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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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see her
see also exist

he/she/it is

He is here.
Uvani ittuq.

Is it here?
Uvani itpa?
see he
see also fish, hook

to jig for mudshark with a multi-pronged hook

he is jigging, is hooking for mudshark
iqaktuqtuq, dl. iqaktuqtuk, pl. iqaktuqtut

He is hooking for mudshark.
Iqaktuqtuq tittaaliñun.
see also duck

red-breasted merganser
paisugruk, dl. paisugruuk, pl. paisugruich

The red-breasted merganser eats fish.
Paisugruk qaluktuġuuruq.

mesentery apron
itchauraq, dl. itchaurak, pl. itchaurat

Caribou and reindeer mesentery aprons are delicious.
Tuttullu qunŋiḷḷu itchauraŋich niġiruni kayumiktut.
one breast, milk

both breasts

The woman’s breasts are full.
Aġnam milluk immiqsuk.

2. to breastfeed someone

she is breastfeeding

3. to breastfeed

she is breastfeeding him

The mother is breastfeeding the baby.
Iyaalugruaq aanaŋan miluktitkaa.

4. nipple of breast

5. breast bone -sternum-
sakiak, dl. sakirrak, pl. sakiagich

The caribou’s breast bone is very delicious because it has some fat on it.
Tuttum sakiaŋi kayumiktut takku qaunnaqaqhutiŋ.

see also breast
to be safe; to be the right time to do

It is safe to do.

2. It is safe.
Iqsiñaitchuq. or
Navianaitchuq. or

Saliva aids in eating.
Innuq ikayuutauruq niġiruni.
taġiuligaurat qaqquurat

Give yourself up while salvation is here.
Qaiñŋuraġiñ anniqsuġiaq pakma inŋaan.
to be similar, to be the same

it is the same, there is no difference
atiruq, dl. atiruk, pl. atirut

The weather is the same all over.
Siḷa atiruq nanipayaaq.

Those two are alike.
Taapkuak atiruk.

The children are playing with sand.
Iyaalugruurat qavialiqirut.

2. sandbar, mile -measure-
tirraq, dl. tirrak, pl. tirrat

The sandbar is big.
Tirraq aŋiruq.
aluġun, dl. aluġutik, pl. aluġutit

The little girl puts on the sandal.
Aġnauram atigaa aluġun.

Sanderling is a bird’s name.
Tiŋmiuram atqa aqpaqsruqti.
to save, to rescue

he has saved her, he has rescued her

She saved him from the dogs.
Anniqsuġaa qipmiñiñ.

2. to save for later use, to store, to put away for later
tuvvaqsiḷḷak-, tugvaqsiḷḷak- or tutquqsiḷḷak-

She saved some for later use.

3. to save some for others, to have something left over

There is some left over.

4. to save some for others

She saved some for others.
-one who gives help-
anniqsuqti, anniqsuun

God is a savior.
Agaayyun anniqsuqtauruq.
to say, to speak, to utter

she said
nipliqsuq, dl. nipliqsuk, pl. nipliqsut

My mother said something at the meeting.
Aanaga nipliqsuq katimaruani.
fish scale
kavisiq, dl. kavitchik, pl. kavitchich

The fish scale is hard.
Kavisiq siqquqtuq.

2. weight scale
uqumaisilaaġun, dl. uqumaisilaaġutik, pl. uqumaisilaaġutit

The scale is heavy.
Uqumaisilaaġun uqumaitchuq.

3. to scale fish

She is scaling fish.

After fish are scaled, they are cut up and then dried.
Kavisiiqqaaqługich qaluich, siiŋñaqtut aasrii paniqtitlugich.

4. a fish scaler
kavisiiqsiñ, dl. kavisiiqsisik, pl. kavisiiqsisit

Traditional fish scalers are made of animal shoulder blade bones.
Kavisiiqsisipiat piḷiuġnaqtut kiasriŋñiñ.

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