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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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itlu, dl. itluuk, pl. itlut

The boy is using a sling.
Nukatpiaġruum atuġaa itlu.
to slip

she has slipped and fell
qayuutchikaktuq, dl. qayuutchikaktuk, pl. qayuutchikaktut

The man slipped and fell.
Aŋun qayuutchikaktuq aasrii nallaqsraaqhuni.
to be slippery
quayaġnaq-, quuyaġnaq-

It is slippery.
Quayaġnaqtuq. or

The path is slippery.
Watch out now!
Apqun piaktuq.
qatchiraaq, dl. qatchiraak, pl. qatchiraat

The slope is higher than the ground.
Nunamiñ kiŋitluktuq qatchiraaq.
to be sloppy

he is sloppy
ichaŋaruq, dl. ichaŋaruk, pl. ichaŋarut

He is sloppy in his work.
Ichaŋaruq savaaġmiñi.
to be slow

it is slow
sukaitchuq, dl. sukaitchuk, pl. sukaitchut

The porcupine is slow when it walks.
Iḷuqutaq sukaitchuq pisrukami.

Slush ice is cold.
Miġaliq alappaaŋuruq.
to be sly

he is sly, is foxy
pitqiksuq, dl. pitqiksuk, pl. pitqiksut
to be small

it is small
mikiruq, dl. mikiruk, pl. mikirut

The house is small.
Tupiq mikiruq.
iŋaluaq, dl. iŋaluak, pl. iŋaluat

The small intestines are full.
lŋaluat immaukkaqtut.
to be smart

She is smart.
to smell, to sniff

he smells something

he smells it
naiyaa or naigaa

to continue to smell

she is smelling something

2. to smell bad

it smells bad

When meat is rotten, it smells bad.
Niqi auruaq aaqqaaŋuruq.

Phew! It stinks!

3. to smell strong, foul

it smells strong, foul -in animals-

That smells strong, foul.
Taamna mamaitchuq.

4. to smell good

it smells good

It smells good in here.
Tipraġiksuq uvani.
rainbow smelt
iłhuaġniq, dl. iłhuaġnaak, pl. iłhuaġniġich

Rainbow smelt are tasty.
Iłhuaġniġich kayumiktut.
to smolder

it is burning slowly, smoldering
ikualauraaqtuq, dl. ikualauraaqtuk, pl. ikualauraaqtut

The fire was burning slowly this morning.
Ikualauraaqtuq ikniq uvlaaq.
to put siding

he has put siding on it

My father has put siding on the new house he is building.
Saniqqiġaa taataa tuppiani.
to be smooth, level, flat

it is smooth, level, flat
qaiqsuq, dl. qaiqsuk, pl. qaiqsut

The floor is level.
Qaiqsuq natiq.
puyuq, dl. puyuk, pl. puyut

The smudge pot is used when there are lots of mosquitoes.
Puyuq atuġnaqtuq kiktuġiupman.
trail snack, traveling provisions [food]
taquaq, dl. taquak, pl. taquat

I have left my trail snack.
Taquaksrautiga unisiġniġiga.

2. to take a trail snack, to take travelling provisions

he has taken food for his trail snack
taquaqtuq, dl. taquaqtuk, pl. taquaqtut

The man has taken food for his snack along the trail.
Aŋun taquaqtuq apqutmi niqiksraġmiñik.

3. to have a snack before main dinner

Have this for a snack.
Itnatchimik taqqiutchiḷḷaktiġiñ.
kuukukiaq, dl. kuukukiak, pl. kuukukiat

The snipe is flying.
Kuukukiaq tiŋmiruq.
to snore

she is snoring
qamŋuiruq, dl. qamŋuiruk, pl. qamŋuirut

My father is snoring.
Taataga qamŋuiruq.

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