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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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valley, pass
qattaġniq, dl. qattaġnaak, pl. qattaġniġich

We two have passed the valley.
Qattaġniq qaaŋiġikpuk.
niġḷiktaaq, dl. niġḷiktaak, pl. niġḷiktaat

The uvula is inside the mouth.
Niġḷiktaaq qanġum iḷuani ittuq.
to be useful

it is useful
atuġnaqtuq, dl. atuġnaqtuk, pl. atuġnaqtut

The boat is useful.
Umiaq atuġnaqtuq.

It is very useful. Don’t throw it away!
Atuġnallapiaqtuq uvva. Igitnagu!
to use, to wear, to sing

she is using it
atuġaa, dl. atuġaak, pl. atuġaat

He is using the knife.
Atuġaa savik.

2. to be used up, worn out

it is used up, worn out
nuŋuruq, dl. nuŋuruk, pl. nuŋurut

The trimming is all used up.
Qupaksraq nuŋuruq.
dl. uvaguk, pl. uvagut

2. to us
dl. uvaptiknun, pl. uvaptitnun

Take it to us.
Mauŋauttuuŋ uvaptitnun.

3. with us
dl. uvaptikkun, pl. uvaptigun

Come with us. [2]
Maligiñ uvaptikkun.

4. located with us
dl. uvaptikni, pl. uvaptitni

It is at our house over there.
Uvaptitni amma ittuq.

5. from us
dl. uvaptikniñ, pl. uvaptitniñ

He got it from us.
Uvaptitniñ pitchaŋa.
to urinate

he is urinating
quiruq, dl. quiruk, pl. quirut

The baby has wet his diapers.
Iyaalugruaq quiruq makkaŋmiñun.

2. to urinate repeatedly, as a bedwetter

He has urinated repeatedly.
itiġuq, dl. itiqquk, pl. itiqqut

Urine becomes smelly.
Itiġuq tipliġaqtuq.

2. bladder
nakasruk, dl. nakasruuk, pl. naksruich

Everyone has a bladder.
Iñupayaaq nakasruqaqtuq.

3. to smell of urine

It smells of urine.
Quqpaksuŋnitchuq. or
to urge someone to come along

he is coaxing him, urging him to come along
kayuŋŋiutigaa, dl. kayuŋŋiutigaak, pl. kayuŋŋiutigaat

He is urging him to go to school.
Kayuŋŋiutigaa aglagiaquplugu.
to become upset

he has gotten upset, he has hard feelings from harsh words
tuqpallaktuq, dl. tuqpallaktuk, pl. tuqpallaktut

They heard their daughter was gone and they got upset.
Paniŋmiknik piitchuamik tusraaplutik tuqpallaktuk.
upriver, inside -further from entrance than speaker-

My father is living alone up river.
Qamma taataga iñuuniaqtuq kisimi.

2. to journey upriver in a boat

They are going upriver.

3. to go towards upriver

They are going upriver.
uppermost, top
qulliq, dl. qulliik, pl. qulliich

Please give me the top book.
Qulliq makpiġaaq uvamnun qaiḷḷauŋ.
upper teethqullimġaat

The upper teeth are used to chew food.
Qullimġaat kigutit atuġaqtut tamuqtuni niqimik.
mumitchiaq, dl. mumitchiak, pl. mumitchiat

My son likes to eat rabbit drumsticks.
Iġñiġa niġisuguuruq ukalliurat mumitchiaŋitñik.
qiḷġun, dl. qiḷġutik, qiḷġutit

An upper lashing is used on a sled.
Qiḷġun atuqtuq qiḷġiñi.
by way of up there

Go on the trail up there.
Pauna tumitchaatigun igliġiñ.

2. that one up there on the roof, not visible-

Have that person up there get down from the roof.
Pakimna tupqum qaaŋani ittuaq atqaqtitchiuŋ.

3. up there above and behind speaker, away from shore, landwards, mountainwards, visible, in motion or covers a large area

Up there is the plane.
Pagga tiŋmisuun.
or more specifically, Tatpagga tiŋmisuun.

4. towards up there

Go up there.
Pauŋa mayuġiñ.

5. up there, above, visible, not in motion

Up there on the shelf is the flashlight.
Pitcha pichani quliġuani naniġuun.

6. up to, as far as

Walk as far as there!
Taiñuŋa aglaan pisrugiñ!
to be unpredictable

it is not certain, it is unpredictable
nalupqinaqtuq, dl. nalupqinaqtuk, pl. nalupqinaqtut

It is not certain that he will go.
Nalupqinaqtuq aullałiksraŋa.
to unload something

he is unloading something
niuriruq, dl. niuriruk, pl. niurirut

The man is unloading something from the airplane.
Aŋun niuriruq tiŋmisuutmiñ.

she is unloading it
niuriyaa or niurigaa, dl. niuriyaak, pl. niuriyaat

The woman is unloading the boat.
Aġnam niuriyaa umiaq.
to understand

she understood
kaŋiqsiruq, dl. kaŋiqsiruk, pl. kaŋiqsirut

She understood when her mother told her.
Kaŋiqsiruq aanami uqautipmani.

2. to not understand

he doesn’t understand
kaŋiqsiñġitchuq, dl. kaŋiqsiñġitchuk, pl. kaŋiqsiñġitchut

He did not understand because he didn’t listen.
Kaŋiqsiġitchuq takku naalaġniñġitḷuni.
its underside, ventral area, the area under something

The area under the house is dark.
Tupqum ataa taaqtuq.
ice cellar, underground cache, cold storage
siġḷuaq, dl. siġḷuak, pl. siġḷuat

The cold storage is located under the ground.
Siġḷuaq nunam iḷuani ittuq.

2. to be underground
nunam iḷuani it-

It is underground.
Nunam iḷuani ittuq.

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