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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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Who is shorter?
Kiña mikitlukpa?


2. to her/him

Show it to her/him.
Ilaanun qiñiqtirruŋ.

3. with her, him

Follow her/him.
Ilaagun malguraġiñ.

4. located with her/him

I am going to spend the night with her/him.
Siñiktaġniaqtuŋa ilaani.

5. from her/him

I got some from her/him.
Ilaaniñ piksraqtuami.

I am younger than her/him.
Ilaaniñ nukaqłiuruŋa.


Here is my house.
Uvva tupiġa.

2. around here

There are rabbits around here.
Maani ukalliqaqtuq.

3. around here -specifically-

She is living around here. -in a specific area-
Tamaani iñuuniaqtuq.

4. located here

The boat is here.
Umiaq uvani ittuq.

5. to come here

it has come here
uvuŋaqtuq, dl. uvuŋaqtuk, pl. uvuŋaqtut

The dog has come here.
Uvva qipmiq uvuŋaqtuq.

6. here -take this-

uqsruqtuuq, dl. uqsrugtuuk, pl. ugsrugtuut

The herring-a fish from the sea.
Taġium qalua-uqsruqtuuq.

hide, skin
amiq, dl. ammik, pl. ammich

The skin is thick.
Amiq mapturuq.

2. to be hidden from view

it is hidden

The caribou is hidden behind the bushes.
Tuttu taliñŋaruq avraurani.

3. to become hidden from view

it cannot be seen now
talitchuq, dl. talitchuk, pl. talitchut

4. to hide

he is hiding
iriqtuq, dl. iriqtuk, pl. iriqtut

He hid behind the door.
Iriqtuq talum tunuanun.

he hides it
iriġaa, dl. obj. iriġik, pl. obj. iriġai

Don’t hide it.

to be high up, out of reach

it is high
qutchiksuq, dl. qutchiksuk, pl. qutchiksut

The mountain is high.
Iñġiq qutchiksuq.

ikpik, dl. ikpiik, pl. ikpiich

The hill is far away.
Ikpik uŋasriksuq.

2. individual round hill -swelling-

The round hill is on the tundra.
Piŋuqsraq ittuq natiġnami.

hind leg, hind quarter
mumiq, dl. mummak, pl. mumġich

I will skin the hind leg of the caribou.
Amiiġisigiga tuttum mumġa.

hip joint
sipyaaq, dl. sipyaak, pl. sipyaat

The hip joint is located at the upper end of the leg.
Sipyaaq nium kaŋiani ittuq.

The person’s hips are in pain.
Iñuum sipyaak atniġñaqtuk.

to make a hissing sound
siiġruk- or siila-

it is hissing, whistling -of wind, gas stove or lantern-
siiġruktuq, dl. siiġruktuk, pl. siiġruktut

The wind is making a hissing sound.
Anuġi siiġruktuamik nipiqaqtuq.

it is hissing

to hit with side of fist

he hits it
tiglukkaa, dl. tiglukkaak, pl. tiglukkaat

She hit him on his back when he started choking.
Tiglukkaa tunuagun niġḷigaqsiḷiqman.

2. to hit with something, to club

she hit it

He hit it with the stick.
Anaugaa qiruuramik.

a hole drilled through something
putu, dl. putuk, pl. putut

The hole is big.
Putu aŋiruq.

2. to drill a hole

he made a hole, drilled a hole
puturiruq, dl. puturiruk, pl. puturirut

The man drilled a hole in a piece of lumber.
Aŋun puturiruq unaqsimik.

3. torn hole
allaq, dl. allaak, pl. allaich

My pants are full of holes.
Kamikłuuka allauruk.

to be holy, innocent, pure

He is holy.
She is innocent.

that which is holy

We saw one who was holy.
Ipqitchuaq qiñiġikput.

Holy Spirit
Ipqitchuaq Irrusriq

The Holy Spirit is for everyone.
Ipqitchuaq Irrusriq iñupayaam piksraŋa.
nasraq, dl. natchak, pl. natchat

to put one’s hood on

He puts his own hood on.

She puts his hood on.

Put your hood on!

to hop

he is hopping
nuttaktuq, dl. nuttaktuk, pl. nuttaktut

The rabbit is hopping.
Ukalliatchiaq nuttaktuq.

horn -musical instrument-
qalġuqtaun, dl. qalġuqtautik, pl. qalġuqtautit

2. horns, antlers -of an animal-
nagruk, dl. nagruuk, pl. nagruich

One can have net sinkers made of antlers.
Nagruŋnik saatqutiqaġnaqtuq.

nukisaġaq, dl. nukisaqqak, pl. nukisaqqat

The horned owl is hooting.
Nukisaġaq qalġuqtuq.

hornet, wasp, yellow jacket
tuggayuuq, dl. tuggayuuk, pl. tuggayuut

The hornet stings people.
Tuggayuuq tuuġisuuruq iñuŋnik.

tuttuqpak, dl. tuttuqpaak, pl. tuttuqpaich

The horse is brown.
Tuttuqpak iliktauruq.

tukkuq, dl. tukkuk, pl. tukkut

My hostess is friendly.
Tukkuġa attaġnaitchuq.

to be hot, warm

to become hot, very warm

it is hot

It has become hot.

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