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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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The six houses are big.
Itchaksrat tupqich aŋirut.
sit to sit

she sat down
aquvittuq, dl. aquvittuk, pl. aquvittut

The boy sat down.
Nukatpialugruaq aquvittuq.

2. to be sitting

she is sitting
aquppiruq, dl. aquppiruk, pl. aquppirut

They are sitting in the church.
Aquppirut agaayyuviŋmi.

3. to sit -of an animal-

it is sitting
qusrauktuq, dl. qusrauktuk, pl. qusrauktut

The bear is sitting.
Pisruktuaq qusrauktuq.

4. to sit in a huddled, hunched position -as of an old woman

She is sitting in such a position.
sing to sing

he is singing
atuqtuq, dl. atuqtuk, pl. atuqtut

They are singing at church.
Atuqtut agaayyuviŋmi.

She is singing the song.
Atuun atuġaa.
sick to be sick, to be in pain, to suffer

he is sick
naŋittuq, dl. naŋittuk, pl. naŋittut

My brother is sick at the hospital.
Aniqatiga naŋittuq naŋirviŋmi.

2. to be ill, to be sick

she is ill, is sick

People are ill again.
Iñuich atniġñalgitchut.
shoot to shoot someone or something

he has shot -someone or something
sikniktuq, dl. sikniktuk, pl. sikniktut

He has shot a woman.
Sikniktuq aġnamik.

2. to shoot

he shot it, hit it with a bullet
sikkaa, dl. sikkaak, pl. sikkaat

The man shot the moose.
Aŋutim sikkaa tiniika.

2. to shoot around with a gun

he is shooting

the sound of gunshots

We hear gunshots.
Tusraarugut siktaaqsrularuamik.
shirt shirt, summer dress, summer parka cover
atikłuk, dl. atikłuuk, pl. atikłuich

The man is wearing the shirt.
Aŋutim atuġaa atikłuk.
sheep sheep, dahl sheep
ipnaiq, dl. ipnaik, pl. ipnaich

The sheep is white.
Ipnaiq qatiqtuq.
shave to shave -whiskers-

he is shaving [off his whiskers]
umŋiyaqtuq, dl. umŋiyaqtuk, pl. umŋiyaqtut

My father is shaving.
Taataga umŋiyaqtuq.

she is shaving him
umŋiyaġaa, dl. umŋiyaġaak, pl. umŋiyaġaat

My mother shaved my grandfather.
Aanaa umŋiyaġaa taataruaġa.
shake to shake hands, to wave

she shakes his hand
iḷaligaa, dl. [obj.] iḷaligik, pl. [obj.] iḷaligai

He shakes hands with the visitor.
Iḷaligaa iglaaq.

Shaking hands is an Iñupiaq custom.
Iñupiat atuumaraġigaat iḷaliiq.
sew to sew

she is sewing

She is sewing her mittens.
Killaiyaqtuq aatgatmiñik.

She is sewing it.

She is sewing her mukluks.
Killaiyaġik kammaŋni.
seventallimat malġuk

Seven people came.
Tallimat malġuk iñuich aggiqsut.
ugruk hair seal
natchiq, dl. natchiik, pl. natchiich

There is one seal on top of the ice.
Atausriq natchiq ittuq sikum qaaŋani.

2. bearded seal
ugruk, dl. ugruuk, pl. ugruich

The skin of the bearded seal is used for the bottoms of mukluks.
Ugruum amia atuŋauraqtuq kamiŋnun.

3. ring seal
qayaġulik, dl. qayaġullak, pl. qayaġulgich

A ring seal is pretty.
Qayaġulik qiñiyunaqtuq.

4. spotted seal, harbor seal
qasrigiaq, dl. qasrigiak, pl. qasrigiat

The spotted seal has climbed out of the water and on to the beach.
Qasrigiaq qakiruq taġium siñaanun.

5. strong smelling bull seal -during mating season-

The strong smelling bull seal is on the ice.
Tiggaŋniq natchiq sikumi ittuq.
scraper skin scraper, plane
ichuun, dl. ichuutik, pl. ichuutit

The skin scraper has a sharp blade.
Ichuun ipiktaamik kigiñaqaqtuq.
sawuluun, dl. uluutik, pl. uluutit

A saw is used for cutting wood.
Uluun kipluutauruq qiruŋnun.

2. cross-cut saw
kipluun, dl. kipluutik, pl. kipluutit

The cross-cut saw has to be sharp.
Kipluun ipiktuksrauruq.

3. rip saw
ikiaqsiñ, dl. ikiaqsisik, pl. ikiaqsisit

The rip saw is used to split lumber.
Ikiaqsiñ qupitmun uluutauruq.
sandpiper least sandpiper
livilivillauraq, dl. livilivillaurak, pl. livilivillaurat

The least sandpiper landed on the rocks.
Livilivillauraq mitchaallaktuq iyaġauranun.

SL. a sandpiper
saavġauraq, dl. saavġaurak, pl. saavġaurat

The sandpiper’s egg is tiny.
Saavġauram mannia mikiruq.

2. Baird’s sandpiper
puviaqtuuyaaq, dl. puviaqtuuyaak, pl. puviaqtuuyaat

The Baird’s sandpiper is a bird.
Puviaqtuuyaaq tiŋmiurauruq.

3. pectoral sandpiper
puviaqtuuq, dl. puviaqtuuk, pl. puviaqtuut

A pectoral sandpiper is a bird.
Puviaqtuuq tiŋmiurauruq.

4. dunlin, red-backed sandpiper
siyyukpaligauraq, dl. siyyukpaligaurak, pl. siyyukpaligaurat

5. red-backed sandpiper
kaviqsaaq, dl. kaviqsaak, pl. kaviqsaat

The red-backed sandpiper is also a bird.
Kaviqsaaq tiŋmiuraukmiuq.

6. semi-palmated sandpiper
livilivillaqpak, dl. livilivillaqpaak, pl. livilivillaqpaich

The semi-palmated sandpiper is eating by the shore of the small lake. Livilivillaqpak narvauram siñaani niġiuraqtuq.

7. spotted sandpiper
tinisriun, dl. tinisriutik, pl. tinisriutit

The spotted sandpiper helps to tell about the water level in the river.
Tinisriun ilitchuġipkairaqtuq imġum qanuq iłhanik.
salt salt; ocean

2. to salt

he is adding salt to it

Add salt to what is cooking.
Taġirriġlugu niqniagaq.
salmon salmon, chum, humpback
qalugruaq, dl. qalugruak, pl. qalugruich

The salmon is good to eat.
Qalugruaq niġiruni nakuuruq.

2. humpback salmon
amaqtuq, dl. amaqtuk, pl. amaqtut

The humpback is a fish.
Amaqtuq qaluuruq.
sail tiŋilġautaq, dl. tiŋilġautak, pl. tiŋilġautat

The sail of the boat is white.
Umiam tiŋilġautaŋa qatiqtuq.

2. to sail

he is sailing
tiŋilġaqsiqsuq, dl. tiŋilġaqsiqsuk, pl. tiŋilġaqsiqsut

The man is sailing a boat on a windy day.
Anuġimi tiŋilġaqsiqsuq iñuk umiamik.
rulerruler, measuring device
uuktuun, dl. uuktuutik, pl. uuktuutit

The ruler is old.
Uuktuun utuqqauruq.

2. ruler -of a country-
ataniq, dl. atannak, pl. atanġich

David was a ruler.
David atanġuruaq.
rubber boot -hip boot-
imaqsiun, dl. imaqsiutik, pl. imaqsiutit

Rubber boots are worn when fishing.
Imaqsiutik atuġnaqtuk qaluŋniaqtuni.

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