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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be rough -of surface-

it is rough, not smooth
qaiġiitchuq, dl. qaiġiitchuk, pl. qaiġiitchut

Tundra is rough, not smooth.
Qaiġiitchuq natiġnaq.

2. to be rough, having large waves -of water-

it is rough -of water-
qaiḷḷiqsuq, dl. qaiḷḷiqsuk, pl. qaiḷḷiqsut

The water is rough when it is windy.
Qaiḷḷiqsuq anuqłiqman.

3. to mistreat, to handle a person or something roughly

he treats -others- roughly
aŋallaqłuiruq, dl. aŋallaqłuiruk, pl. aŋallaqłuirut

He is mishandling the dogs.
Aŋallaqłuiruq qipmiñik.

4. to mistreat, to handle roughly

she is treating him roughly
aŋallaqłukkaa, dl. anallaqłukkaak, pl. aŋallaqłukkaat

Don’t treat your younger sibling roughly.
Aŋallaqłuknagu nukatchian.
to row

he is rowing
iputtuq, dl. iputtuk, pl. iputtut

He is rowing in the boat.
Iputtuq umiami.

2. oarlock

row boat
umiayauraq, dl. umiayaurak, pl. umiayaurat

A rowboat is used in summer.
Umiayauraq atuġnaqtuq auraġmi.
to rub

he is rubbing himself

She is rubbing lotion on herself.
Nanuktuq iŋmiñun nanuutmik.

he is rubbing it

She is rubbing melted duck fat on her baby’s chest for his chest cold.
Nanukkaa qitunġaurani qatigaakkun tiŋmiaġruum uqsruanik nuvaksikman.

My father is rubbing seal oil on his throat.
Taataa nanukkaa iggiani uqsrupiamik.

2. to rub, twist to soften an animal pelt

she is rubbing and twisting hide to soften it
uluktuq, dl. uluktuk, pl. uluktut

She is rubbing and twisting a skin.
Uluktuq ammimik. or
Ulukkaa amiq.
tulligauraq, dl. tulligaurak, pl. tulligaurat

The ruddy turnstone is hopping on the sandbar.
Tulligauraq tirrami nuttaqaqtuq.
rule, reign

to manipulate, supervise others or dogs

She is ruling the country.
Aŋalatchiruq nunaaqqimik.

2. to rule

she is ruling

3. to rule over others, to give commands to others

He ruled with an iron hand.
Atanniqsuiruq taluġnaqsipḷuni.

4. ruling power, leadership

Leadership of young people is fun.
Sivulliuqtaułiq nutaani quvianaqtuq.
to run -of person-

he is running
aqpaqsruqtuq, dl. aqpaqsruqtuk, pl. aqpaqsruqtut

The young man is running.
Nukatpiaq aqpaqsruqtuq.

2. to run in a race

she is running in a race
aqpaliutraqtuq, dl. aqpaliutraqtuk, pl. aqpaliutraqtut

The little boy is running in a race.
Nukatpialugruaq aqpaliutraqtuq.

3. to run out of, to be depleted
-iq [n-v]

to run out of water

There is no more water.

to run out of caribou

There are no more caribou.

to run out of wood

He ran out of wood.

My mother ran out of wood.
Aanaga qiruiqsuq.

4. runner rod, runner base for sled
sikuq, dl. sikuk, pl. sikkut

The runner is used for the sled.
Sikuq qiḷġiñun atuġaqtuq.

5. to run, to gallop -of a four-legged animal

it is running, it is galloping

The dogs ran.
Qipmich paŋaliktut.

The deer galloped away.
Tuttu paŋalikhuni pikiaqtuq.
to rush, to panic

she is rushing
uiruq, dl. uiruk, pl. uirut

They packed in a rush.
Uiŋŋaġmiŋ paqnaliqtuqtut.

2. to rush because of, to have as the cause of rush or panic

She rushed because of Christmas.
Uggisigigaa Aŋaayyuniqpałiq.

a rusted area or rusted object

Take its rusted part off.
Qałiġniŋa taamna piiġḷugu.

2. to rust

it has rusted, it is rusty

The tools have rusted.
Qałiġniġai savalġutit.
see advise

to admonish, to advise

She is admonishing him.

see fall
see bumblebee
see below
timi, dl. timik, pl. timit

The person’s body is in pain.
Iñuum timaa atniġñaqtuq.

It is not good when one’s body is aching.
Nakuunġitchuq timi una atniġñaqman.

2. body hair, pubic hair
mitquq, dl. mitquk, pl. mitqut
see also feather, hair

The body is hairy.
Timi mitquuruq.
-see berry-

a curly headed person

2. to curl hair

She has curled her hair.
Akałakkai nuyani.

3. to lie curled up -of a body-
imu-, see also fold

It lay curled up.

The dog lay curled up in a corner.
Qipmiq imullaŋniqsuq kaŋiġaluurami.
see also curl

to fold

she folded it
imugaa, dl. -obj.- imugik, pl. -obj.- imugai

She folded the clothes.
Imugai atnuġaat.

Here, fold this.
Uvva, immuuŋ una.

2. to fold arms inside of parka or to put something inside in the front of parka

he has folded his arms inside of his parka
qumiksuq, dl. qumiksuk, pl. qumiksut

The old woman has folded her arms inside of her parka.
Qumiksuq aaquaksraatchiaq.

She put the item that she was to take in the front of her jacket.
Qumikkaa saagaksrautni.
-see die-
see also disappoint

to become discouraged

he is discouraged
qapiqtuq, dl. qapiqtuk, pl. qapiqtut

The man who was leaving is discouraged.
Aŋun aullaġniaqtuaq qapiqtuq.
see foot
see eyeglasses

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