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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to groan

he groaned
imŋiqsaqtuq, dl. imŋiqsaqtuk, pl. imŋiqsaqtut

He groaned when he accidentally shot himself.
Imŋiqsaqtuq sikami iŋmiñun.

2. to groan, to moan

she is groaning
qinaalaruq, dl. qinaalaruk, pl. qinaalarut

He is groaning with pain.
Qinaalaruq atniqhuni.

pine grosbeak
qayuuttaaq, dl. qayuuttaak, pl. qayuuttaat

A pine grosbeak is a bird.
Qayuuttaaq tiŋmiurauruq.

It is said that Qayaqtuaġuŋniqtuuq turned into a grosbeak and flew away. Qayaqtuaġuŋniqtuuq uqautigiraġigaat qayuuttaaġuqhuni tiŋinipḷugu.

the ground, the land, earth, soil

The ground has frozen.
Nuna qiqitkaa.

2. solid ground

Solid ground is good.
Tutviatchiaq nunagiksaaŋuruq.

to hold a grudge

he is holding a grudge
isrumanŋuruq, dl. isrumanŋuruk, pl. isrumanŋurut

He is holding a grudge because they have crossed him.
Isrumanŋuruq paaqsaaqługu.
to guess, to gamble, to buy a raffle ticket

he is guessing
nalautchaqtuq, dl. nalautchaqtuk, pl. nalautchaqtut

He made a guess when answering his teacher.
Nalautchaqhuni kiusritñiḷigitchuq aglaktimiñun.

2. to guess at

I am guessing at the date.
Miksraaġiga uvlua.

tuyuġmiaq, dl. tuyuġmiak, pl. tuyuġmiat

A guest stays with people.
Tuyuġmiaq tukkumasruuruq iñuŋni.

2. to stay overnight as a guest, to settle in as a guest

he is staying overnight as guest, he has settled in as a visitor
tukkuruq, dl. tukkuruk, pl. tukkurut

He has settled down for the night with us.
Tukkuruq uvaptitnun.

to be guilty

he is guilty
patchisauruq, dl. patchisauruk, pl. patchisaurut

He is guilty of stealing.
Patchisauruq tigliktuqhuni.

nauyaq, dl. nauyak, pl. nauyat

A gull can fly.
Nauyaq tiŋmitḷaruq.

2. glaucous-winged gull
nauyavasrugruk, dl. nauyavasrugruuk, pl. nauyavasrugruich

The glaucous-winged gull is bigger than all the gulls.
Nauyavasrugruk aŋitluktuq atlaniñ nauyaniñ.

3. herring gull
taġium nauyaq, dl. taġium nauyak, pl. taġium nauyat

4. young gull or short billed gull
nauyatchiaq, dl. nauyatchiak, pl. nauyatchiat

The young gull can fly.
Nauyatchiaq tiŋmitḷaruq.

5. Sabine’s gull
aqargigiaq, dl. aqargigiak, pl. aqargigiat

A Sabine’s gull is as big as an arctic tern.
Aqargigiaq mitqutaiḷatun aktilaaqaqtuq.
gullet, esophagus
ikauraaq, dl. ikauraak, pl. ikauraat

When his esophagus is hurt, a person cannot breathe.
Ikauraaq atniqman iñuk aniqsaatlaiġaqtuq.

resin, spruce gum, chewing gum
kutchuq, dl. kutchuk, pl. kutchut

Spruce gum can be used for caulking boats.
Kutchuq umiiyuuġutautlaruq.

2. to chew gum

I chew gum a lot.

Don’t chew gum!


The gums are where the teeth are attached.
Kigusriñiq kigutit attavigigaat.

nalautirrun, dl. nalautirrutik, pl. nalautirrutit

The gunsight is very useful on a gun.
Nalautirrun atutlapiaqtuq supputmi.

habit, happening, experience
iḷitqusriq, dl. iḷitqutchik, pl. iḷitqutchich

A habit can be changed.
Iḷitgusriq simmitḷaruq.

2. habit, unconscious habit, instinct

His habitual movements are recognizable.
Aulaalułha iḷisagnaqtuq.

to hail by waving arms, as to hail a cab
nuluqtuq- or nulutġaq-

He hailed her to come.
Nuluqtuġaa aggiquplugu.

He is hailing me.

2. to hail by calling

he is hailing her by shouting

He called to her to come across.
Tuqłulagaa ikaaquplugu.

natatquġnaq, dl. natatquġnak, pl. natatquġnat

The hailstone is harder than falling snow.
Natatquġnaq siqqutluktug qanigruamiñ.

body hair, feather, animal hair

There is a caribou hair on the floor.
Tuttum mitqua kanna natiġmi ittuq.

2. human hair
nuyaq, dl. nutchak, pl. nutchat

Her hair was long.
Nuyai takiniqsuat.

3. to wash hair, to curl hair, to style or fix hairdo

she is washing her hair
nutchiqiruq, dl. nutchiqiruk, pl. nutchiqirut

She loves to do her hair.

one half
avvaq, dl. avvaak, pl. avvaich

half of it

half of an egg
avvaŋa mannium

Here is one half of a bar of soap.
Uvva avvaq miillaq.

2. to become half

There is a half moon.
Tatqiq avvaġuqtuq.

kakkiiyaun, dl. kakkiiyautik, pl. kakkiiyautit

A handkerchief is used for blowing one’s nose.
Kakkiiyaun kakkiksuutauruq.
kakkiksuun, dl. kakkiksuutik, pl. kakkiksuutit

Where is my handkerchief?
Naami kakkiksuutiga?

handle of a spear, a cup, a dipper
ipu, dl. ipuk, pl. iput

It’s handle is made of wood.
Ipua qiruŋmiñ piḷiaŋuruq.

2. to handle, to manipulate

he is handling something, directing, manipulating someone or others
aŋalatchiruq, dl. aŋalatchiruk, pl. aŋalatchirut

he is handling it, directing him
aŋalatkaa, dl. aŋalatkaak, pl. aŋalatkaat

Don’t handle the breakable items!
Aŋalatnagich piyayaruat.

handlebar on the sled
kaivḷuutaq, dl. kaivḷuutak, pl. kaivḷuutat

The handlebar is broken.
Kaivḷuutaq piiyaqsimaruq.

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