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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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tiŋmiaqpaurag, dl. tiŋmiaqpaurak, pl. tiŋmiaqpaurat


to become evening

it is evening
unnuktuq or unnukkaa

The early evening is beautiful.
Unnuksaaq aarigaa.
everyone, subj.

Everyone is happy.
Iluqatiŋ quviasruktut.

iluqaisa or iluqaitñik.

He took everything.
Iluqaisa piñiġai.

evil magic-working song

The shaman sang the evil song.
Atuutiġluk aŋatkum atuġaa.

2. to be bad, evil

The devil is evil.
Tuunġaq pigiitchuq.

Is she evil?

evil spirit
iḷitqusriquk, dl. iḷitqusriquuk, pl. iḷitqusriquich

The evil spirit causes evil.
Iḷitqusriquk killuqsautauruq.
to examine
isivġiq-, isivġiiq -

she is examining him
isivġiiġaa, dl. isivġiiġaak, pl. isivġiiġaat

He is examining it to see if it is good.
Isivġiiġaa nakuupmaŋaan.

an example, a demonstration
urriqsuun or urrakusraun

He followed her example.
Tuvraġaa urrakusrautaa. or
Tuvraġaa urriqsuutaa.
to go to excess, to be excessive

he is going to excess

2. to go to excess, to be excessive
-vaałłak- [v-v]

She is talking excessively.

Don’t eat excessively!

to exchange
simmiq-, simmiusriq-, or simmiḷiq

he has exchanged something

She has exchanged a pair of mukluks.
Kammaŋnik simmiusriqsuq.

She exchanged them for another pair.
Atlaŋnik simmiḷiġik.
exclamation of pain, sorrow or disappointment
annaa, annii, arrii!

2. exclamation of sorrow, Alas!

It is too bad.
Aḷakkaa piḷḷuatanġiññiqsuq.

3. exclamation of surprise

4. exclamation of surprise, gee

Gee! It’s really big.
Allia! Aŋiłallaŋniqsuq.

5. exclamation of admiration of something beautiful, pretty or attractive

That is pretty!
Allia piññaqnaġniqsuq.

6. exclamation of frustration, impatience or pain

Oh! I don’t want to go.
Arii! Aullaġunġitchuŋa.

used as a base for excuse me, I am sorry, -lit. to not mean to do-

excuse me
pisanġitchikpiñ, dl.[obj.] pisanġitchiptik, pl. [obj.] pisanġitchipsi

Excuse me for hitting your boat.
Pisanġitchikpiñ apuqapku umian.
to exist, to be

it exists, is alive, stays, it is

He is in the house.
Ittuq tupiġmi. or
Tupiġmi ittuq.

Is it in the house?
Itpa tupiġmi? or
Tupiġmi itpa?
to expect

he is expecting, hoping
niġiuktuq, dl. niġiuktuk, pl. niġiuktut

My father is expecting what he ordered.
Taataga niġiuktuq qanniaġmiñik.

2. to expect someone or something

he is expecting her
niġiugigaa, dl. niġiugigaak, pl. niġiugigaat

The woman is expecting her child from school.
Aġnam niġiugigaa qitunġaurani aglagiaqtuaq.

an experience, lit. that which has been used or passed through in time atuumaanikkaq or apqusraaŋanikkaq

I experienced it.
Atuumaanikkiga. or

He experienced it.

2. to tell a true story, an experience

He spoke of his experience.
Uqautigiuraaġaa atuumaanikkani.
to explode, to burst

it has exploded

Just as he reached it, it exploded.
Tikitmiyaalu, mapqatittuq.

eye iri, dl. irrak, pl. irit

His eyes are brown.
Irrak iliktaaŋuruk.

2. eyebrow
qavlu, dl. qavluk, pl. qavlut

The eyebrow is on the face.
Qavlu kigiññami ittuq.

3. eyebrow ridge
qavlunaaq, dl. qavlunaak, pl. qavlunaat

A person’s eyebrow ridge is on his face.
Qavlunaaq ittuq iñuum kigiñaŋani.

4. eye cavity
irisriñiq, dl. irisriññak, pl. irisriñġich

The eye cavity is round.
Irisriñiq aqsravaluqtuq.

irigaak or irgaak pl. irigaat

The eye glasses are on the table.
Irigaak niġġiviŋñi ittuk.

6. to close one’s eyes

she has closed her eyes
sikunġiqsuq, dl. sikunġiqsuk, pl. sikunġiqsut

The mother closed her eyes.
Sikunġiqsuq aana.

7. eyelashes

Some eyelashes are short and some are long.
Iḷaŋich siqpiich naitchut aasrii iḷaŋich takiplutiŋ.

8. to have sharp eyesight

he has sharp eyesight
takpiksuq, dl. takpiksuk, pl. takpiksut

The goose has a sharp eye.
Tiŋmiaq samma takpiksuq.

9. to have bad eyesight

he has dull or bad eyesight

My son has bad eyesight.
Iġñiġa takpiitchuq.

10. to have difficulty catching the eye of a person, description of a person who will not look you in the eye, to have shifty eyes

He won’t look a person straight in the eye.

Is he hard to look in the eye?

11. to be shifty eyed, lit, his eyes are fast
kigiñaq, dl. kigiññak, pl. kigiññat

My face has become flushed.
Uunnaġluktittuq kigiñaġa.

2. face mask
kigiñaġun, dl. kigiñaġutik, pl. kigiñaġutit

One wears a face mask when it is cold.
Kigiñaġutituġnaqtuq alappaaŋukman.

3. to face toward a person, to turn around to face another direction

he turned to face -another-
saattuq, dl. saattuk, pl. saattut

My mother turned to face my father when he spoke.
Aanaga saattuq uqaqman Taataga.

He turned and faced her as he spoke.
Saatlugu uqaġvigigaa.

4. to make a funny face

He is making faces.

She is making faces at me.

to fade, to change color and brightness due to weather -also meaning to become tanned of skin-

it has faded, it is fading
siḷaliruq, dl. siḷaliruk, pl. siḷalirut

The blankets are fading out on the clothesline.
Siḷalirut ulitchiat qakma paniqsiutami.

to faint

he has fainted
taaqtukkaqtuq, dl. taaqtukkaqtuk, pl. taaqtukkaqtut

The woman has fainted.
Aġnaq taaqtukkaqtuq.


Faith in God is essential to them.
Ukpiqqun aŋaayyutikun inuġigaat.

2. to be faithful

he is faithful, he is true
tuniqsimaruq, dl. tuniqsimaruk, pl. tuniqsimarut

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