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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to be thick -of consistency-

It is thick.
Kiniqtuq. or

The soup is thick.
Kiniġniqsuq imiġaurriugaq.

2. to be thick -of measurement-

it is thick
mapturuq, dl. mapturuk, pl. mapturut

The cloth is thick.
Nukihaaq mapturuq.
[of human]
quptuġaq, dl. quptuqqak, pl. quptuqqat

The thigh is wider than the leg.
Quptuġaq siḷitluktuq niumiñ.
[of animal]
kiniġniq, dl. kiniġnaak, pl. kiniġniġich

The thighbone is broken.
Kiniġniq naviktuq.
tikiq, dl. tikkik, pl. tikiġich

A thimble is used for sewing.
Tikiq atuġnaqtuq killaiyaqtuni.
to be thin, watery -of consistency-

it is watery
piaktuq, dl. piaktuk, pl. piaktut

The gravy is thin, watery.
Qayusraaq piaktuq. or
Qayusraak piaktuq.

2. to be thin -of measurement-

it is thin
saattuq, dl. saattuk, pl. saattut

The paper is thin and tears easily.
Saattuq kaliikkaq suli aliyaruq.

3. to be thin, skinny

The caribou is skinny.
Tuttu pannauruq.

to become thin, dry

He has gotten skinny.
thing, wealth, possession
suuraq, dl. suurak, pl. suurat

The house has things.
Tupiq suuraqaqtuq.

2. things washed ashore, driftwood
tipraq, dl. tiprak, pl. tiprat

Small pieces of wood are washed ashore along the river.
Qiruurat tiprat tipiniġai kuugum siñaanun.
to think
isruma-, isrumagi-

she is thinking
isrumaruq, dl. isrumaruk, pl. isrumarut

He is thinking about what to teach for tomorrow.
Isrumaruq qanuq iḷisautriiksraġmiñik uvlaakun.

he is thinking of her
isrumagigaa, dl. isrumagigaak, pl. isrumagigaat

They thought of the person that they left behind.
Isrumagigaat taimña iñuk unisaqtiŋ.
qulit piñasrut

Here are thirteen plates.
Uvva qulit piñasrut puggutat.
iñuiñaq qulit

Over there are thirty people.
Iñña iñuiñaq qulit iñuich.
to be thirsty lit. to want to drink

he is thirsty
imiġuktuq, dl. imiġuktuk, pl. imiġuktut

He is thirsty for cold water.
Imiġuktuq nigliñaqtaamik imiġmik.
kakitḷaŋnaq, dl. kakitḷaŋnak, pl. kakitḷaŋnat
kakitḷaġnaq, dl. kakitḷaġnak, pl. kakitḷaġnat

The thorn is sharp.
Kakitḷaŋnaq ipiktuq.
see that
iggiaq, dl. iggiak, pl. iggiat

My throat is red.
Iggiaġa kaviqsuq.

2. she is clearing her throat
iggiaġiksaaqtuq, dl. iggiaġiksaaqtuk, pl. iggiaġiksaaqtut

He cleared his throat before he sang.
Iggiaġiksaaqtuq atuġaluaqani.

3. to have a sore throat
iggianŋu-, iggiaġiit-

he has a bad sore throat
iggiaġiitchuq, dl. iggiaġiitchuk, pl. iggiaġiitchut

She has a sore throat today.
Iggiaġiitchuq uvluvak.

He has a sore throat.
to throb

it is throbbing -as of the heart or the pulse-

Her veins are throbbing.
Taqaŋi tigliqtaqtut.

through or along down there, not visible

A fish is moving under the water.
Samuuna imġum ataagun qaluk igliqtuq.

2. through or along there, in or along the ocean, visible and covers a large area

We will travel on the ice.
Unuuna sikukun igliġisirugut.

3. through right here, by way of here

Go out through here.
Anniiñ uvuuna.

4. through around here

There is a trail through here.
Mauna samma tumiqaqtuq.
to throw something or someone away, to discard, to leave someone or something [no longer caring]

he is throwing -something or things- away
igitchiruq, dl. igitchiruk, pl. igitchirut

He threw away the trash.
Igitchiruq iktaksranik.

2. to throw, to discard, to leave [no longer caring]

she throws it away, discards it
igitkaa, dl. igitkaak, pl. igitkaat

He threw it away when it became empty.
Igitkaa imaiqman.

3. to throw -the immediate action-

he threw something
miḷuqsaqtuq, dl. miḷuqsaqtuk, pl. miḷuqsaqtut

he threw at it
miḷuqsaġaa, dl. [obj.] miḷuqsaġik, pl. [obj.] miḷuqsaġai

He threw it.

4. to hit, to throw repeatedly

he is throwing things repeatedly
miḷḷuuqtuq, dl. miḷḷuuqtuk, pl. miḷḷuuqtut

He is throwing rocks.
Iyaġaŋnik miḷḷuuqtuq.
gray-cheeked thrush
piiġaq, dl. piiġak, pl. piiġat

This thrush has gray cheeks.
Piiġaq iqsraġutiqaqtuq qirġiaqtaaŋnik.

2. varied thrush
siŋutluluuq, dl. siŋutluluuk, pl. siŋutluluut

The varied thrush is a bird.
Siŋutluluuq una tiŋmiurauruq.

The thunder is noisy when it’s close.
Kalluk nipituruq qanitnami.
thus, like this, this way

This is the way to tie it.
Itna qiḷiġñaqtuq.

2. that way
kanagaq, dl. kanakkak, pl. kanakkat

He broke his tibia when he fell.
Kanaqani piiyaqtiġniġaa katakami.

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