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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to work for, to serve a master

she is serving him

The girl is working for her father.
Aġnauram savautigaa taatani.

2. to serve food, to distribute

He served the people at the potlatch.
Autaaġai iñuich niġiñiaqtuat.
to settle down, to put away

he is settled in -having moved-, is putting things away
tutquqtuiruq, dl. tutquqtuiruk, pl. tutquqtuirut

She is settling in. She is putting her things away.
Suuraġmiñik tutquqtuiruq.

2. to settle at a place for a night or longer

he has settled at a place for a night or longer
nullaqtuq, dl. nullaqtuk, pl. nullaqtut

She has settled with us to stay for a night or longer.
Nullaqtuq uvaptitnun.

3. to get settled -in new surroundings
inillak-, inillagataq-

He finally got settled.
seventallimat malġuk

Seven people came.
Tallimat malġuk iñuich aggiqsut.
akimiaq malġuk

There are seventeen fish.
Tara akimiaq malġuk qaluich.
piñasrukipiaq qulit

There are seventy strings of white fish in the cache.
Piñasrukipiaq qulit uuyuraatchiat qalupiat uŋaluni ittut.
sew to sew

she is sewing

She is sewing her mittens.
Killaiyaqtuq aatgatmiñik.

She is sewing it.

She is sewing her mukluks.
Killaiyaġik kammaŋni.
-lit. instruments for sewing-

She treasures her sewing machine.
Anniġigai killaiyautini.
taġġaq, dl. taġġaak, pl. taġġaich

That shadow can be seen.
Taamna taġġaq tautuŋnaqtuq.
shake to shake hands, to wave

she shakes his hand
iḷaligaa, dl. [obj.] iḷaligik, pl. [obj.] iḷaligai

He shakes hands with the visitor.
Iḷaligaa iglaaq.

Shaking hands is an Iñupiaq custom.
Iñupiat atuumaraġigaat iḷaliiq.
to be shallow

it is shallow
ikkattuq, dl. ikkattuk, pl. ikkattut

The river is too shallow for boats.
Ikkattuq kuuk umiaqtuqtuni.

2. a shallow spot
ikkalġuq, dl. ikkalġuk, pl. ikkalġut

There is a shallow spot in front of our village.
Ikkalġuq ittuq saaŋani nunaaqqipta.
shaman, medicine man
aŋatkuq, dl. aŋatkuk, pl. aŋatkut

The shaman was powerful in the old days.
Taimani aŋatkuq saŋŋiruq.

2. a shaman who casts spells
-considered stronger than aŋatkuq-

The shaman causes things to happen to people.
Iḷisiiḷaq qanuqtitchiraqtuq iñuŋnik.

3. shaman supplied with a helping spirit
tuunġaqtalik, dl. tuunġaqtallak, pl. tuunġaqtalgich

4. shaman’s power or familiar spirit, conjuring spirit, divining rod -used by deviners, e.g. to foretell death or life of a sick person-
to be sharp

it is sharp
ipiktuq, dl. ipiktuk, pl. ipiktut

The knife is sharp.
Savik ipiktuq.
shave to shave -whiskers-

he is shaving [off his whiskers]
umŋiyaqtuq, dl. umŋiyaqtuk, pl. umŋiyaqtut

My father is shaving.
Taataga umŋiyaqtuq.

she is shaving him
umŋiyaġaa, dl. umŋiyaġaak, pl. umŋiyaġaat

My mother shaved my grandfather.
Aanaa umŋiyaġaa taataruaġa.
see he
entrance hall, storm shed
qanisaq, dl. qanisak, pl. qanisat

The shed has a door.
Qanisaq taluqaqtuq.
sii, dl. siik, pl. siich

They hook for shee fish along the river and in the large lakes.
Siich niksiksuġniaġaġiqaich kuuŋmi suli imaġruŋni.
sheep sheep, dahl sheep
ipnaiq, dl. ipnaik, pl. ipnaich

The sheep is white.
Ipnaiq qatiqtuq.
qakirvik, dl. qakirviik, pl. qakirviich

The shelf is full of books.
Qakirvik imaqaqtuq makpiġaanik.

2. cupboards

The cupboard is full of dishes.
Quliġuat imaqaqtut puggutanik.
to shine brightly -of sun-

it is shining brightly -of sun-

The sun is shining brightly.
Siqiñiq kirratchiaqtuq.

2. to shine, glitter, sparkle

it is shiny, is glittery, is sparkly
qivliqtuq, dl. qivliqtuk, pl. qivliqtut
-also qivliarauraqtuq-

The ring is sparkly.
Qivliqtuq qitiqłiġun.

3. to shine, glitter, sparkle

It is shining, glittering or sparkling.

I saw something sparkling across there.
Qivliarauraqtuamik qiñiqtuŋa aani.
umiaqpak, dl. umiaqpaak, pl. umiaqpaich

The boat is big.
Umiaqpak aŋiruq.

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