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The Kobuk Junior Dictionary is from the 1979 Alaska Native Language Center Publication, available for purchase for $30 the ANLC website.

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to tow

he is towing it
kalitkaa, dl. kalitkaak, pl. kalitkaat

The man is towing the boat.
Aŋutim kalitkaa umiaq.
see paper
inattuaq, iŋattuaq or iŋŋuaq

He is playing with toys.
Inattualiqiruq; Iŋattualiqiruq or Iŋŋualiqiruq.
tumi, dl. tumik, pl. tumit

The trail going up and down the hill is smooth.
Tumi mayuġiami qaiqsuq.

The animal’s tracks can be seen.
Aŋŋutim tumiŋi tautuŋnaqtut.
trail, path
apqun, dl. apqutik, pl. apqutit

There is his trail.
Tamarra apqutaa.

2. trail
tumitchiaq, dl. tumitchiak, pl. tumitchiat

Follow the trail.
Malguraġlugich tumitchiat.
[A long trail is spoken of in plural form because it consists of many trails]
to translate something
mumiksi-, mumik-

he is translating
mumiksiruq, dl. mumiksiruk, pl. mumiksirut

She has translated it.

He is translating the books.
Mumikkai makpiġaat.

2. to translate, to interpret

he is interpreting for another
uuyuuġaa, dl. [obj.] uuyuuġik, pl. [obj.] uuyuuġai

She is interpreting her speech.
Uuyuuġaa uqagman.

3. a translator

4. an interpreter
to travel, to move, to run [of an engine]

he is traveling, moving
igliqtuq, dl. igliqtuk, pl. igliqtut

He is traveling toward the south.
Igliqtuq tuŋaanun uŋallam.

2. to travel by boat

He traveled by boat on the river.
Umiaqtuqtuq kuuŋmi.

3. to travel by dog team

The man is traveling with dogs and a sled.
Aŋun uniaġaqtuq qipmiñik.

4. to journey downriver by boat

she is traveling downriver by boat
ataaqtuq, dl. ataaqtuk, pl. ataaqtut

The boat is going down river.
Umiaq ataaqtuq unuŋatmun.

5. People who have traveled, journeyed [a long distance] downriver by boat atarraat

6. to travel -quite a distance- upriver by boat

he has traveled -quite a distance- upriver by boat
tagraqtuq, dl. tagraqtuk, pl. tagraqtut

During spring after break-up, one can travel upriver by boat.
Upinġaami sikuiqman tagraġnaqtuq.

7. to go towards downriver

The man going downriver.
Aŋun uqquġmuktuq.

8. to go towards upriver

it is traveling up-river
argumuktuq, dl. argumuktuk, pl. argumuktut

The barge is heading up the river.
Umiaqpak argumuktuq.

9. to travel straight out from the shore

it is heading straight out from shore
avallaktuq, dl. avallaktuk, pl. avallaktut

The boat is heading straight out from the bank of the river.
Umiaq avallaktuq kuugum siñaaniñ.
traveler, stranger, visitor
iglaaq, dl. iglaak, pl. iglaat

The traveler had become cold.
Iglaaq qiqillaŋniġaa.
towards back there, distant

Go back there to the tundra.
Pavuŋa nunaviŋmun kilvaġiñ.

2. towards down there, downstairs
samuŋa, tasramuŋa

I’m going downstairs.
Samuŋa atqaġniaqtuŋa.

3. towards over there, in another house or structure, usually not visible

He went over to the school.
Amuŋa aglagviŋmun aullaqtuq.

4. towards over there, a large area, visible

The man went over there.
Aŋun avuŋa aullaqtuq.
to go on trial

When a person does wrong, he goes on trial.
Uqaqsitaaġuuruq iñuk savvaġlukami.
kuuġuq, dl. kuuqquk, pl. kuuqqut

There are many tributaries in Alaska.
Kuuqqut iñugiaktut Alaska-mi.
to be troubled

he is troubled, has a bad conscience
iłuiḷḷiuqtuq, dl. iłuiḷḷiuqtuk, pl. iłuiḷḷiuqtut

She was troubled when her daughter got lost.
Iłuiḷḷiuqtuq panni tammaqman.
to be true

it is true
iḷumutuuruq, dl. iḷumutuuruk, pl. iḷumutuurut

What he said is true.
Taamna uqautigikkaŋa iḷumutuuruq.

2. truthfully, truth

He is speaking the truth. or
He speaks truthfully.
Iḷumutun uqaqtuq.

3. the truth, that which is true
to be trustworthy

He is trustworthy.
tug of a sled
qitiġaġun, dl. qitiġaġutik, pl. qitiġaġutit

The tug is used on a sled.
Qitiġaġun atuqtuq qiḷġiñi.
flat tundra
natiġnaq, dl. natiġnak, pl. natiġnat

There are many plants on the flat tundra.
Nauriat iñugiaktut natiġnami.

2. undulating tundra
nunavik, dl. nunaviik, pl. nunaviich

The tundra has lots of berries.
Nunavik asriaŋuruq.
nautnaq, dl. nautnak, pl. nautnat

Tundra cotton grows on the tundra.
Nautnat nausruurut natiġnami.
to turn head

she turned her head
kiŋiaqtuq, dl. kiŋiaqtuk, pl. kiŋiaqtut

He turned his head when he heard something behind.
Kiŋiaqtuq tusraa’ami tunumiñiñ.

2. to turn the head to look

He turned his head to look.

She turned her head briefly and quickly.

3. to turn one’s back on a person, to turn around to face the other direction

she has turned around
tunuttuq, dl. tunuttuk, pl. tunuttut

They turned to face the other direction when told to do so.
Tunuttut tunutqukmatiŋ.

he has turned his back on him
tunutkaa, dl. tunutkaak, pl. tunutkaat

He has turned his back on his wife.
Aġnaqtiŋ tunutkaa.

4. to turn off, extinguish a light, fire

he has turned it off, extinguished it
qamitkaa, dl. qamitkaak, pl. qamitkaat

He has extinguished the fire.
Qamitkaa iki.

5. to become extinguished

It has extinguished itself or it has been extinguished.

The fire is out.
Ikniq qamiruq.

6. to turn over, to flip, to change

she has turned over, changed, repented
mumiksuq, dl. mumiksuk, pl. mumiksut

He turned over in his sleep.
Siñiktuaq mumiksuq.
maniq, dl. mannak, pl. manġich

There is a tussock on the tundra.
Maniq nunaviŋmi ittuq.
qulit malġuk

I bought twelve cups.
Tauqsiġitka qulit malġuk qallutit.

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