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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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owl barred owl
naataqpak, dl. naataqpaak, pl. naataqpaich

The barred owl flies at night looking for food.
Naataqpak tiŋmiraqtuq unnuami niqiksraqsiuqhuni.

2. boreal owl, Richardson's owl
takpiiḷaaġruk, dl. takpiiḷaaġruuk, pl. takpiiḷaaġruich

The boreal owl can see best at night.
Takpiiḷaaġruk unnuami takpitḷugaqtuq.

3. great gray owl
naataq, dl. naatak, pl. naatat

The owl flies at night.
Naataq tiŋmiraqtuq unnuami.

4. hawk owl
niaquqtuaġruk, dl. niaquqtuaġruuk, pl. niaquqtuaġruich

The hawk owl feeds on small mice.
Niaquqtuaġruk niġisuuruq mikiruanik aviññiaġnik.

5. horned owl
nukisaġaq, dl. nukisiqqak, pl. nukisiqqat

The horned owl looks like it has horns.
Nukisaġaq naataq nagruqaqmatun ittuq.

6. short-eared owl
nipaiuktaq, dl. nipaiuktak, pl. nipaiuktat

The short-eared owl eats small mice.
Nipaiuktaq niġisuuruq aviññaġnik.

7. snowy owl
ukpik, dl. ukpiik, pl. ukpiich

The snowy owl is white.
Ukpik qatiqtuq.
oven -lit. roasting place- , also roasting, baking pan

An oven is used for baking bread.
Argiġvik qaqqiviginaqtuq.

2. oven

to bake bread

He is baking bread in the oven.
Qaqqiruq qaqqivikun.

3. to roast in the oven

he is roasting something in the oven
argiqsuq, dl. argiqsuk, pl. argiqsut

My mother is using the oven.
Aanaga argiqsuq argiġvikun.
one atausriq

to be one

there is one

There is one house there.
Atausriq tupiq tarani ittuq.

2. one thing
atautchiq, atausriq

One is left.
Atautchiq kisiŋŋuqtuq.
old person utuqqaq

something old
utuqqaq, dl. utuqqaak, pl. utuqqaich

2. old person
utuqqanaaq, dl. utuqqanaak, pl. utuqqanaat

My grandmother is old.
Aanaruaġa utuqqauruq.

3. to become old

It has become old.
stove oilikniġvium uqsrua or uqsruaġruk

2. fuel oil, lubricating oil
uqsruaġruk, dl. ugsruaġruuk, pl. uqsruaġruich

Fuel oil is expensive in the villages.
Uqsruaġruk or Ikniġvium uqsrua akisuruq nunaaqqiurani.

3. kerosene


seal oil
stove oil
stove oil, lubricating oil

stove oil
ikniġvium uqsrua

Here are nineteen caribou.
Uvva iñuiñaġuutaiḷaq tuttu.

I have nine younger brothers and sisters.
Quliŋuġutaiḷanik nukatchiaqaqtuŋa.
night night, last night
unnuaq, dl. unnuak, pl. unnuat

We worked hard last night.
Savałallaktugut unnuaq.

She went out at night.
Unnuami aniruq.

2. all through the night

They sang all night long.
Atuqtut unnuavak.

3. to become late in the evening, close to night

It is late in the evening.
Night is falling.
nest uvluun, dl. uvluutik, pl. uvluutit

The nest--a place where birds nest.
Uvluutit--tiŋmiurat ivvaviŋich.

2. to nest, to have young

it is nesting
ivaruq, dl. ivaruk, pl. ivarut

The duck is nesting on the lakeside.
Tiŋmiaġruk ivaruq narvam siñaani.
nailkikiak, dl. kikirrak, pl. kikiagich

The nail is sharp.
Kikiak ipiktuq.
muskratkigvaluk, dl. kigvalluk, pl. kigvaluich

The muskrat has a tail.
Kigvaluk pamiuqaqtuq.
mushroom -lit that which causes hands to come off, that which can cause one to have no hands
argaiġñaq, dl. argaiġñak, pl. argaiġñat

Don’t touch that mushroom.
Taamna argaiġñaq aktuqnagu.

SL. argaiyaġnaq

Some mushrooms are edible.
Argaiyaġnat iḷaŋich niġiñaqtut.
murre common murre
akpak, dl. akpaak, pl. akpaich

The common murre can fly.
Akpak tiŋmitḷaruq.
mukluk see also boot
kamik, dl. kammak, pl. kamŋich

My mukluks are new.
Kammaka nutauruk.

2. body border strip for hard bottomed mukluks, appr. one-half of an inch wide - made of bleached seal skin or leather

side strip of mukluk bottoms for soft bottomed mukluks
mother aana, aaka

my mother

your mother

her/his mother

My mother is cooking.
Aanaga igaruq.

2. Mother!
[to address mother]
moon -month-
tatqig, dl. tatqik, pl. tatqich

The moon provides light at night.
Tatqiq qaummatauraqtuq unnuami.

2. to be full -of moon-

The moon is full.
Tatqiq naaġuqtuq.

3. the moon has appeared
tatqiq nuiruq

The moon has appeared from behind the mountains.
Tatqiq nuiruq iñġich tunuatniñ.

4. The moon has begun to wane. The moon now rises later.
Tatqiq iqiatchaktuq.

5. for there to be bright moonlight

This evening, there is bright moonlight.
Anaqavak tatqiaġiksuq.
mittenaatqan, dl. aatqatik, pl. aatqatit

A mitten can be made from caribou skin.
Aatqan tuttum amianiñ piḷiñaqtuq.

2. three-fingered mitten
tikilik, dl. tikillak, pl. tikilgich

The pair of three-fingered mittens are made from soft tanned caribou skin.
Aatqatik tikillak iñiqsimaruk i
iqniġmiñ, tuttum amianiñ.
mirror mirror, reflector
taġġaqtuun, dl. taġġaqtuutik. pl. taġġaqtuutit

You can see your reflection in the mirror.
Qiñitlagiñ taġġan taġġaqtuutmi.

2. to look into a mirror

He is looking into the mirror.

Don’t stare into the mirror too much!
medicineiñuunniun, dl. iñuunniutik, pl. iñuunniutit

Medicine helps sick people.
Iñuunniun ikayuiraqtuq atniġñaqtuanik.

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