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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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-for blood letting-
kappun, kappugauraq, dl. kappugaurak, pl. kappugaurat
qiliġuq or qilġuq, dl. qiliġuk, pl. qiliġut

The boy’s scar is long.
Nukatpiaġruum qiliġua takiruq.

2. a burn scar
uutinniq, dl. uutinnak, pl. uutinniġich

A burn scar is from fire or from hot water.
Uutinniq ikniġmiñ naaggaqaa uunaqtaamiñ imiġmiñ piraqtuq.
a scarecrow, originally a pile of rocks simulating a person used to drive caribou iñutaq, dl. iñutak, pl. iñutat

We do not see the original scarecrows as commonly as they did in the old days. Iñutanik taimanisun tautukkalaanġiqsugut.
to be scared

He is scared.

She is scared of him.
sallisik, pl. sallisit

Hand me the scissors.
Sallisik qaitkik uvamnun.
to scold

she is scolding

she is scolding him

He scolded her not to do that again.
Saukataġaa taatnatqiqunġitḷugu.
American scoter
uviññuaġayuk, dl. uviññuaġayuuk, pl. uviññuaġayuich

The American scoter whistles.
Uviññuaġayuk uviññuaġayuktuq.

2. common scoter
nayaŋŋaaq, dl. nayaŋŋaak, pl. nayaŋŋaat

The common scoter can fly.
Nayaŋŋaaq tiŋmitḷaruq.

3. surf scoter
tuunġaaġruk, dl. tuunġaaġruuk, pl. tuunġaaġruich

The surf scoter is black.
Tuunġaaġruk qiġñiqtuq.

4. white-winged scoter
killalik, dl. killallak, pl. killalgich

The white-winged scoter is a duck.
Killalik tiŋmiaġruuruq.
to scratch, leaving a mark

he scratched himself
qitchuktuq, dl. qitchuktuk, pl. qitchuktut

He scratched his arm.
Qitchuktuq taliġmigun.

she scratched him
qitchukkaa, dl. qitchukkaak, pl. qitchukkaat

He scratched his younger sister.
Qitchukkaa nukatchia.

2. to scratch on a surface, to scratch an itch

he is scratching himself
kumiktuq, dl. kumiktuk, pl. kumiktut

The man is scratching himself.
Aŋun kumiktuq.

he is scratching it

She is scratching the itch.
Kumikkaa kumaksruktuaq.
to scream and cry with pain

he is screaming, crying with pain
iḷasrialaruq, dl. iḷasrialaruk, pl. iḷasrialarut

He cried with pain when he broke his arm.
Iḷasrialaruq talliaqami.

2. to scream or shout

she is screaming, she is shouting
nipaalaruq, dl. nipaalaruk, pl. nipaalarut

The person is screaming because he is hurt.
Iñuk nipaalaruq atniqhuni.

3. to scream, shout

he is screaming, he is shouting

Shh! Don’t scream!
Ataa! Iġialanak!
taġium niġrutaa
-suitable for placing net-
alluvak, dl. alluvaak, pl. alluvaich

The seal’s breathing hole can hardly be seen.
Alluvak qiñiġnapqauraqtuq.
to be sad, despondent, depressed

she is sad, is despondent
ipiqtusruktuq, dl. ipiqtusruktuk, pl. ipiqtusruktut

He was sad when he was alone.
Ipiqtusruktuq kisimiitnami.

2. to be saddened by a loss

he is saddened by a loss, mourns over a loss
qigḷuktuq, dl. qigḷuktuk, pl. qigḷuktut

His mother is saddened because she lost her daughter.
Aanaŋa qigḷuktuq paniuraiqami.

3. to be sad, to be depressed, -lit. to be without happiness-

he is sad
quviitchuq, dl. quviitchuk, pl. quviitchut

She is depressed today.
Quviitchuq uvluvak.
uqsruq, dl. uqsruk, pl. uqsrut

Seal oil is made from seal blubber.
Uqsruq piḷiuġaġigaat natchium nutaġġiñġaŋaniñ.
puuq, dl. puuk, pl. puut

Long ago food was preserved in sealskin pokes.
Aippaani niqinik puunun niqausriraqtut.
to search for, to look for
pakak- or pakik-

she is searching
pakaktuq or pakiksuq

They are searching for the lost person.
Pakaktut tammaqtuamik.

she is searching for it
pakakkaa, dl. pakakkaak, pl. pakakkaat

The man is searching for his dog.
Aŋutim pakakkaa qipmiñi.
to add ingredients, to mix, to season food

he is seasoning it

She is seasoning the soup.
Avuuġaa suuq.
to become secure, safe, sheltered

it is secure, it is safe, it is sheltered

He is safe from the storm.
Aŋniġmiñ uqqitchuq.

2. to be secure, sturdy

It is sturdy and secure.

Make it secure and sturdy.
a security guard

qaunaksri iñuŋnik

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