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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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masrik, dl. masriik, pl. masriich

Fish have gills.
Qaluich masriqaqtut.

qaummałuk, dl. qaummałuuk, pl. qaummałuich

The glass breaks easily.
Qaummałuk uliyaruq.

SL. qaummaluk, dl. qaummaluuk, pl. qaummaluich

I have a glass.

kirgaviatchauraq, dl. kirgaviatchaurak, pl. kirgaviatchaurat

The gnat came in through the window.
Kirgaviatchauraq isiqtuq igalikun.

Aŋaayyun or Agaayyun

God is great.
Aŋaayyun kamanaqtuq.

God is Love.
Agaayyun nagliktauruq.

good! fine!

2. to be good, to be fine, well behaved or good in taste of food

it is good
nakuuruq, dl. nakuuruk, pl. nakuurut

It is good to eat blueberries.
Nakuuruq niġiruni asriaviŋñik.

3. to be a good person, to be handsome -said of a male

he is a good person, he is handsome
iñugiksuq, dl. iñugiksuk, pl. iñugiksut

The man is good. or
The man is handsome.
Iñugiksuq aŋun.

4. to do good, to do well, to do a good job
-lluataq-, -ḷḷuataq- after strong I -[v-v)

She sewed it well.

She gave him a good piece of something.

She did a good job.

She did it well.

5. to be good, to be fine

It is fine. It is good.

You two, be good to each other!

6. to be good, to be fine -of character-
-lluatau-, -ḷḷuatau after strong I - [n-v]

She is a good woman.

It is a good dog.

tiŋmiaq, dl. tiŋmiak, pl. tiŋmiat

2. Canada goose
iqsraġutilik, dl. iqsraġutillak, pl. iqsraġutilgich

The Canada goose makes good stew.
Iqsraġutilik suugiksuq.

3. emperor goose
mitiligruaq, dl. mitiligruak, pl. mitiligruich

He has caught an emperor goose.
Mitiligrauġmik tiŋmiġniqsuq.

4. snow goose
kaŋuq, dl. kaŋŋuk, pl. kaŋŋut

Snow geese are not seen as commonly as before.
Kaŋŋut tautuŋnapiatlaiqsut.

5. white-fronted goose
tiŋmiaq kigiyuk, dl. kigiyyuk, pl. kigiyuich

The white-fronted goose is bigger than the Canada goose.
Tiŋmiaq kigiyuk aŋitluktuq iqsraġutiliŋmiñ.

goshawk, peregrine falcon
kirgavik, dl. kirgaviik, pl. kirgaviich

The goshawk eats ptarmigan.
Kirgavik niġisuuruq aqargiñik.

to gossip
saŋut-, saŋutchi-

she is gossiping about someone or others
saŋutchiruq, dl. saŋutchiruk, pl. saŋutchirut

They are gossiping about him.
Saŋutchirut ilaanik.

he is gossiping about her
saŋutkaa, dl. saŋutkaak, pl. saŋutkaat

The girl is gossiping about her girlfriend.
Aġnauram saŋutkaa uumaani.

2. she is a gossip
saŋutchiḷguruq or uqqaqturuq

3. Gossip can ruin a person.
Uqqam qiłhutlagaa iñuk.

to grab, to quickly take hold of, to snatch
tigusriḷiq-, tiguliq-

She has grabbed -something-
tigusriḷiqtuq, dl. tigusriḷiqtuk, pl. tigusriḷiqtut

He has grabbed a pencil.
Tigusriḷiqtuq aglautmik.

he grabbed her
tiguliġaa,dl. tiguliġaak, pl. tiguliġaat

She grabbed the ball.
Aqsraaq tiguliġaa.

2. to grab, to grasp, to seize
qisruk-, qisrui-

he has grabbed someone or something
qisruiruq, dl. qisruiruk, pl. qisruirut

she has grabbed it
qisrukkaa, dl. qisrukkaak, pl. qisrukkaat

They jumped and grabbed him as he was going out.
Qisrukkaat anisaqmiuġlu.

my grandchild
tutitchiaġa, dl. tutitchiaka, pl. tutitchiatka

My grandchild is three years old.
Tutitchiaġa piñasrunik ukiuniktuq.

2. great grandchild

My great grandchild
tutitchiatqiutiga, dl. tutitchiatqiutika, pl. tutitchiatqiutitka

3. a short form for all grandchildren or grandchildren of relatives

my grandchild

my dear child or my dear grandchild -often used as a word of endearment-

4. grandchild and grandmother
aanaruaġiik or aanaruuraġiik

The grandmother and her grandchild are staying alone.
Aanaruaġiik kisimik ittuk.

ivik, dl. ivvak, pl. ivgich

There is a lot of grass.
Ivgich iñugiaktut.

iḷuviq, dl. iḷuvvak,pl. iḷuvġich

2. to put into a grave, to bury

They buried him.

qirġiaqtaaq, dl. qirġiaqtaak, pl. qirġiaqtaat

I have a gray coat.
Qirġiaqtaamik quppiġaaqaqtuŋa.

2. to be gray
qirġiaqtaaŋu- or qirġiaq-

it is gray
or qirġiaqtuq

The camp robber is gray.
Kiiriq qirġiaqtuq.

3. mottled gray, silverish, as the color of a gray wolf

He had caught a gray wolf.
Amaġuŋattuamik amaġuġniqsuaq.
qirġiq, dl. qirġik, pl. qirġich

2. to grow gray hair

He has grown gray hair.

to be great, exalted

he is great, he is honored
kamanaqtuq, dl. kamanaqtuk, pl. kamanaqtut

God is great.
Aŋaayyun kamanaqtuq.

qaqłuqpalik, dl. qaqłuqpallak, pl. qaqłuqpalgich

The scaup duck landed.
Qaqłuqpalik mitchuq.

Holboell’s grebe
suġlisugruk, dl. suġlisugruuk, pl. suġlisugruich

The Holboell’s grebe has a loud call.
Suġlisugruk qalġulguruq.

2. horned grebe
suġliq, dl. suġlik, pl. suġliġich

The horned grebe lays eggs by the lake.
Suġliq ivaraqtuq narvam siñaani.

3. red-necked grebe
suġlitchauraq, dl. suġlitchaurak, pl. suġlitchaurat

Herd is a red-necked grebe.
Suġlitchauraq uvva.

to be greedy

he is greedy
kimiruq, dl. kimiruk, pl. kimirut

She is greedy for food.
Kimiruq niqimun.

2. to be greedy, to want more

she is greedy
samiuqtuq, dl. samiuqtuk, pl. samiuqtut

He is greedy for money.
Samiuqtuq maniŋmun.

suŋaaqtaaq, dl. suŋaaqtaak, pl. suŋaaqtaat

This is a green leaf.
Uvva una suŋaaqtaaq akutuqpalik.

2. to be green
suŋaaq-, suŋaaqtaaŋu-

it is green
suŋaaqtuq, dl. suŋaaqtuk, pl. suŋaaqtut

The leaf is green.
Suŋaaqtuq akutuqpalik.

a greeting sent via another person

she greets him, sends him greetings via another person
Nayaaŋŋaġmik tuyuġaa.

My mother sends greetings to her sister.
Aanaa nayaaŋŋaġmik tuyuġaa aniqatni.

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