni aŋun.

2. to be stubborn, lit. to be hard

He is stubborn, he will not stop.
Siqquqtuq una, nutqaġnianġitchuq.
to be strong, healthy

she is strong, healthy
sayakturuq, dl. sayakturuk, pl. sayakturut

The young man is strong and healthy.
Sayakturuq nukatpiaq.

2. to be strong -physically or in taste-

she is strong
saŋŋiruq, dl. saŋŋiruk, pl. saŋŋirut

The boy is strong.
Nukatpiaġruk saŋŋiruq.

The coffee is strong.
Kuukpiaq tara saŋŋiñiqsuq.

3. to be mighty, aggressive, strong

he is strong, mighty
sapiġñaqtuq, dl. sapiġñaqtuk, pl. sapiġñaqtut

The man is a strong worker.
Aŋun sapiġñaqtuq, savalguruq.
a striped pattern

Do you like striped patterns?
Qupumuagich nakuaġivigich?
central stringer
saiġuaq, dl. saiġuak, pl. saiġuat

The sleds have central stringers.
Qiḷġich saiġuaqaqtut.

2. outside stringer
kiigraq, dl. kiigraak, pl. kiigrat

The outside stringer is a part of the sled.
Kiigraq iḷaviñiġigaat qiḷġich.

to play a string game

he is playing string figures
ayahaaqtuq, dl. ayahaaqtuk, pl. ayahaaqtut

The woman is playing a string game.
Aġnaq ayahaaqtuq.

He has cut the string.
Kipigaa akłunauraq.

2. fish strung on a willow stick
nuviraq, dl. nuvirak, pl. nuvirat

There are five sticks of fish.
Nuvirat tallimaiŋurut.

3. to string, to pull a string, rope through a hole
nuvi-, nuviriuraq-

She is stringing beads.
Nuviriuraqtuq suŋauranik.

String the fish.
Nuviḷugich qaluich.
stretcher to carry things
akiyaun, dl. akiyautik, pl. akiyautit

My father uses the stretcher to carry fish.
Taataa atuġaa akiyaun qaluŋnun.
to stretch

it has stretched

she is stretching it
tasritchaa, dl. obj. tasritchik, pl. obj. tasritchai

She is stretching the skin.
Amiq tasritchaa.

Stretch it.

2. to stretch -something-

she is stretching something
tasritchiruq, dl. tasritchiruk, pl. tasritchirut

He is stretching a bearded seal skin.
Tasritchiruq ugruum amianik.
it is straight -as of a board-
siatqiksuq or nalġuruq, dl. siatqiksuk, pl. siatqiksut

The tree is straight.
Napaaqtuq siatqiksuq or nalġuruq.

2. it sets a straight course
sivukkiqsuq, dl. sivukkiqsuk, pl. sivukkiqsut

The boat sets a straight course.
Umiaq sivukkiqsuq.
ikniġvik, dl. ikniġviik, pl. ikniġviich

The stove is hot.
Ikniġvik uunaqtuq.
experience, happening, history, true story
uqaaqtuun or uqaaqtuaq, dl. uqaaqtuutik, pl. uqaaqtuutit

He told the story of the lives of the ancient people.
Uqaaqtuun taipchua iḷitqusriat uqautigigaa.

2. to tell a story
uqaaqtuaq-, unipchaaq-

She is telling a story.
Uqaaqtuaqtuq. or
to store something away
tugvaqsi- or tuvvaqsi-

she is storing something

She is storing her clothes.
Tuvvaqsiruq atnuġaaġmiñik.

2. to store away
tuvvaq- or tugvaq-

She has stored it.

She has stored away food.
Tuvvaġaa niqi.

3. storage place
tuvvaqsivik, dl. tuvvaqsiviik, pl. tuvvaqsiviich

The storage place is located in a cool area.
Tuvvaqsivik nigliñaqtaami ittaqtuq.

4. a store
tauqsiġñiaġvik, dl. tauqsiġñiaġviik, pl. tauqsiġñiaġviich

I am going to the store.
to stop

she has stopped, died
nutqaqtuq, dl. nutqaqtuk, pl. nutqaqtut

The outboard motor has stopped.
Iivarruut nutqaqtut.

2. to cause to stop, to stop something

he has stopped it
nutqaqtitkaa, dl. nutqaqtitkaak, pl. nutqaqtitkaat

He has stopped his dog which was trying to go.
Nutqaqtitkaa qipmiñi aullaġniaqtuaq.
stone, rock
iyaġak, dl. iyaqqak, pl. iyaġaich

The stone is heavy.
Iyaġak uqumaitchuq.

2. red stone
ivisaaq, dl. ivisaak, pl. ivisaat

The red stone is used for painting snowshoes.
Ivisaaq miñuutigiraġigaat taglunun.
aqiaġuq, dl. aqiaqquk, pl. aqiaqqut

He has a big stomach.

2. he has stomach cramps, stomach ache
ilunŋuruq, dl. ilunŋuruk, pl. ilunŋurut

He has had stomach cramps for three days.
Ilunŋuruq piñasruni uvluni.

3. it is growling -of stomach-

My stomach is growling because I am hungry.
Quluularuq iḷuga takku niġisuliquŋa.

4. first stomach -of a caribou, reindeer or moose-
qisraġuaq, dl. qisraġuak, pl. qisraġuat

The first stomach is the top layer of a stomach.
Qisraġuaq qaapquaġigaa aqiaqqum.

5. hard covering of small stomach
tunusrisaq, dl. tunusrisak, pl. tunusrisat

The hard covering of the caribou’s small stomach is good to eat.
Tuttum tunusrisaŋa niġiruni nakuuruq.
kiluk, dl. killuk, pl. kiluich

Her stitches are small and neat.
to stink
tipitu-, aaqqaaŋu-

it stinks
tipituruq, dl. tipituruk, pl. tipiturut

A cigarette stinks.
Sikaaq tipituruq.

2. stinking caribou bull -after breeding-
nuliaġniq, dl. nuliaġnik, pl. nuliaġniġich

In the fall, you can notice a stinking caribou bull after it breeds.
Ukiaġmi nuliaġniq tuttu nalunaitchaqtuq.
to be stingy

she is stingy
iġḷiktuq, dl. iġḷiktuk, pl. iġḷiktut

His wife is stingy.
Nuiaŋa iġḷiktuq.

2. he is extremely stingy
iġḷikturuq, dl. iġḷikturuk, pl. iġḷikturut

He is stingy all the time.
Iġḷikturuq ataramik.

3. to be stingy about something

he clings to it for himself, he is stingy with it
iġḷigigaa, dl. iġḷigigaak, pl. iġḷigigaat

He is stingy with his food.
Iġḷigiai niqautini.
to be stiff

it is stiff
tikkaktuq, dl. tikkaktuk, pl. tikkaktut

His hands are stiff from being frozen.
Argai uvva tikkaktut qiqitiqtuqhutiŋ.

2. to become stiff -of dead body-

it becomes stiff -of dead body-
igruġaa, dl. obj. igruġik, pl. obj. igruġai

His body became stiff when he died.
Igruġaa timaa tuqupman.

3. to become stiff, not flexible

he has become stiff or it has become stiff -of muscle-
qiġġaqsiruq, dl. qiġġaqsiruk, pl. qiġġaqsirut

My back has become stiff.
Kiyipikkatka qiġġaqsiñiġai.

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