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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to bend

to benefit from something

he benefited
ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtuq, dl. ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtuk, pl. ikayuusriaqaġviqaqtut

I benefited from the lesson.
Ikayuusriaqaġvigigiga taamna iḷḷiksaaq.
Ikayuusriaqaqtuŋa iḷḷiksaamiñ

berry berry, fruit
asriaq, dl. asriak, pl. asriat

Berries are good to eat.
Asriat niġiruni nakuurut.

2. bearberry -Arctostaphylos alpina-
tinnik, dl. tinniik, pl. tinniich

The bearberry is thick when chewed.
Tinnik kiniqtuq niġiruni.

3. bearberry -Arctostaphylos alpina-
kavlaq, dl. kavlak, pl. kavlat

The bearberry is bigger than the blackberry.
Kavlaq aŋitluktuq paunġamiñ.

4. blueberry
asriavik, dl. asriaviik, pl. asriaviich

The blueberry ripened.
Asriavik piŋŋuqtuq.

5. juniper berry
tulukkam asriaq, dl. tulukkam asriak, pl. tulukkam asriat

Juniper berries can be used for medicine.
Tulukkam asriaq mairisautlaruq.

There are lots of juniper berries on the hill.
Tulukkam asriat iñugiaktut ikpigaami.

6. red currant
niviŋŋaqutaq, dl. niviŋŋaqutak, pl. niviŋŋaqutat

A red currant is a berry and it is good to eat.
Niviŋŋaqutaq asriaŋuruq suli niġiruni nakuuruq.

7. salmonberry, cloudberry
aqpik, dl. aqpiik, pl. aqpiich

The salmonberry is orange when it is ripe.
Aqpik piŋŋuqami kaviaqtaaŋusruuruq.

8. crowberry, blackberry
paunġaq, dl. paunġak, pl. paunġat

He went to pick crowberries.

9. wild strawberry
ivgum asriaq, dl. ivgum asriak, pl. ivgum asriat

Wild strawberries are delicious.
Ivgum asriat nakuurut niġiruni.

10. rose hip berry
igruŋnaq, dl. igruŋnak, pl. igruŋnat

A rose hip berry is red.
Igruŋnaq kaviqsaaŋuruq.

11. trailing raspberry
tuunġaum asriaq, dl. tuunġaum asriak, pl. tuunġaum asriat

12. to pick berries

She is picking berries.

She went berrypicking.
to be better

It is better.

That one is better.
Nakuutluktuq taamna.

beyond it
uŋataani, dl. uŋataakni, pl. uŋataatni

What is beyond the sky?
Uŋataani qiḷaum sua itpa?

2. beyond reach

It is beyond his reach.
Ayuġaa taamna. or Ayuġnaqtuq.

to be big

It is big.

The ball is big.
Aqsraaq aŋiruq.

2. to be big, to be large
plus qpak-, plus pak-

a big house

a big spoon

a big person

a big ulu

He is a big man.


The bile of the pike can be eaten like a sauce.
Siulgum suŋaŋa avuginaqtuq niġiruni.


Give me the binoculars.
Iriġruak qaitkik uvamnun.
aimmaq, dl. aimmaak, pl. aimmaich

The basket is used for picking berries.
Aimmaq aullaqsruġniutnauruq.

bird a small bird
tiŋmiuraq, dl. tiŋmiurak, pl. tiŋmiurat

Birds are pleasant to hear.
Tiŋmiurat naalaktuaġnaqtut.

2. water ouzel: aanaruum kiviruq

3. savaanah sparrow: akitchiasrkhaq or akitchiaksraq

4. fox sparrow: ikłiġvik

5. yellow wagtail: iksriktaayuuq

6. robin: kanayuuraq

7. horned lark: nagrulik

8. belted kingfisher: nukuutchiqiq

9. Gambel’s or white-crowned sparrow: nuŋŋaqtuaġruk

10. gray-cheeked thrush: piiġaq

11. tree sparrow: pisiqpisiqpiisrkhaq

12. Alaska longspur: putukkiułuk

13. Smith’s longspur: putukkiułukpak

14. pine grosbeak: qayuutaaq

15. golden-crowned: qianaratuuq

16. common redpoll: saksakiuraq

17. myrtle warbler: siḷaluksiugauraq

18. whimbrel: siuttuvak

19. Arctic or yellow warbler: suŋaqpaluktuŋiq

20. varied thrush: siŋutluluuq

21. Bohemian waxwing: suluktatchialik

22. swallow: tulugaġnauraq

23. lesser yellow legs: tiŋmiam qipmia

24. wheatear: tiŋmiaqpauraq

25. flicker: tuuyusrugruk

26. chickadee: misiqqaaqauraq, misiqqaaqaq, iknisaiḷaq
to give birth

she has given birth -she has had a baby-
iġñiruq, dl. iġñiruk, pl. iġñirut

She has given birth to a baby boy.
Igñiruq aŋutmik.

2. afterbirth, placenta
alġaaq, dl. alġaak, pl. alġaat

3. the time or place of birth, birthday

His birthday is in May.
Sikuiġviŋmi anniviqaqtuq.

birthday to have a birthday

it is her birthday
anniviḷitchuq, dl. anniviḷitchuk, pl. anniviḷitchut

Have a happy birthday.
Quvianaġli anniviḷihiñ.

It is good that it is your birthday.
qaqquq, dl. qaqquk, pl. qaqqut

The biscuit is good to eat.
Qaqquq niġiruni nakuuruq.

the bit of a drill
sikuq, dl. sikkuk, pl. sikkut

The drill bit is not heavy.
Niuġautmun sikuq uqitchuq.

to take a bite of, to bite
kigisi-, kigi-

he has taken a bite of it
kigisiruq, dl. kigisiruk, pl. kigisirut

He has taken a bite of the bread.
Kigisiruq qaqqiamiñ.

he bites it
kigiyaa, dl. kigiyaak, pl. kigiyaat

The child has bitten the baby’s finger.
Iyaalugruam kigiḷiġaa paipiuram argaŋa.

2. to bite incessantly, to chew on

he is biting on something
kiŋmaqtuq, dl. kiŋmaqtuk, pl. kiŋmaqtut

She is chewing on her fingernail.
Kiŋmaqtuq kukiŋmiñik.

3. to bite -of a dog, animal-

it bit her
ugiaġaa, dl. ugiaġaak, pl. ugiaġaat

The dog bit him.
Qipmim ugiaġaa.

4. to be bitten by an animal

he was bitten
ugiaqtittuq, dl. ugiaqtittuk, pl. ugiaqtittut

Don’t get bitten now!

to taste sour, to taste bitter, to taste of bile

it is bitter
suŋaġnitchuq, dl. suŋaġnitchuk, pl. suŋaġnitchut

The unripe berry is bitter.
Suŋaġnitchuq quviqti.

The water is bitter.
Imiq suŋaġnitchuq.

qiġñiqtaaq, dl. qiġñiqtaak pl. qiġñiqtaat

2. to be black

it is black

qiġñiqtuq, dl. qiġñiqtuk pl. qiġñiqtut

The raven is black.

Tulugaq qiġñiqtuq.

rusty blackbird
tulukkam ittuq, dl. tulukkam ittuk, pl. tulukkam ittut

The rusty blackbird is smaller than a raven.
Tulukkam ittuq mikitluktuq tulukkamiñ.

iłuuqiñiq, dl. iłuuqiññak, pl. iłuuqiñġich

The blackfish lives in the water.
Iłuuqiñiq imiġmi itchuuruq.

to use as an excuse, to blame something for a reason

he blames him, he uses it as an excuse
patchisigigaa, dl. patchisigigaak, pl. patchisigigaat

The man blames him for taking his tools.
Aŋutim patchisigigaa piñipiḷugich savalġutini.

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