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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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hotel, inn
nullaġvik, dl. nullaġviik, pl. nullaġviich

The hotel is big.
Nullaġvik aŋiruq.

to howl

it is howling -dog, wolf-
maguruq, dl. maguruk, pl. magurut

The dog is howling.
Qipmiq maguruq.

The dogs howled again last night.
Qipmich magulgitchut unnuaq.

huh, what’s that, eh?
sua?, aiy?, suva?, suvakii? suakii?
human being
iñuk, dl. iññuk, pl. iñuich

A human being can talk.
Iñuk uqatlaruq.

to be humble

to become humble

he is humble
atchiksuq, dl. atchiksuk, pl. atchiksut

He has become humble.

I became humble before God.
Atchiksiruŋa agaayyutim sivuġaani.

one hundred

One hundred people came.
Tallimakipiaq iñuk aggiqsuq.


to be hungry

he is hungry
niġisuktuq, dl. niġisuktuk, pl. niġisuktut

The baby is hungry.
Paipiuraq niġisuktuq.

2. to not be hungry

I am not hungry.

3. to experience great hunger, to starve

I am starving.

aŋuniaq-, sunniaq-

he is hunting
aŋuniaqtuq, dl. aŋuniaqtuk, pl. aŋuniaqtut

My son is hunting.
Iġñiġa aŋuniaqtuq.

2. hunter
aŋuniaqti, dl. aŋuniaqtik, pl. aŋuniaqtit

The hunter is shooting.
Aŋuniaqti siktaaqtuq.

3. to go to obtain, to go hunt

he is hunting caribou
tuttuliaqtuq, dl. tuttuliaqtuk, pl. tuttuliaqtut

4. hunting equipment, cutting implements, weapons
satku, dl. satkuk, pl. satkut

Hunters carry weapons whenever they go out hunting.
Satku saagaġaġigaat aŋuniaqamiŋ.
to be sick, to be hurting, to be in pain

he is hurting, she is sick with pain
atniġñaqtuq, dl. atniġñaqtuk, pl. atniġñaqtut

The person is sick.
Iñuk atniġñaqtuq.

2. to hurt

he is hurt
atniqsuq, dl. atniqsuk, pl. atniqsut

she hurt him
atniġaa, dl. atniġaak, pl. atniġaat

3. to get hurt

I got hurt at work.
Atniqsittuŋa savakama.
hush! be quiet!

Hush, there are caribou across there!
Ataa, tuttut agga!
plus tuŋa [used with verb stems with no strong I in semifinal position]
plus ruŋa [used with verb stems which end in a vowel]
plus suŋa [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in k or q]
plus chuŋa [used with verb stems which contain a strong I in the last syllable and end in t]

to speak

I am speaking.

to be fine, good

I am fine.

to not cry anymore

I don’t even cry anymore.

to not have any like this

I don’t have any like this one.

2. I

I am Tupou.
Uvaŋa Tupou.

Here I am.
Uvva uvaŋa.

puptaraq, dl. puptarak, pl. puptarat

Icebergs are seen during the spring.
Upinġaksrami puptarat tautuŋnaġaqtut.


In the month of May, the ice breaks up.
Sikuiġvik tikitman, aullaġaqtuq siku.

2. to break up -of ice-

the ice is breaking up

The river ice is breaking up.
Kuuk sikuliqiruq.

-metal point on long pole for making fishing or water holes in ice or to break ice for water-
tuuq, dl. tuuk, pl. tuut

An ice chisel--a tool for ice.

2. to use an ice chisel

he is using the ice chisel
tuuqtuq, dl. tuuqtuk, pl. tuuqtut

He is using an ice chisel down there.
Tuuqtuq kanna.

qaliġiiksinniq, dl. qaliġiiksinnak, pl. qaliġiiksinniġich

The ice pack stopped.
Qaliġiiksinniq nutqaqtuq.

2. ice pack, solid without water

ivuniq, dl. ivunnak, pl. ivunġich

The ice pressure ridge is always on the ocean.
Ivuniq ittaqtuq taġiumi.

nuuyauraq, dl. nuuyaurak, pl. nuuyaurat

Rotten ice is dangerous and should not be walked on.
Nuuyauraq iqsiñaqtuq, pisrugviksraunġitchuq.

icky, messy

to be icky, messy

The mud is yucky during springtime.
Maġġaq ikkiiŋuruq upinġaksraqman.

charm, amulet

The old man has an amulet.
Aŋugaatchiaq aanġuaqaqtuq.

to be ignorant, to not know

he is ignorant, she does not know
naluruq, dl. naluruk, pl. nalurut

My mother didn’t know when I was leaving yesterday.
Aanaga naluruq aullaġniaqama ippaksraq.

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